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  1. U

    Denied New minigame idea

    Bro? Sis
  2. U

    Looking for Faction OP Factions

  3. U

    500m W

  4. U

    OPFACTIONS Abubis - Recruitment

    Don't advertise | U have 10 min to remove this thread
  5. U

    AntiCheat please im literally begging

    Pls mind your behavior and https://pika-network.net/forums/player-reports.150/
  6. U

    Staff pls read

  7. U

    Claimblocks problem?

    Best of luck for getting accepted
  8. U

    Claimblocks problem?

  9. U

    Guide for OpSkyblock?

  10. U

    ip server not working

    Try top.pika.host
  11. U

    How do i have my cell go public

    /c setwarp
  12. U

    forum ranks

    And banned to
  13. U

    Minecraft Bedwars Like Technoblade

    Mm keep it up
  14. U


    If u get any hacker ingame then report here - https://pika-network.net/forums/player-reports.150/
  15. U

    Beating Kids on Kitpvp

    Please don't call them kids they are new ingame