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    OP Prison Remaking Abandoned Class

    Username: ASSASSINX__ Suggestion: Remaking Abandoned Class Detailed description: Abandoned crate should be remade. It is good that you changed the animation of Abandoned class crate but the loot is utter trash , that is comparable to epic or vote crate key. I mean I was scammed my 39euro...
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    Hello everyone!

    Posting this before this mode is even on.
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    To every Minecraft player!

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    Denied Global /rank

    Username: ASSASSINX__ Suggestion: /rank Detailed description: This command will show the rank status of a players like. :- /rank ASSASSINX__ IT Will show :- Rank : Immortal Type : Permanent If I have a ssnl rank that is higher than the perm that i had before /rank ASSASSINX__...
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    Denied Global Delete Pikanetwork

    Username: I won't tell Suggestion: Delete Pikanetwork Detailed description: Give me a valid reason other than "Not going to happen" For why not to delete pikanetwork. Reason(s): So my reason is because the name of the sever pikanetwork is related to Pikachu but there is no connection...
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    Something - 2

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    Something - 1

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    What is your favorite WWE Wrestler?

    What is your all time favorite wrestler . Choose any 2. Mine are -. Stone cold Steve Austin and The Rock
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    Hello my name is ASSASSINX , I used to use the same name on my discord 2 years ago. I play these gamemode - OP Fac OP Prison Bedwars and Skywars Op Skyblock Factions and classic skyblock (sometimes) Lifesteal I am not a try hard , but I try to be a good (rich) in these games. I first tried...
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    Denied BedWars Allowing screenshot as a valid evidence.

    Username: ASSASSINX Suggestion: Allowing screenshot as a valid evidence. Detailed description: Most of the hackers get away because players donot use a screen recorded while playing and the server wants video evidence for hackers. So my suggestion is to allow screenshot as evidence in the...
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    Denied OP Prison Adding Gen Buckets

    Username: ASSASSINX__ Suggestion: Adding Gen Buckets Detailed description: These are same genbuckets as in opfac , which allow cobble or obsidian gen horizontally or vertically. Reason(s): When I want to make a platform for my cell , I don't wanna waste hours filling 128x128 manually...
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    @Max I just wanted to say that there is a game mode called OpSkyblock , i just wanted to remind you that it existed.
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    Opskyblock Reset!

    Does anyone know does it reset?? Please tell me if u have any idea.
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    Denied Lifesteal Adding /oncekit

    Username: ASSASSINX__ Suggestion: Adding /oncekit Detailed description: There should be one time kit (1 claim per ssn) for paid ranks like there are on other gamemodes. The devs can make the kits like. Divine rank 7x godly. 5x unique. 10x epic. 15x voting. Good netherite pickaxe...
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    Denied Lifesteal GUI for /homes

    Username: ASSASSINX__ Suggestion: GUI for /homes Detailed description: I will keep this simple. There should be a pop-up hui when we do /homes to to to our set homes. It should be same as the one when we do /f in opfac (we to to our faction bases). Options of GUI. Able to rename and...
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    Denied Website Addition of LifeSteal rules.

    Username: ASSASSINX Suggestion: Addition of LifeSteal rules. Detailed description: Life steal has been for quite some time (1ssn only tho) but it doesn't have any rules related in forums, Although some normal rules don't apply to this game mode but I think it should be added for players who...
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    Username: ASSASSINX__ Suggestion: TECHNOBLADE STATUE Detailed description: A TECHNOBLADE Statue should be added in the spawn area and in pvp area. This would be an tribute to the legend for next update. Reason(s): Adding TECHNOBLADE Statue doesn't require reasoning as that person had...
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    Denied OP SkyBlock Immunity from damage

    Username: ASSASSINX__ Suggestion: Immunity from damage Detailed description: I have seen players tp-killing by fal damage or other means , so an immunity from any kind of damage for 3 seconds whenever we /is (player) or tp-accept would solve these problems Reason(s): Reduce rule...
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    Denied OP SkyBlock SkyDungeon

    Username: ASSASSINX__ Suggestion: SkyDungeon Detailed description: This will be a event like outpost but it will biweekly (once in two weeks). There will be an additional Opsky gamemode based island (Or rather Dungeon) that will be open when only the event starts. The Event will be for 3...