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Update Survival - Help us with next the update! | July the 12th 2021

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Legendary Pika
Jun 29, 2020
1. Dont remove pvp, alot of things changed in pvp and most of the pvpers got peace together.
2. Add /expbottle back it was a nice way to store exp instead of putting it in the clanbank.
3. Reset the endworld and the nether, not every week but maybe each 2 weeks it will reset.
4. Add /quests back or make /levels easier.
5. Add another way to get gold coins.
1. i dont know pvp cause toxicity sometimes so i dont rlly know
2. I agree with expbottle thats a great way to store experience levels
3. Agreed
4. Agreed
5. Agreed


Legendary Pika
Jun 29, 2020
would be cool if you buffed wizard rank, like give it the /speed command
well i agree but about buffs on ranks /speed may be too op for wizard but noble is balanced for speed flyspeed and god


Epic Pika
Jun 9, 2021
1. Please make the end dimension more access able by reducing player level to 10 or something.

2. Please make the player level mission more clear as I faced issues in doing some of the missions .

3. Please make the player level bug free (I have reported a bug recently).

4. Please make a way to make money easier ((this is a example)* as in black market you sell iron for 5$ and the next day I can buy iron for 20$ each from black market)*.

5. Please remove eff 5+ enchants or make it easier to get them .

6. please make a separate arena for boss fight which will make getting beacons easier or you can earn money by wining the fight.

7. Please let us use the resource world just like other world ( we can tp to the last location in resource world even if we have a trip to other world)*.

8. Please make the starter guide more informative .

9. Please make a separate section for commands in the starter guide as there is no specific way to know what command does what.

10. Please make something like property paper ( the claim land paper just like real life ) so we can trade with it.

Thank you in advance,

Discord :
Alan Leaf#9121
this is not op prison ;-;


New Member
Jul 14, 2021

Survival - PikaNetwork 2021

Greetings PikaCrafters,

Within this post, we would like to talk about the Survival gamemode on pika network.

To begin with, we, as PikaNetwork, want to hear some suggestions, ideas, and feedback. In order for us to succeed in this reset, we rely on you, so that being said. We want to know what you want to see in the new reset. If you’ve encountered anything that is too overpowered or ruins the server, let us know and we will look into it.

We would like to give the community the opportunity to let us know what you would like to see within a reset, if there are any features that need to be added, if there is anything we should remove with a reset or you could help us by listing all the bugs that need to be fixed.

Please leave anything you want us to know on this post, we’re giving you the chance to help us create the best survival experience we can possibly give. The more detail the better, if you can tell us everything you want us to add perfectly, our team can do a better job at implementing it. If we love your ideas, we might contact you so watch your messages!

So we are now taking all player feedback and suggestions for survival so that we can develop something that the community would like to see.

To start off will I ask some questions.

  • Vanilla generated biomes.
  • Update to the latest 1.17 update
  • Rebalance of the playerevels.
  • Fix all current bugs
  • Nether claiming enabled
  • Update all plugins in general.
  • ???
  • `Your suggestions here`

Please take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
You can also let us know what you think of the current ideas we have and why we should add them or not.

Please improve your anti cheat or some way to detect no kB hacks because I have faced 10-15 people who don't get affected even after I hit them with kB sticks


Moderator & Event Manager
Staff Member
Dec 28, 2016
Excited for this new update and play again.

- Add back Phantoms; It doesn't make sense to remove a mob that's part of the original game because people get "annoyed" by it. And since it has its own uses such as repairing Elytra(s) [Don't even mention that a lot of people can just use /fix]. It can also be used to brew slow falling potion and that potion is useful for people without /fly and it's fun to use. (Defo suggest having fun with it lol)

- Add back /pay command; Rather than just using /banknotes, that people are able to dupe, add back the /pay command and/or add "ADD MONEY" button in the /trade GUI when trading with other players to avoid scams.

- Remove the level cap to enter the End World, remove the end portal in spawn and/or enable the generated portals again; If the first one 'Remove the level cap' is not possible since it also adds fun and challenge in the game, at least remove the End Portal in spawn and enable the generated portals so people can claim, monopolize, and let others use it (with payment or free).

