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  1. IsolatedReaper

    I need help dealing with kb

    I play a lot of different servers....Mainly Hypixel, But pika is my fav cracked server so i used to play here a lot. But After the updates I found out that the knockback of pika and hypixel is vastly different. The pika server kb is too low..and i get disoriented switching between hypixel and...
  2. IsolatedReaper

    Knockback in PvP

    Does anyone else think the practice knockback is too low like me? Does anyone like hypixel kb implemented here? I am a 250 ping player in Hypixel but I still like hypixel kb... The kb is too low and is stupid enough in modes like combo. Even Badlion kb is better , because we can atleast get some...
  3. IsolatedReaper

    Denied Practice Suggestion: Knockback

    Suggestion: Knockback Detailed description: Just implement.....Pleasea add more knockback in practice...It i s too low.Honestly I would prefer hypixel kb because it is better for even high ping players....Please look into this Server/Place suggestion is intended: Practice...
  4. IsolatedReaper

    Denied BedWars Suggestion: BedWars Forge

    Suggestion: BedWars Forge Detailed description: Make the forge so that when multiple people stand on the forge at the same time,The resources then spawned will go to all the players inv...An example is the forge in hypixel bedwars Server/Place suggestion is intended: Other...
  5. IsolatedReaper


    I really think there is a need to increase the knockback in practice....There is very less knockback and it makes roding sometimes useless. Also the knockback in combo should be increased a little bit more as with the strength 2 pot,the player dies very quickly. Maybe its just me finding this...
  6. IsolatedReaper

    Denied Global Suggestion: SoupArena

    Suggestion: SoupArena Detailed description: A Soup-PvP gamemode where players can choose different kits and unlock kits.........This should be a arena like pvp where multiple people jump down and fight at once.. Server/Place suggestion is intended: Other Reason: This is a...
  7. IsolatedReaper

    Denied Practice Suggestion: Soup dedicated gamemode

    Suggestion: Soup dedicated gamemode Detailed description: It would be really fun if there was a server dedicated to soup pvp with kits and stuff. Server/Place suggestion is intended: Other Reason: Because it would be fun to play..And as far As I have seen...Is a really...
  8. IsolatedReaper

    Denied Practice Suggestion: Soup dedicated gamemode

    Suggestion: Soup dedicated gamemode Detailed description: It would be really fun if there was a server dedicated to soup pvp with kits and stuff. Server/Place suggestion is intended: Other Reason: Because it would be fun to play..And as far As I have seen...Is a really...
  9. IsolatedReaper

    Premium Account Skins

    I am not able to see my premium account skin while playing on on pika... What happened? It used to be fine before
  10. IsolatedReaper


    What is the progress on anticheat?
  11. IsolatedReaper

    Denied Global Suggestion: Censoring of certain words...

    Suggestion: Censoring of certain words... Detailed description: I personally would like the censoring of certain words like nub,noob, ez etc.......Maybe even more kinds of toxic words... Server/Place suggestion is intended: Kit-PvP Prison OP-Prison Factions OP-Factions...
  12. IsolatedReaper

    Denied Global Suggestion: Friends Option

    Suggestion: Friends Option Detailed description: An option where you can add friends so that you can private messege them or see if they are online Server/Place suggestion is intended: Kit-PvP Prison OP-Prison Factions OP-Factions Practice Galactix Classic Factions...
  13. IsolatedReaper

    Friends Option

    Everybody would like it if there was a friends option where you could friend people and private messege them or check if they are online. Thats all....
  14. IsolatedReaper

    Denied SkyWars Suggestion: Slime kit

    Suggestion: Slime kit Detailed description: This kit shall consist of a slime ball with kb 1 or 2 and also contain 16 blocks on slime,or just slime Server/Place suggestion is intended: Skywars Reason: Just a fun rage worthy kit.... Example: Because current kits are not...
  15. IsolatedReaper

    Denied SkyWars BedWars Suggestion: Party System

    Suggestion: Party System Detailed description: A party system like in hypixel where our friends in party automaticaly add in our team and teleports to the lobby we are..Simple ... Server/Place suggestion is intended: Skywars Eggwars OP-Eggwars SurvivalGames Buildwars...
  16. IsolatedReaper

    A simple Idea

    There are a lot of problems regarding bedwars....... What I want is to stop resources from spawning in the centre of forge... And I dont know if you guys noticed..But actually In hypixel........ If multiple people stand on forge all...resources actually go to all player..For example If a 3...
  17. IsolatedReaper

    A few comments by a nerd

    The current practice server system is epic...The queueing system is god..And the Helpers in the server actually really does their work properly.... But there is one thing I dont understand....They say my ping is around 150-200..Which is perfectly fine.. But the server is always lagging and i...
  18. IsolatedReaper

    Skywars Recommendations

    Hey Im here to just tell a few recommendations on skywars.. First of all..All the kits are bogus and bad(ya thats right). Add worthwhile and good kits....(I actually have no idea for kits sorry simply shift from Cubecraft kits to hypixel kits) I know I am going to tell about Hypixel a lot..But...
  19. IsolatedReaper

    Fix Practice

    What I actually want to say is 2 simple things....First make the water and lava takeable cause it is really buggy and even when we take the source it persists.....Next what I want to say is to make blocks placeble on water I know there is a lot of spelling mistsakes,But pls forgive me