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  1. Kyrence

    Global Increase IP Alt Limit

    Minecraft username: Kyrence Suggestion: Increase IP Alt Limit Detailed description: Increase the amount of allowed Accounts open per IP on PikaNetwork from 5 to 11 Reason(s): not everyone can afford VPS hosting , or are able to run VPS hostings from their pc's this is just a friendly...
  2. Kyrence

    Accepted OP Factions PvP Overhaul

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: PvP Overhaul Detailed description: Currently on the pikanetwork opfactions pvp (player vs player) is currently unbalanced even after the changes done. -Decrease Durability again the armor durability increase we received this current factions map was a...
  3. Kyrence

    Denied OP Factions Allow /mcscoreboard

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: Allow /mcscoreboard Detailed description: /mcscoreboard and all its variations /mcscoreboard keep /mcscoreboard timer (time) replaces the pika scoreboard for a short duration to show the cooldowns and level of current mcmmo skill in question Command series to...
  4. Kyrence

    Denied OP Factions Allow /mcscoreboard

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: Allow /mcscoreboard Detailed description: /mcscoreboard shows us the remaining cooldown on our Special McMMO Abilities Reason(s): so that we may see our cooldowns , and not just guess it.
  5. Kyrence

    Denied OP Factions Change Immortal Rank Color

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: Change Immortal Rank Color Detailed description: just switch out the color from Orange to ANYTHING else Reason(s): the orange is disgusting , legit any other color available is better , Aqua , Red , White , Grey , Dark Grey all are way better than the...
  6. Kyrence

    So How is everyone?

    Guys would you believe it? new season new ban added to my page!!! Peek my yt youtube.com/@Kyrence
  7. Kyrence

    Denied OP Factions Masks Revamp

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: Masks Revamp Detailed description: Having a +15% damage buff that will only last you 15 hits yourself isnt the way to go about this we'd rather have a +15% damage pet that increases your damage when its in your inventory Another would be to have them as...
  8. Kyrence

    Denied OP Factions Kits Revamp

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: Kits Revamp Detailed description: Allow us to have the choice of claiming kits through a chat command Ex. /kit pro /kit hero1 /kit hero2 /kit titan /kit immortal /kit god etc Reason(s): Having to click through the GUI 3 times just to claim 1 of my 8 kits...
  9. Kyrence

    Denied OP Factions Skill Exp Booster Darkzone

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: Skill Exp Booster Darkzone Detailed description: Add a Skill Exp Boost when capping Darkzone Reason(s): to promote the Heavy use of Darkzone aside from its supposed higher sell boost Example(s): N/A
  10. Kyrence

    Accepted OP Factions Pets Revamp / Quick Open Mystery Crates

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: Pets Revamp / Quick Open Mystery Crates Detailed description: Make Leveling Pets up Easier , while also making it more beneficial with rewards such as Shorter Cooldowns , stronger boosts , larger scales etc Mystery Spawner Crates right click boom its done you...
  11. Kyrence

    When Will DZ Outpost be Fixed

    like FR tho i want the 2x XP boost , 2x Spawner Boost , 2x Sell Boost
  12. Kyrence

    Salvage Skill?

    ok so we got a sneak peek of the salvage skill last season during the last 3 days of the map my question to staff now is , will it be the same? or will it be nerfed? ive tried salvaging over 3 double chests of weapons now and i have not gotten a sharp 25 , ontop of this i havent gotten any...
  13. Kyrence

    Punishable By Rules or By Principle

    Ok so with the new season came new updates , including the "QuickDrop" Skill which made it Punishable (in concept/principle) to not wear helmets as they make you take 50% more damage so what does this mean? as i have been getting spammed ingame by players that im getting banned for not...
  14. Kyrence

    Denied Global Tradable Pika Currency

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: Tradable Pika Currency Detailed description: Be able to trade pika currency with other players have a pika gold or pika iron currency option in a trade GUI Reason(s): prevents buycraft scamming easier buycraft trades less people will get scammed...
  15. Kyrence

    Denied Global Withdrawable Pika Currency

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: Withdrawable Pika Currency Detailed description: be able to withdraw Iron and Gold currency into vouchers to be traded ingame with other players Reason(s): this prevents scamming (buycraft scamming since you're not allowed to suggest a rule change sheesh)...
  16. Kyrence

    Denied Global Punishable Scamming

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: Punishable Scamming Detailed description: (edited* this is not a suggestion to change the rules but simply a suggestion to make scamming punishable globaly instead of just on skyblock and survival)the server caters to kids , hence the PG 13 Rules right so why is...
  17. Kyrence

    Denied OP Factions Increase XP earned with Axes Skill

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: Increase XP earned with Axes Skill Detailed description: Either increase Exp given from grinding mobs or Exp given from hitting players , same with swords (they go up by +5 when grinding mobs , but by +300 when fighting players) it doesnt have to be +300 when...
  18. Kyrence

    Accepted OP Factions Increase Damage or Decrease Durability

    Username: Kyrence Suggestion: Increase Damage or Decrease Durability Detailed description: Either Increase Damage so that people will be forced to wear Helmets to pvp or reduce armor durability so fights don't take 30minutes Reason(s): I can carry 10 Helmetless Sets or 7 Sets with...
  19. Kyrence

    Accepted OP Factions InGame Rank Prefixes & Kit Item Names

    Minecraft Username: Kyrence Suggestion: InGame Rank Prefixes & Kit Item Names Detailed description: i liked the old way pika had their ingame rank kits named , where in it had design and it wasnt just a renamed piece of armor that was colored , like champion kit , champion kit used to have...