- Disable /fly in the End World; It has been suggested a few times already as far as I know but disabling fly in the End World would make it fair since people with /fly monopolize all the Elytras in the end world and players without /fly barely manages to find an End City and it ends up being looted already by people with /fly enabled.

- Add back the possibility to apply for a warp; This suggestion has once been accepted by vood, already before this current season but sadly was said to not be currently possible by Gunfire. I doubt that it's still not possible since the connection of each world has been improved and now better. This would allow players to create their own places and apply for a warp, only places with public attractions should be approved; player cities, malls, shops, minigames by players, etc. Excluding places with only farming as purpose with only 1 thing such as a Solo Guardian Farm, Solo Spawner Farms as they are not that in demand.

- PvP Zone/Area; I've been seeing a lot of suggestions to remove the PvP Area but that should not be the case. Yes it does add toxicity in the community but people go there on their own accord knowing that there are teams, that's why Clans exists and they're purely dumb to not realize that it's possible to team up and gang up on people there. It also adds fun for Clans, doesn't matter if it gives off toxicity since Clans are made to compete or team up. Removing the PvP Area would remove one fun factor in survival which is getting OP Gears and then proceeding to take the risk in PvP.

- Remove/Change the Clan Upgrade Rewards; Claimblocks as reward should not be there or should be changed as it is abused by players. Players creating and leveling up clans and then proceeding to disband it only for the sake of getting claim blocks. [Not suggesting a change in rules but an addition] If possible add a specific rule under survival that abusing clan level to gain claim blocks is punishable.

- Nerf Donator Kits; Speaking from a perspective of a Noble Ranked player, I find the kits way too OP for starting. It should be nerfed to balance the game in terms of acquisition of items.

- Expand both Nether and End Worlds; A few days after resets, the worlds are already a mess especially the nether so expanding the borders of the Nether would be really helpful and good. As for the End world, it is only for the sake of more End Cities spawning as it is looted quite fast everytime.

- Make red stone more accessible; Lower the limiter on red stone usage, yes some can cause lag but there are a lot of useful contraptions that aren't able to work due to red stone being limited.

- Update to 1.17; It might cause unforeseen bugs and other things but will also be able to provide feedbacks on what to improve/fix on the current version to have no problems in the future.

- Add back [item] & [inventory]; these chat commands are quite useful and essential(kind of) in showing what you sell, what you have and other general uses.


- Allow the spawning of Wither(s); As far as I know, wither spawning has been disabled, and I suggest enabling it again since it's fun hunting wither skeletons, acquiring wither skeleton skulls and spawning wither(s) for nether star. Also a good mob for a fun hunting experience in-game. Also would allow people to create a custom boss bar in their places especially player-owned public places.

- More items that can be used in /rename; Past suggestion by tozztozzo got accepted and some items from the list of accepted items that can be renamed can't still be renamed such as elytra(s), nametag(s), banner(s), and shulker(s) (not sure about the other listed items). Especially being able to rename nametag(s) would be useful.

[ found the past suggestion here: https://pika-network.net/threads/rename-all-items.90497/ ]
Last edited:


Great Reporter
Jan 18, 2021
Excited for this new update and play again.

- Add back Phantoms; It doesn't make sense to remove a mob that's part of the original game because people get "annoyed" by it. And since it has its own uses such as repairing Elytra(s) [Don't even mention that a lot of people can just use /fix]. It can also be used to brew slow falling potion and that potion is useful for people without /fly and it's fun to use. (Defo suggest having fun with it lol)

- Add back /pay command; Rather than just using /banknotes, that people are able to dupe, add back the /pay command and/or add "ADD MONEY" button in the /trade GUI when trading with other players to avoid scams.

- Remove the level cap to enter the End World, remove the end portal in spawn and/or enable the generated portals again; If the first one 'Remove the level cap' is not possible since it also adds fun and challenge in the game, at least remove the End Portal in spawn and enable the generated portals so people can claim, monopolize, and let others use it (with payment or free).

- Disable /fly in the End World; It has been suggested a few times already as far as I know but disabling fly in the End World would make it fair since people with /fly monopolize all the Elytras in the end world and players without /fly barely manages to find an End City and it ends up being looted already by people with /fly enabled.

