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  1. cOdEx567

    Denied Website Locking Thereads Automatically that are 35+ Days with no Activity

    Minecraft username: cOdEx567 Suggestion: Locking Thereads Automatically that are 35+ Days with no Activity Detailed description: I think staff should lock thread that had been incative 35+ days- Reason(s): It would avoide people bumping old threads up. Would not create confusion when...
  2. cOdEx567

    A bit of profile farming...

  3. cOdEx567

    Accepted BedWars Update Bedwars and Skywars Guide

    Minecraft username: cOdEx567 Suggestion: Update Bedwars and Skywars Guide Detailed description: I would like to suggest an small update to a small part of the guide regarding the /nick section. As of 2022 there was an update to the /nick command making it avalivale to generate a random...
  4. cOdEx567

    Denied Website Dark Theme in Stats Page

    Username: cOdEx567 Suggestion: Dark Theme in Stats Page Detailed description: Add the ability to select dark mode/theme in the stats page as there is currently no way to do that. Reason(s): So users that users that use dark mode does not suffer for a flash when playing at night.
  5. cOdEx567

    Luck Issue...

    Remember that in the old practice, it was very difficult to get a rank from a voting or premium creation? Well, I think they have buffed the chances. (I already had gold rank from a creation.)
  6. cOdEx567

    Denied BedWars Upgradable Tools in Bedwars

    Username: cOdEx567 Suggestion: Upgradable Tools in Bedwars Detailed description: What does it do? It basically allows you to upgrade your tools from a single slot. When we have the tools added to the quick buy menu and we buy a tool (for example, an axe), it automatically shows you the next...
  7. cOdEx567

    4k Kills!

    I have just hit 4002 kills with 2442 deaths. Wanna keep griding to 15k kills!
  8. cOdEx567

    Accepted Practice Adding a Quick Play/Queue Button

    Username: cOdEx567 Suggestion: Adding a Quick Play/Queue Button Detailed description: I want to request you to add a quick play button to the gamemode practice. What does it do? It basically allows players to queue again for the game mode that they were recently playing, so they do not...
  9. cOdEx567

    BedWars Rotation Items

    Hello there! I want to ask if the rotation items are ever coming back as a permanent thing because it was so fun using the bridge egg and the magic milk. Also, it adds countless new opportunities to move around the map and clutch a win. I hope they come back as a permanent thing because they...