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  1. xDeleted

    Lobby New Gadget

    Minecraft username: xDeleted Suggestion: New Gadget Detailed description: A simple gadget which upon using gives all players in your current lobby a pumpkin on their head for 30s. Reason(s): Just a funny troll which could be done for April Fools.
  2. xDeleted


    Facing issues? No problem! We are here to guide you every step of the way until it is fully resolved. All general issues commonly faced by players will be listed within this guide. If you are unable to solve your issue, you can contact the staff team by making a support ticket - click HERE and...
  3. xDeleted

    Discord Account Registration Details

    Minecraft username: xDeleted Suggestion: Account Registration Details Detailed description: So when the player has connected to the server for the first time it is logged in /seen, and it displays their ingame playtime along with the date the account was registered on PikaNetwork. I...
  4. xDeleted

    Denied Discord Chat Events Ping

    Minecraft username: xDeleted Suggestion: Chat Events Ping Detailed description: I will get straight to the point, add a reaction role for Chat Events Ping. Reason(s): It would be very convenient to get a simple ping whenever the chat event occurs so that the players who are interested...
  5. xDeleted

    Royal Rank - LifeSteal

    Trading Permanent Royal Rank Voucher in LifeSteal. You can dm me on discord or here if you have any decent offers.
  6. xDeleted

    Denied Boosters Activation

    Username: xDeleted Suggestion: Boosters Activation Detailed description: A good implementation could be to have an option to use a booster, (when you are in the game, in the glass box). For example in skywars there is a minute or a few seconds queue in which players can vote for the mode...
  7. xDeleted

    Classic SkyBlock Poll

    Hello Everyone, 👋 @Tihispap and I would really appreciate it if you could fill out the following form below in order to enhance our attempt in providing ideal suggestions for Classic Skyblock and for further improvements in the near future. Feel free to fill out the following form : 🔶...
  8. xDeleted

    Accepted SkyBlock Classic Skyblock Reset / Revival

    Username: Deleted_user648 Suggestion: Classic Skyblock Reset / Revival Detailed description: One of the best game modes on Pika Network was Classic Skyblock. It was alive back in the days with a lot of players playing on it daily. Ever since it didn't receive any resets, its online...
  9. xDeleted

    Denied Global Gkits / Rank Vouchers When Bought

    Username: Deleted_user648 Suggestion: Gkits / Rank Vouchers When Bought Detailed description: So my idea is that when a person buys for example a key class on a certain game mode he gets it in his inventory in a voucher form. This can make trading more reliable amongst players as there are...
  10. xDeleted

    Accepted SkyBlock All /kit should give kit vouchers

    Username: Deleted_user648 Suggestion: All /kit should give kit vouchers Detailed description: When you claim a kit using the /kit command in classic skyblock it gives u the item. It would be easier if you can make it so that the /kit command gives kit vouchers instead of items. For...
  11. xDeleted

    Denied Pika Giftcards

    Username: Deleted_user648 Suggestion: Pika Giftcards Detailed description: I suggest that Pika Giftcards should be hidden across the entire PikaNetwork in any mode, lobby, etc. It can float like an end crystal but look like a floating paper instead which is more suitable. The gift cards...
  12. xDeleted

    Denied SkyBlock Upgrade Spawner Class

    Username: Deleted_user648 Suggestion: Upgrade Spawner Class Detailed description: The class is very expensive and costs 36e with 40% discount, 30e with 50% discount, etc. It only gives 3 villager spawners, 6 iron golem spawners, and 10 blaze spawners. I suggest it should be increased to at...