- Add back the possibility to apply for a warp; This suggestion has once been accepted by vood, already before this current season but sadly was said to not be currently possible by Gunfire. I doubt that it's still not possible since the connection of each world has been improved and now better. This would allow players to create their own places and apply for a warp, only places with public attractions should be approved; player cities, malls, shops, minigames by players, etc. Excluding places with only farming as purpose with only 1 thing such as a Solo Guardian Farm, Solo Spawner Farms as they are not that in demand.

- PvP Zone/Area; I've been seeing a lot of suggestions to remove the PvP Area but that should not be the case. Yes it does add toxicity in the community but people go there on their own accord knowing that there are teams, that's why Clans exists and they're purely dumb to not realize that it's possible to team up and gang up on people there. It also adds fun for Clans, doesn't matter if it gives off toxicity since Clans are made to compete or team up. Removing the PvP Area would remove one fun factor in survival which is getting OP Gears and then proceeding to take the risk in PvP.

- Remove/Change the Clan Upgrade Rewards; Claimblocks as reward should not be there or should be changed as it is abused by players. Players creating and leveling up clans and then proceeding to disband it only for the sake of getting claim blocks. [Not suggesting a change in rules but an addition] If possible add a specific rule under survival that abusing clan level to gain claim blocks is punishable.

- Nerf Donator Kits; Speaking from a perspective of a Noble Ranked player, I find the kits way too OP for starting. It should be nerfed to balance the game in terms of acquisition of items.

- Expand both Nether and End Worlds; A few days after resets, the worlds are already a mess especially the nether so expanding the borders of the Nether would be really helpful and good. As for the End world, it is only for the sake of more End Cities spawning as it is looted quite fast everytime.

- Make red stone more accessible; Lower the limiter on red stone usage, yes some can cause lag but there are a lot of useful contraptions that aren't able to work due to red stone being limited.

- Update to 1.17; It might cause unforeseen bugs and other things but will also be able to provide feedbacks on what to improve/fix on the current version to have no problems in the future.

- Add back [item] & [inventory]; these chat commands are quite useful and essential(kind of) in showing what you sell, what you have and other general uses.
We can just add 8 hour of cooldown for PvP Zones, with this idea wars can be stop.

Or limited player for pvp, limit only 15 player in pvp will reduce war quantities.


Great Reporter
Jan 18, 2021
Um, if its possible make it so we can join with 1.8.9 :p
It's not gonna be possible, joining a 1.17 version with 1.8.9 will crash your game, by that I mean item like netherite / trident or other items exclusive above 1.8.9 will not exist. It also not work with PvP, due to how !.16.5 can do crit while 1.8.9 player can only spam hit.


Legendary Pika
Mar 17, 2016
I have updated my post at first page of this topic. Please take a review and leave a like if you agree. Thanks


Aug 16, 2019
Excited for this new update and play again.

- Add back Phantoms; It doesn't make sense to remove a mob that's part of the original game because people get "annoyed" by it. And since it has its own uses such as repairing Elytra(s) [Don't even mention that a lot of people can just use /fix]. It can also be used to brew slow falling potion and that potion is useful for people without /fly and it's fun to use. (Defo suggest having fun with it lol)

- Add back /pay command; Rather than just using /banknotes, that people are able to dupe, add back the /pay command and/or add "ADD MONEY" button in the /trade GUI when trading with other players to avoid scams.

- Remove the level cap to enter the End World, remove the end portal in spawn and/or enable the generated portals again; If the first one 'Remove the level cap' is not possible since it also adds fun and challenge in the game, at least remove the End Portal in spawn and enable the generated portals so people can claim, monopolize, and let others use it (with payment or free).

- Disable /fly in the End World; It has been suggested a few times already as far as I know but disabling fly in the End World would make it fair since people with /fly monopolize all the Elytras in the end world and players without /fly barely manages to find an End City and it ends up being looted already by people with /fly enabled.

- Add back the possibility to apply for a warp; This suggestion has once been accepted by vood, already before this current season but sadly was said to not be currently possible by Gunfire. I doubt that it's still not possible since the connection of each world has been improved and now better. This would allow players to create their own places and apply for a warp, only places with public attractions should be approved; player cities, malls, shops, minigames by players, etc. Excluding places with only farming as purpose with only 1 thing such as a Solo Guardian Farm, Solo Spawner Farms as they are not that in demand.

