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  1. blazesmiles__

    Maps in Bedwars

    Hey there! I've been playing PikaNetwork bedwars for about a year now. I have noticed that you have added old maps and new maps every now and then, I suggest you to maybe either put together the old and new maps OR add maps because sometimes I don't really like seeing the maps over and over...
  2. blazesmiles__

    Pika Gold

    Is it possible for me to get Pika Gold for free? Because I want to buy rank. (Also do you do giveaways?)
  3. blazesmiles__

    Toxic Players in Bedwars Solos

    I was playing peacefully in a bedwars solos game, until 2 players started swearing. When one of the players fell in the void, that player started swearing. The other player also started swearing and calling other players "L bozo" which also means "loser". Then I asked them why were they being...
  4. blazesmiles__

    Solo Bedwars Problem

    Whenever I join a game of solo bedwars, it kicks me out, when will this be fixed Pika?