as you know pika have a lot of cheater please add /report command and the bedwars moderator we are tierd of cheater there is a very low anti cheat and low moderators
we can't play well please add some bedwars moderator[/ISPOILER][/ispoiler]
SIDE NOTE: I do not recommend hacking on any server because it will ruin the experience for others and will get you banned on servers, and the same goes for promoting said hacked client(s) because it might get you muted/banned on the server that promoted on, Thanks
The best way to defeat or...
My friend (Dragonxdlol) got banned for using flight hacks and always admit he doesnt use hacks. Sooo I was asking my friend to play with me on bedwars then after that my friend shared me a screenshot of his ban, I asked him once "Did you use hacks tell the truth please." He said "DUDE WHY WOULD...
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