- PvP Zone/Area; I've been seeing a lot of suggestions to remove the PvP Area but that should not be the case. Yes it does add toxicity in the community but people go there on their own accord knowing that there are teams, that's why Clans exists and they're purely dumb to not realize that it's possible to team up and gang up on people there. It also adds fun for Clans, doesn't matter if it gives off toxicity since Clans are made to compete or team up. Removing the PvP Area would remove one fun factor in survival which is getting OP Gears and then proceeding to take the risk in PvP.

- Remove/Change the Clan Upgrade Rewards; Claimblocks as reward should not be there or should be changed as it is abused by players. Players creating and leveling up clans and then proceeding to disband it only for the sake of getting claim blocks. [Not suggesting a change in rules but an addition] If possible add a specific rule under survival that abusing clan level to gain claim blocks is punishable.

- Nerf Donator Kits; Speaking from a perspective of a Noble Ranked player, I find the kits way too OP for starting. It should be nerfed to balance the game in terms of acquisition of items.

- Expand both Nether and End Worlds; A few days after resets, the worlds are already a mess especially the nether so expanding the borders of the Nether would be really helpful and good. As for the End world, it is only for the sake of more End Cities spawning as it is looted quite fast everytime.

- Make red stone more accessible; Lower the limiter on red stone usage, yes some can cause lag but there are a lot of useful contraptions that aren't able to work due to red stone being limited.

- Update to 1.17; It might cause unforeseen bugs and other things but will also be able to provide feedbacks on what to improve/fix on the current version to have no problems in the future.

- Add back [item] & [inventory]; these chat commands are quite useful and essential(kind of) in showing what you sell, what you have and other general uses.
Totally agreed with most of your suggestions but I still believe that updating to 1.17 with the current bugs and the huge duping problem is not the best choice. About pvp by what you said I can easily tell that you've never been there. Current pvp is not about competing against other clans. It's more like taking revenge or even in rare occasions to threaten some1. I've even seen people threatening other players to give them money or else they would kill them in pvp which was honestly disgusting. The pvp situation is out getting out of control and needs to be stopped. I don't know if removing it completely is the best decision but I think that they must do something to prevent all those behaviors
From my point of view survival should not be a toxic pvp gamemode like factions and is supposed to be a chill place where everyone is friendly. At least that was my experience in all the previous seasons I've played. Two seasons ago there wasn't pvp and the funny thing is that it was for me and many others considered as one of the best survival seasons. Everyone was friendly, cool and we never really saw any hate or toxic messages. And we never got bored of it. Now Everytime I get on survival I get demotivated since the first things I see on chat are why did u kill me or I'll take revenge or prepare for war and sht.


Rare Pika
Jan 24, 2021
What if we add /pvp chat...
All Pvp Players can chat there so there is no toxicity in public chat. Also what we can do is when a player types /pvp chat then only he starts seeing the pvp chat or else he cannot see it. Basically like clan chat but we cannot see the chat untill we type /pvp chat


Moderator & Event Manager
Staff Member
Dec 28, 2016
1.17 with the current bugs and the huge duping problem is not the best choice.
You can't fix up things without first trying it can you? It's not like if it takes more time to update to 1.17 all bugs and duping problems would be solved magically, of course not, and by having players play that certain version, they can make changes, fix things and improve things that fit that version more.

It's more like taking revenge or even in rare occasions to threaten some1. I've even seen people threatening other players to give them money or else they would kill them in pvp which was honestly disgusting.
Doesn't survival represent reality too? People threaten people all the time inrl. So what's the difference, and it's still friendly among the majority of players and there are only certain clans or people that doesn't even count as the majority of the server that fights. If you find people to be quite toxic, /ignore command exists as far as I know and you can just ignore those certain players to keep your chat clean unless you want to see that toxicity and join in.

From my point of view survival should not be a toxic pvp gamemode like factions and is supposed to be a chill place where everyone is friendly.
That's also my point of view but you can't stop toxicity anywhere. You can chill if you want, you can be toxic if you want, you can ignore people being toxic if you want, that's easy as that. You can't force your views on everyone and ask all of them to be friendly.


