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  1. warsv

    Hacker in opfact. looting200

    there is no such thing as bedrock enchament tablle
  2. warsv

    U play any other game?

  3. warsv

    Warning instead of a ban?

    ops wrong forum sorry :(
  4. warsv

    U play any other game?

    i can;t i am in school i am in my phoen sorry
  5. warsv

    Warning instead of a ban?

    wrong format put in report section thx
  6. warsv

    U play any other game?

  7. warsv

    Introduction ~Jauke

    hi jauke
  8. warsv

    op faction 1 Rank loss

    any proof that you lost it?
  9. warsv

    Hacker in opfact. looting200

    well that is a ban
  10. warsv

    U play any other game?

    Name Of game: The walking dead Descirption: Mostly killing zombies and saving people :cool:
  11. warsv

    (Suggestion) Adding the new /friends command

    ok fine ;p but it will be useful you know :p
  12. warsv


    you still in forums :0
  13. warsv

    (Suggestion) Adding the new /friends command

    this also works with players i am not adversting or anything but in hazeserver players can do the /friend command so if staff allow players do that then it will be awesome :)
  14. warsv

    (Suggestion) Adding the new /friends command

    yea xD :cool:
  15. warsv

    (Suggestion) Adding the new /friends command

    For me i don;t really know that command the command i know is /friend add and /friends command to see where your friends are in any gamemode like kit-pvp
  16. warsv


    dutchsmash said not allowed it is not allowed
  17. warsv

    Ban The Above Player!

    no sense
  18. warsv

    Ban The Above Player!

    @Noodle banned for telling me what to do xD