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  1. MAX11

    Global An yearly roadmap by pikanetwork

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: An yearly roadmap by pikanetwork Detailed description: ● Whats a (yearly) roadmap? A roadmap is a thing / a map which shows/ tells us about the planned updates and changes about pikanetwork. This also includes resets,Some update sneekpeeks and events...
  2. MAX11

    Discord Event New way to do December giveaways.

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: New way to do December giveaways. Detailed description: The new system: So the new system would be simple and fair,The codes will be hidden in the discord server (random location) No one would be pinged and it would be done by owner / developer...
  3. MAX11

    BedWars Vote crates buff. (Rewards)

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Vote crates buff. (Rewards) Detailed description: I would suggest you to buff / renew the existing vote crate. Example: Add permanent vip and elite rank to it. But make both rare. Make ssnl elite as well. a jackpot reward which will get us 10000...
  4. MAX11

    Denied Event Build battle

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Build battle Detailed description: The event is simple, All players will be given a plot for themselves and will make any thing they think looks good or they like. Now you might say: EWWW MAX11 this is just a copy of build battles held in almost every...
  5. MAX11

    OP Lifesteal Remove requirements for farming crops.

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Remove requirements for farming crops. Detailed description: So my suggestion is to remove the level amount needed to farm higher level crops. replacement: Make so that having an amount of farming level enables further custom crops to be farmable...
  6. MAX11

    Denied BedWars Add a temporary crate in bedwars.

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Add a temporary crate in bedwars. Detailed description: A new TEMPORARY crate. This crate will have exclusive costimatics and will have ranks. There will be ranks as well. The crate will be for 400 pika gold or 1000 pika iron. The reason for the price...
  7. MAX11

    share your global vote keys count

    mine is 504 share yours and lets see who got the most.
  8. MAX11

    My voting evidence

    I am making this channel to provide evidence that i vote fairly and they arent exploited. This would be usefull if the ownerw decided to disqualify me from votetop. evidence of 17 September 2024 7 votes done today, overall: 123 votes At the moment postion: 2nd Position 1h before day ends: 3rd
  9. MAX11

    Denied Global Make monthly QnA for owner.

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Make monthly QnA for owner. Detailed description: I suggest you to make a QnA for owners to answer. There will be a separate chanel for this either at discord/forum, the people who would like to ask owners questions will ask it there. And owners every...
  10. MAX11

    Denied Global Reduce votes required for 500 pika iron

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Reduce votes required for 500 pika iron Detailed description: So as we know when we get 50 votes, we can buy 500 pika iron. And for every 50 more votes we can get 500 more pika iron. Usually we get 2000 pika iron per month. But i suggest to make it...
  11. MAX11

    #Reset OPP

    So its been about 4 months since the last opp reset, between that time OpFactions reseted 3 times. 1 opskyblock,1 skyblock reset. 1 oplifesteal reset. 1 kitpvp reset. 1 faction reset. 2 skymines resets. So how come its fair that this all resets have been done and opp havent even got his end of...
  12. MAX11

    Denied Event Squid game event, ifykyk

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Squid game event, ifykyk Detailed description: As the name suggest, do a squid game related event. All the games of squid game will be played. There will be total 3 winners. Reason(s): This gamemode will show the friendships,harwork,intelligence and...
  13. MAX11

    Denied BedWars Make me bedwars Manager

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Make me bedwars Manager Detailed description: Make me bedwars manager, i will get new maps and map rotations + new stuff and updates. Reason(s): 1st: im cool 2nd: i can make bedwars better which the bedwars community wants. 3rd: people want map...
  14. MAX11

    Denied Discord Event Number guessing event (again).

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Number guessing event (again). Detailed description: So this will be a discord event and in his event there would be a number from 1-1million and you have to guess it, for example the number is 659235, every 10minute the contestants will be given hints...
  15. MAX11

    Denied SkyMines Reduce the netherite updates (pickaxe)

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Reduce the netherite updates (pickaxe) Detailed description: i suggest you to reduce the prices of pickaxes netherite tier updates as its too much costly and pointless. Changes Level 1 update: 2 uncommon netherite + 32 netherite. Level 2 update: 4...
  16. MAX11

    Denied BedWars Bedwars event

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Bedwars community event (kinda) Detailed description: Soo in this event, top 200-500 players who won the most games in bedwars(in a week or so) will get 500 pika gold.and to exite people even more, add a thing that every 4min people gets swapped with...
  17. MAX11

    Profle picture rating

    Hi everyone, this thread is made to show and rate each others profil picture. leme go first,rate my dp from 1/10
  18. MAX11

    Happy Ramadan everyone

    I wish all my Muslim brothers and sisters in pika network to have a good and happy Ramadan. : ) Note:this post is only made for good purposes, no religion is disrespected.dont fight here.
  19. MAX11

    Denied Event Riddle event. Leme tell you

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Riddle event. Leme tell you Detailed description: So in this event. There will be riddles and questions related to minecraft and pika network. How it works: upon joining the server do /event and it will take everyone who does this to a room, every 1...
  20. MAX11

    Denied BedWars Ranks perk increase (related to private games)

    Minecraft username: MAX11 Suggestion: Ranks perk increase (related to private games) Detailed description: So I suggest that vip rank and elite rank should be able to play a specific amount of private games per day. Like vip would be able to play 5 a day. Elite 10 a day and titan infinity...