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help me please

  1. W

    Purchased item didn't receive yet

    I purchased samurai rank on 01/01/2025. When i purchased i received a Email that said confirm your email and i did . And when i was logging it reset pages and i lost my transection ID . Is there possible way to get it in other way. If i can get it i can complain to payment support. i have my...
  2. J

    zombie spawner isnt spawning zombs

    hello. im not sure what to do here since all my other mobs are spawning well (mobs before zombie). do i have to make a roof above? do i have to make the area dark? or do i need to use a certain block as the ground?
  3. E

    the iron is already claim

    i need help as this annoy when i vote i find that i voted 7 times and got 6 keys why this happen need help who know what to do help if this problem continue i wont vote again for this server
  4. AryaVaidehi

    Survival server got reset so i lost my friends :(

    hii! I am aryaVaidehi and i am a player from your server. i joined in the server today and got in the survival server. i saw that the whole lobby has been changed. i tried to go my home but i didn't teleported to my house. and i found that the maps have been reset. i have lost everything...
  5. M

    how do I get back to my normal island??

    Hello, I'm MrCamper2000 and I accidentally set my spawn in the nether and now I don't come to the normal island anymore and I don't want to put it back because a lot of time has flowed into this island. Is there a possibility other than reset to undo it?
  6. CyberChiken

    How to remove /is setwarps

    I have problem about my /is warps cause I cant remove them. thanks for the help
  7. M

    i got banned for client modification by console

    I entered my skyblock island just now and i was glitching on a dirt block and the server kicked me , i went back and tried to crouch and move out but it again kicked me , then i tried the third time and tried to break the dirt block i was on , but before i could break it i was banned for 1hr. i...
  8. E

    Minecraft crashing due to firework particles in mcmmo fights, HELP

    My minecraft crashes whenever someone uses mcmmo on me or when I try to use superbreaker(I believe that is what it is called)(Also in the bedwars lobby trying to use the booster gadget) . I looked up for a solution in the mcmmo github page but according to one of the threads I read, the only...
  9. L

    My spawner disappeared

    I need help. My Iron golem spawner just disppeared and I can't take this again. I loose all of my money and I'm sad now.
  10. M

    S.O.S Staff

    Hello all well? I came to say that I was fined by MrFrenco, I am from Brazil and I am translating the message, on the server I speak in Portuguese and was mutated by an inappropriate word but did not say anything inappropriate. My nickname is: matetomala1. help me
  11. hijackrusty

    Classic SkyBlock: Starter Guide!

    Hey Guys! :p Just got a bit bored and thought I'd write this Starter tips guide for anyone new joining the server or anyone new to skyblock! I know it's been done before but it's always easy to see a new thread when you're new on the forums! Where to begin? Firstly start off by getting yourself...
  12. M

    New Face.

    I am Mike , My ign is Mike_Sems123 i am new to the server but currently banned and the ban was at 27/11/16 , I haven't played that long yet I started playing at april and I don't know why I got banned , Please help
  13. Y

    Unsupported Protocol version 107

    GUUUYS.. Pls help me! i never played the server yet cus i keep getting this error. ;A; I really want to play. can anyone please help me how to get rid of the error??
  14. M


    Hello I was just hacked on the server and they changed my password in the game so I can't log-in. My username is Michael_More. I have spent a lot of time on this server and can you please help me get my account back!
  15. Navythe_slayer

    Rank Tranfer (Please Read).

    I Under stand that you guys don't really do rank to another server. I was on Pika-Craft for while now and the some game modes have been added and removed which was annoying due to the resets and different servers. Since Skyblock fire was removed alot of people who played skyblock fire left the...
  16. iMzSpEedY


    Here you can post all your ideas for the EULA problem! Please think of as much and as good possible to keep Pika running!
  17. R

    my rank got reset help me plz i was titan help help help

    my rank got reset help me plz i was titan in game name reganboii123
  18. T

    Staff doesnt care about me

    I posted ban appeal 3 days ago and it has 4 views with 0 replies, i tried somehow to contact as other staff member as possible but noone cares about me