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    Reporting Hackers With Video Evidence

    report them at https://pika-network.net/forums/player-reports.150/ by creating thread there
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    lemme join your team, if I get unbanned :/ it has been 5+ days appealing and it's scanned.

    lemme join your team, if I get unbanned :/ it has been 5+ days appealing and it's scanned.
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    Now this guy will lead the lifesteal again :/

    Now this guy will lead the lifesteal again :/
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    ( no need to reply this thread, the op of this thread already left forums.)
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    u will never be staff, if u do this again and again.
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    Stop post farming, it's not a ban
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    Denied Website Bug Reporter Of The Month

    Minecraft username: uarekidxd1 Suggestion: Bug Reporter Of The Month Detailed description: Bug Reporter Of The Month Means that pika should reward people who reported many bugs in under a month like they do payouts/monthly vote reward. They would get reward for some pika gold...
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    Denied BedWars Please Can U Add TikTOK Rank

    for your kind information, u can also get fake followers/subscribers.
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    Hello im here to just inform you that, There is no rule as Scamming is allowed or not. People just scam and you can do the same, scam each other xD
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    Enchanted book?

    hello, please donot make multiple thread for same topic.
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    Enchant with book?

    hello, please donot make multiple thread for same topic.
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    Denied BedWars Please Can U Add TikTOK Rank

    Tiktok isn't public (banned in India)
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    Denied BedWars Please Can U Add TikTOK Rank

    Hello, this suggestion might get denied because there is already an YouTube Rank for media.
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    Hello, If you've encountered a bug/glitch, make a bug report here on the forums: https://pika-network.net/bug-report/.
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    Denied OP Lifesteal Start allowing refunds or rank transfers

    -1 can be abused for /lootbox + pika will never ever think for it
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    Wither boss got bug.

    I was not supposed to do that, I was tryna help for real.
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    Denied Discord Discord Pokemon game bot.

    People will answer the questions in Non Command
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    Hey, If you think that you are falsely punished, you can appeal on this link: https://pika-network.net/appeal/
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    Denied Discord Changing Pika Yay role requirements

    +1 this will make easier for others