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  1. _twitch

    Things that maybe should be added to kitpvp

    I personally thing that the moth rewards needed to be buffed up because some times you wait at Koth for 5minutes ans could be longer considering people can be knocked and most of the time you get a fishing rod or a p3 chestplate. I also think that killstreaks should be buffed so when people...
  2. Ez_Angel

    Reset KitPvP

    After over two years isnt it time to reset?
  3. F

    Stats on Kitpvp are messed up

    The Stats on kitpvp got kinda reseted for some players, some players lost 10k kills or eveb more. Is there a way to restore the kills?
  4. MrTunaK

    I get ban for nothing?

    Firstly i am sorry for my bad english because i am Turkish. I was fighting with MercuryGFX -he was staff- and i was hitting while jumping because i want to hit critical then MercuryGFX ban me. I got ban at 2020-02-01. I was just want to hit critical. My nickname is 'ImMuniez'. I was Legend in...
  5. A

    Mute Appeal ;D

    Soooo um yeah, I got muted (permanently) cuz I was swearing excessively. and other various reasons previously. as much a i try to watch my "mouth", so to speak, sometime I lose control of what im typing, and i begin to start typing what comes to mind, and I understand that this is no excuse, but...
  6. A

    Possible Glitch (Nothing Immediate or Big)

    This isnt anything too big, just something someone said in chat that threw me off a little bit. Darric (on kit pvp) claimed he had infinite Strength 2, this isn't immediate or big, it could just be a simple glitch.
  7. A

    I lost my rank and Level

    So I changed my MC IGN today, and as soon as i tried to rejoin kitpvp, it asked me to /register again, so i did. and when i lo9gged on to kit pvp, my rank and level were gone. Old IGN: ApexGlide NewIGN: ApexBlackjack
  8. RcBruder

    Giveaway winners! freestuff

    JBgamy firebolt102 BabyMagnum SwaggySenpai sendit Congrats to those who win and you will receive your kits when i see you on! Thanks!