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  1. Ninja_4685

    Denied KitPvP Add a Gkit call Ghoooost

    Username: Ninja_4685 Suggestion: Add a Gkit call Ghoooost Detailed description: I request the pika staff to add a gkit called "Ghost". Armor Helmet - prot 4 unb 3 resent 1 (modified) Chestplate - prot 4 unb 3 resent 1(modified) Leggings - prot 4 unb 3 resentv1 modified Boots _ prot 4...
  2. Ninja_4685

    What is this

    what is that rule explain lol
  3. Ninja_4685

    Question about a rule

    What is insiding someone explain me
  4. Ninja_4685

    Denied Practice Events

    Minecraft Username: Ninja_4685 Suggestion: Events Detailed description: I have an idea for practicepvp events. It has a unique event. It will be like a FFA but the winner is decided on who has the most hits. A player who has won 3 of these events will get a special Arrow Trail effect (...
  5. Ninja_4685

    Denied Practice The bridge but something else......

    Minecraft Username: Ninja_4685 Suggestion: The bridge but something else...... Detailed description: Ok so the players spawn 128 blocks away from each other with nothing in between . they spawn in a normal mc chunk. This game can be played in 1.8.9 and 1.17. they have to build a bridge to...
  6. Ninja_4685

    Rene in practice pvp found :D

    Rene :D finally foiundd his i tried like so hard this was done in practice spawn :O
  7. Ninja_4685

    Denied Global Improve /report

    Minecraft Username: Ninja_4685 Suggestion: Improve /report Detailed description: Hey! There is a major problem with the /report command, it takes you to the forums and you need a video/picture proof of it to confirm it. I recommend you make it like /report <player> <reason> then any...
  8. Ninja_4685

    Me bored

    anyone got any ideas im bored D:
  9. Ninja_4685

    Denied Lobby To add unlimited map selection for elite or atleast 30-40

    Minecraft Username: Ninja_4685 Suggestion: To add unlimited map selection for ranks Detailed description: Hey! Pls add unlimited or 50 map selection choices for Elite rank. Pls 100 for Titan. and unlimited for Champion Reason(s): because the rank has less perks than I expected.
  10. Ninja_4685

    What is /condense ?

    Just wondering what /condense is cuz i saw it at the store immo rank commands
  11. Ninja_4685

    Made my 1st report :D

    made my 1st report on some guy advertising some other server lol
  12. Ninja_4685


    lmao finally my dc working and not crashing my pc
  13. Ninja_4685

    come to this suggestion

    vote this suggestion https://www.pika-network.net/threads/add-one-hit-pvp-and-high-pin-ppl.176304/
  14. Ninja_4685

    Denied Practice Add One Hit PvP and high pin ppl

    Minecraft Username: Ninja_4685 Suggestion: Add One Hit PvP and high ping ppl Detailed description: Hey! Pls add a mode called one hit pvp mode in which both the players get a sharpness 10 sword a rod and power 10 bow and no armor. In this mode the aim is to get the first hit on the opponent...
  15. Ninja_4685

    Did they change the bedwars lobby?

    idk but the bw lobby is looking different to me
  16. Ninja_4685

    Bedwars or Skywars

    which is better bedwars or skywars?
  17. Ninja_4685

    Ultimate Rank

    Is it worth buying cuz I am thinking gimme some ideas about it. Ranks - OPSB - SkyHero Minigames - VIP Kit-PvP - Ultimate in the future ( maybe )
  18. Ninja_4685

    Denied Global Make changes to YT rank

    Minecraft Username: Ninja_4685 Suggestion: Make changes to YT rank Detailed description: Hey! Please make YT rank applicable for someone if he/she has 500 subs but the person streams on YT. Also, Make it so that YT rank people have access to all chat colors. Hope this gets accepted...
  19. Ninja_4685

    Important Tip

    Really important tip : NEVER buy shulkers boxes on auction house because items in it are usually renamed at are not what you expected Sincerely, Ninja_4685 Ranks - OPSB - SkyHero Minigames - VIP
  20. Ninja_4685

    Ah yes great

    Now cant even score points for levels cuz so many hacker. Btw 45% of the players in kit-pvp use ac lol Is it annoying when a chainmail armor guy knocks you off sky? Ranks - OPSB - SkyHero Minigames - VIP KIT-PVP - Ultimate in the future