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  1. F

    Denied OP Factions Spawners

    Yeah, it would be best if that would come with rank.
  2. F


    Well i dont think anyone is willing to refund you :d it is sad tho but they know they will never refund you cause they will bankrupt :d R.I.P.50$
  3. F

    Accepted OP Factions /F Fly and /fly

    Suggestion: /F Fly and /fly Detailed description: Players should be allowed to use /f Fly command , at least with special IG rank!(Fly in their own Faction territory) Players should not be allowed to use /Fly in Claimed territory, even if it is neatural Faction . Gamemode / Platform: OP...
  4. F

    Denied OP Factions Spawners

    Suggestion: Spawners Detailed description: In new reset there is a new thing, when only VIP rank can mine spawners and obtain them (have perms.) So you have to buy Ingame rank for reall money to use one of they main things in Factions- Farming? Well i understand server admins too, they need...
  5. F

    OpFac ripoff

    Well you are right, they should not do that, ir at least give something in change . BUT however you paid for rank in prev. Season , dont forget that This is season 2. Probably it isnt fair , they should fix it, aggre with you.
  6. F

    OpFac ripoff

    Why do you even need gmc in factions? Admins should never been added it to factions, even if it is Op Factions. Fly is dumb too, peaple can Fly in claimed territory. But however i agree with /Nick ,/feed ,/PV (echest) , /sell (Hand;all) And somemore commands that doesnt affect other players...