Epic Pika
Apr 24, 2021

Survival - PikaNetwork 2021

Greetings PikaCrafters,

Within this post, we would like to talk about the Survival gamemode on pika network.

To begin with, we, as PikaNetwork, want to hear some suggestions, ideas, and feedback. In order for us to succeed in this reset, we rely on you, so that being said. We want to know what you want to see in the new reset. If you’ve encountered anything that is too overpowered or ruins the server, let us know and we will look into it.

We would like to give the community the opportunity to let us know what you would like to see within a reset, if there are any features that need to be added, if there is anything we should remove with a reset or you could help us by listing all the bugs that need to be fixed.

Please leave anything you want us to know on this post, we’re giving you the chance to help us create the best survival experience we can possibly give. The more detail the better, if you can tell us everything you want us to add perfectly, our team can do a better job at implementing it. If we love your ideas, we might contact you so watch your messages!

So we are now taking all player feedback and suggestions for survival so that we can develop something that the community would like to see.

To start off will I ask some questions.

  • Vanilla generated biomes.
  • Update to the latest 1.17 update
  • Rebalance of the playerevels.
  • Fix all current bugs
  • Nether claiming enabled
  • Update all plugins in general.
  • ???
  • `Your suggestions here`

Please take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
You can also let us know what you think of the current ideas we have and why we should add them or not.

Add new money sistem, for example with command /sell hand that thing what is in your hand will be sell for money , for ex. Cactus,shugar cane, wood and etc, also add jobs with levels that we can work and gain levels and a lot of rewards, jobs like wpodcutter,miner ,fisherman and etc.


Jul 13, 2021

Survival - PikaNetwork 2021

Greetings PikaCrafters,

Within this post, we would like to talk about the Survival gamemode on pika network.

To begin with, we, as PikaNetwork, want to hear some suggestions, ideas, and feedback. In order for us to succeed in this reset, we rely on you, so that being said. We want to know what you want to see in the new reset. If you’ve encountered anything that is too overpowered or ruins the server, let us know and we will look into it.

We would like to give the community the opportunity to let us know what you would like to see within a reset, if there are any features that need to be added, if there is anything we should remove with a reset or you could help us by listing all the bugs that need to be fixed.

Please leave anything you want us to know on this post, we’re giving you the chance to help us create the best survival experience we can possibly give. The more detail the better, if you can tell us everything you want us to add perfectly, our team can do a better job at implementing it. If we love your ideas, we might contact you so watch your messages!

So we are now taking all player feedback and suggestions for survival so that we can develop something that the community would like to see.

To start off will I ask some questions.

  • Vanilla generated biomes.
  • Update to the latest 1.17 update
  • Rebalance of the playerevels.
  • Fix all current bugs
  • Nether claiming enabled
  • Update all plugins in general.
  • ???
  • `Your suggestions here`

Please take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
You can also let us know what you think of the current ideas we have and why we should add them or not.

When will reset come plz tell :)


Jul 13, 2021

Survival - PikaNetwork 2021

Greetings PikaCrafters,

Within this post, we would like to talk about the Survival gamemode on pika network.

To begin with, we, as PikaNetwork, want to hear some suggestions, ideas, and feedback. In order for us to succeed in this reset, we rely on you, so that being said. We want to know what you want to see in the new reset. If you’ve encountered anything that is too overpowered or ruins the server, let us know and we will look into it.

We would like to give the community the opportunity to let us know what you would like to see within a reset, if there are any features that need to be added, if there is anything we should remove with a reset or you could help us by listing all the bugs that need to be fixed.

Please leave anything you want us to know on this post, we’re giving you the chance to help us create the best survival experience we can possibly give. The more detail the better, if you can tell us everything you want us to add perfectly, our team can do a better job at implementing it. If we love your ideas, we might contact you so watch your messages!

So we are now taking all player feedback and suggestions for survival so that we can develop something that the community would like to see.

To start off will I ask some questions.

  • Vanilla generated biomes.
  • Update to the latest 1.17 update
  • Rebalance of the playerevels.
  • Fix all current bugs
  • Nether claiming enabled
  • Update all plugins in general.
  • ???
  • `Your suggestions here`

Please take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
You can also let us know what you think of the current ideas we have and why we should add them or not.

I sugest that pvp arena should be removed
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