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  1. A

    SkyMines sell wands

    My bad, didn't see it. I meant 0.2
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    SkyMines sell wands

    New farm prices: ITEM \ BUY PRICE NOW \ SELL PRICE NOW \\ BUY PRICE SUGG. \ SELL PRICE SUGG. nether wart \50 \ N/A \\ 100 \ 0.5 wheat seeds \ 12.5 \ N/A \\ 10 \ N/A wheat \ 30 \ 0.05 \\ 15 \ 0.2 hay bale \ 160 \ N/A \\ 270 \ 1.8 pumpkin seeds \ 25 \ N/A \\ 100 \ N/A Pumpkin \ 75 \...
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    SkyMines sell wands

    good idea. ill think of better prices right now. im just bored. followup in 10-15 mins max
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    SkyMines sell wands

    yea i understand it, i just think that a cooldown isnt the best thing for the sellwand.
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    SkyMines Island Shops in Skymines

    millions? the most expensive crop to sell is 0.15$. how? do u stay 24/7 on the farm?
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    SkyMines Fishing Island Competition Area

    I forgot that keys existed, my bad. Thanks for pointing it out.
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    SkyMines sell wands

    I think the wand is better to be 100 uses before it breaks [not like disappears, but like an elytra breaks], so it will be best to put Unbreaking. It will be cheap, like 10 compressed emeralds, as the emerald shop has currently rockets and armor trims. You can make it go up to 8 levels and a 3x...
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    SkyMines Make a command for the ore converters

    Thanks for linking it. i like the idea. -pocomaster
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    SkyMines Fishing Island Competition Area

    I like this suggestion and maybe they could add a ton of variety in it. +1 from me. My ideas of what they could do: -Since cod and salmon are already in the game[both can be common], they could add more, like swordfish [uncommon], tuna [uncommon], bass [epic] and others [I don't know much about...
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    SkyMines Island Shops in Skymines

    I fully agree with your suggestion. +1 from me. -pocomaster
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    SkyMines Make a command for the ore converters

    Auto-converting crystal effect? Could you elaborate? I'm not progressed far enough to understand what an crystal effect is, sorry.
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    SkyMines Make a command for the ore converters

    Minecraft username: pocomaster Suggestion: Make a command for the ore converters Detailed description: Do an command where you can open the ore converters with commands Example: /converter or /converters ----> Opens a menu with 2 buttons button 1: overworld ore conv. ---> opens OW conv...