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  1. realoneness

    new safe cheats???

    so earlier i was playing, i was actually camping in a safe against a player named 'nvxq_' so i was basically above the pressure plate which obviously keeps the door closed, and he was camping at the door, waiting for me to come out... after about 10 seconds, i suddenly got tp'ed off the pressure...
  2. realoneness


    message me whoever is interested to buy this totally real omega rank voucher! sponsored by JustThiemo HAHAHAHHAHAHA
  3. realoneness

    Denied Regarding Ranks

    Username: oneness Suggestion: Regarding Ranks Detailed description: Hello so regarding the ranks on kit-pvp, it's pretty good and I agree with some of the addition in some extent... I suggest for you guys to add the Omega rank on the store since i'm pretty sure a lot of people are not...
  4. realoneness

    looking to buy ranks

    looking to buy legend or ultimate, i have 400k :) dm me rq discord : aomine#9372
  5. realoneness

    kitpvp related trades

    below, there's a given picture of the amount of money i have as of now want to buy ranks, gkit vouchers, tags; prioritizing ranks and gkits. give me a friend request on dc so u could msg me, this is my discord xenovia#9372. Not always active on discord so i apologize if it took a while for me to...
  6. realoneness

    224 LIFETIME kills but prestige 1, lvl 96

    some player named 'Endermen_Slayer1' is in top leaderboards for prestige and levels which is hella suspicious since i've never met this player ever so i decided to check his stats... player has 224 kills with only 2 deaths. bug or cheat? eitherway hope this can be fixed so the people below him...
  7. realoneness

    Accepted KitPvP Kit-PvP Reset or Weekly Events

    Minecraft Username: oneness Suggestion: Kit-PvP Reset or Weekly Events Detailed description: I suggest for kit-pvp to reset or add weekly events since currently as of now the gamemode is really dry, there aren't really anything new. I do not have anything specific weekly events in my mind but...
  8. realoneness

    rarest item on Kit-PvP (i bet u dont have this...)

    rarest item on kitpvp i dont think none of u have this.
  9. realoneness

    i tried to make a screenie with all of my ranked accounts and this happened

    i tried to make a screenie with all of my ranked accounts and then so many people showed up and made this screenie chaotic lol
  10. realoneness

    lag, always freezing every 5 seconds

    since the beginning of 2021 when i pvp, its so laggy, unplayable because of the lag, every 5 seconds i freeze and then get hit 6x then i die, sometimes when i freeze i have to predict where my enemies will go either on left or right side.