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  1. MAX11

    Denied OP Prison Disallow boosting in opp

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Disallow boosting in opp Detailed description: Soo, since last 2 seasons we have gotten a news in which it told us that from now boosting is allowed, And since that day no one else then thses 3 gangs win 1 win 2 win 3. No one can win except these because they...
  2. MAX11

    Denied Discord Make a texture pack suggestion area in discord.

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Make a texture pack suggestion area in discord. Detailed description: A small change but can do a big affect on gameplay Soo if people want to suggest other people the texture pack they use,there must be a section we're they can upload the link for people to...
  3. MAX11

    Denied BedWars A good and new rotational item.

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: A good and new rotational item. Detailed description: Firstly I want to talk to the pika network community,(you) soo first read this all and then say yes or no, by doing -1 nothing will happen but by doing +1 a new item will come so its better then nothing...
  4. MAX11

    I am sure someone,

    I am sure thay someone is sitting in the forum with a bot to rate every suggestion -1
  5. MAX11

    Denied Global Add tnt run for the Halloween season.

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Add tnt run for the Halloween season. Detailed description: Just like before pika network added the tnt run gamemode for a while, I suggest you to bring it back for the fact Halloween is near and we are expecting something special planned from pika network, so...
  6. MAX11

    Denied Global Spoilers section

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Spoilers section Detailed description: I suggest that we should have a spoiler section in discord which gives us the spoilers of the up comming pika networks updates. seeing spek peaks would be awsome of our favourite gamemodes. Reason(s): this can create a...
  7. MAX11

    Denied Discord Make a role for the people who help people at community help.

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Make a role for the people who help people at community help. Detailed description: I suggest to make a role in discord to those who help the new players in the community help section. The requirements would be to help 100 people there and u will get the...
  8. MAX11

    Denied Forums add the tik-tok logo / link logo at the side of the forum

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: add the tik-tok logo / link logo at the side of the forum Detailed description: like every other social media website that pika network is on,like that make a tik-tok link for the pika network tik-tok account Reason(s): whynot i mean,the more addvertisment...
  9. MAX11

    Denied Forums Make the vote site non-exploitable.

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Make the vote site non-exploitable. Detailed description: Soo I have been voting for the pika since 2 years and tried to do vote top 2 times and failed because everything someone exploit my votes to disqualify me, and I don't want it to happen with anyone else...
  10. MAX11

    Denied OP Prison Make a Halloween lootbox.

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Make a Halloween lootbox. Detailed description: So I want to suggest is to add a Halloween lootbox. As the Halloween is so close (October 31) it would be great that just like the valentine lootbox we get a Halloween lootbox. Reason(s): I mean valentine...
  11. MAX11

    Denied BedWars Some win affects for Halloween

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Some win affects for Halloween Detailed description: 1st, Bat invasion In this win affect when u win the sky becomes dark and a bunch of bat's come and start to circle your over and over. A great win affects for Halloween 🦇 2nd, Scary pumpkins So in this...
  12. MAX11

    Denied OP Prison Autominer level task and it's features rework.

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Autominer level task and it's features rework. Detailed description: 1st suggestion: I prefer do remove the level which ask us to use the auto miner for hours. Firstly people can just afk it and no use autominer like it's really a need. Afk for 32h 1 level says...
  13. MAX11

    Denied Global dCommon add /trade again

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Common add /trade again Detailed description: Soo just add /trade so we can trade duhh. Reason(s): I don't want to get scammed by people saying you bro /trade not working just gimme the stuff and I give u the thing my guy, they say like this and are like ...
  14. MAX11

    (Opp) Selling player level voucher

    I am selling a player premium level voucher for 2 sage keys or 1 sage key + 10m tokens.if u wanna do some bargaining leave a reply here. My in game name is BADHASSU.
  15. MAX11

    Denied OP Lifesteal Ending fight of the season

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Ending fight of the season Detailed description: I suggest that there should be a ending fight I'm every season reset of oplifesteal. Oplifesteal is a server ment to betray others and is deadly so why not make a fight at the end.when their will be only 1 day...
  16. MAX11

    Accepted Event bedwars Map creating event

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: bedwars Map creating event Detailed description: So in this event people would make there very own 4 v 4 bedwars map and which would be submited as a world download to the pika network staff and they will review it and the top 3 people with the most beautiful...
  17. MAX11

    Denied BedWars I want to suggest rotational items

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: I want to suggest rotational items Detailed description: 1st Item: Flying Carpet Flying carpet will be a red wool which if u use it and if u jump up a 3 by 3 red wool is beneath u and to get 1 block lower u need to shift and it will be for 20 seconds. And the...
  18. MAX11

    OP Lifesteal Add boosters in crates and make them as an item

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Add boosters in crates and make them as an item Detailed description: I suggest to add boosters in the crates and make them as an item like it is in opp. With the help of that economy can get boosted as well and it would be more fun. Reason(s): Firstly many...
  19. MAX11

    Denied Global we want Gens as well

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: we want Gens as well Detailed description: the gamemode in the other server (jartex) which is also owned by Gunfire and voodo. we demand that we should also have that gamemode cause it seems good but we cant go play there because we like pika network more then...
  20. MAX11

    Denied OP Lifesteal Make oplifesteal 3 months long.

    Username: MAX11 Suggestion: Make oplifesteal 3 months long. Detailed description: All I mean is that playing the same oplifesteal season for 3 months gets us bored and in lifesteal there is no payouts or anything for which we grind money so I want to ask to add that do oplifesteal reset...