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  1. Leagend77777

    Bug While Making Appeal

    Hi I'm Leagend77777 There Is False Perm Mute On My Alt And I Can't Make Punishment Appeal On Punishment Appeal Forum, How That I Can't Upload Photo I Tried Everything Like Changing The Photo To Png To JPEG but Still I Can Not Make Appeal What Should I Do ?
  2. WookiesRPpl2_

    Pika Network Ranks and Titles (Forums+ In Game)

    Disclaimer: I am not the only person to write a thread like this. I took heavy inspiration from another thread which is probably much better than this one. I recommend giving it a read too. Original Thread: Forums + In Game Ranks: CraftiGames Ranks: Owner: This Rank is unobtainable. Given...
  3. Newplayer24

    ores 2 gkit & ssnl crate armor skin bug

    I claim the armor skin voucher from ssnl crates but it is unworkable. The ores 2 gkit have the same problem which I spent 1.5k gold but got the ores 1 gkit. Anyone have the same problem as me?
  4. MrSpeedy35

    Forum Ranks & Titles

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ PIKANETWORK FORUM RANKS & TITLES ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ CraftiGames Employee Ranks ➤ These ranks are given to CraftiGames employees. Owner This rank is reserved for the owners of CraftiGames, so this rank is unobtainable. Max...
  5. MrRandom737

    [Helpful] [Forums] Your Forum Ranks

    Your Forum Ranks in PikaNetwork. Ranks are what make you more of a upper-class player in the server. Lets see what their purpose and reward is. Great Reporter Rank It requires you to be on the website, Discord and server a lot of times. You will have to report them and get it accepted. So...
  6. MrSpeedy35

    [Guide] The Perfect Forum Signature

    Creating the Perfect Forum Signature How to get your signature: The first step to creating a good forum signature is getting to the signature box. On the top right side of this page, click your profile. Then click the "Signature" button showed in the image. Normal Text : This is the most...
  7. D

    Closed Chatcolors

    I saw people using some colors in forums messages like (green, yellow, red, lightblue...) Id like to know how to do it same as some people.
  8. slayfoxjr7

    Hello There , I am Slayfoxjr7.

    Hello everyone, I am slayfoxjr7 i am a Old Minecraft Player who played minecraft for Over 7 - 8 whole Years, i am Now 17 years old and i do stuff like Coding , Moding things, Helping people in other severs that i am staff on and Chilling with my work and love doing my hobbies . i have been...
  9. krsy123

    How do some people send replies shorter than 6 words?

    We all know that there is a filter which only allows you to send a message/reply if you wrote more than 6 words. I see some people however, reply with only an emoji and, nothing else. or some people just say "same" and, the reply is sent normally. When I try that however, It still says that I...
  10. Arrly

    How to design a good signature?

    Hello everyone, I was wondering how to design a good signature on the forums recently. I tried out a lot of options, but since the signature limit has an 8-lines limit for normal players, I couldn't fit many things in it, which started bothering me. In the end, I ended up with what you see right...
  11. UpperGround

    New forums

    Hello peeps, you can use this thread as a discussion thread regarding the new forums update. some things id like to point out. 1) the font, omg.. my eyes 2) blue looks nice ngl, red was good anyway. its looking good, but still i cant imagine opening this site in a dark environment... my eyes...
  12. UpperGround


    is it me or profile pictures have a ugly white outline on forums? http://prntscr.com/u7l45n its looking ugly af
  13. D

    Closed Forums name change

    Hey, I made this account 3 years ago and would like to have a one time name change to "Dwalic". I made this account 3 years and 6 months ago so would really prefer not to have to make another account, Thanks.
  14. UpperGround

    make this thread #1 replied/viewed

    a remake of the old one, just reply or say whatever you want make nonsense or whatever dont break the rules farm enjoy dont disturb anyone enjoy again enjoy even more there u go
  15. V

    =-= Plots Tutorial Thread =-=

    HOW TO USE PLOTS AND COMMANDS Hello there! This is a quick tutorial on how to use plots in general. Are you clueless of what they are or how to use them? You are in the right place. So here is the structure of the thread: - Basics - How to use plots - What they do - Greetings BASICS So you...
  16. EzHackusate__

    [Suggestion] Forum - Dark Theme

    Server It's on forums Suggestion Add a dark theme on forums. Reason Dark theme looks cool and can avaoid eye strain Example just imagine all white stuffs will be black and black will be white (not including pics and the background)