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  1. H

    Anti Cheat is so dog water

    This Anti Cheat is so terrible. I'm stuck in a block at spawn and if I log in, I get kicked for client modifications. You also get kicked for trenching...complete dog water AC :D a little rant..
  2. H

    Denied OP Factions Weekly/every other week PvP events & Drop parties

    They exist but they don’t drop any real good items except for the enchantment books +1
  3. H

    Update OpFactions - Reset | April the 24th 2021

    “10% of their money” 💀 no more trolling
  4. H


    they already have a anti cheat plugin but Hack clients are getting more advanced which makes its harder to detect sometimes
  5. H

    Denied OP Factions FIx Ender Pearls

    this was a while ago tf u commenting for...i dont play anymore so i could care less
  6. H

    Denied OP Factions FIx Ender Pearls

    its fix epearls my bad on that but you must not play op factions if you dont know what im talking about
  7. H

    Denied OP Factions FIx Ender Pearls

    Minecraft Username Hamsty Suggestion: Fix Ender Pearls Detailed description: They are practically dog shit...You get stuck and unable to get out and then you have the spawn pvp area where you can epearl on top of basically "spawn" and just stay up there and easily leave combat while others...
  8. H

    Denied Forums Images

    Minecraft Username Hamsty Suggestion: Images Detailed description: Let me put a picture on my signature. Instead of asking for a link you should be able to put a imagine from your computer. even when I do put a link to a picture it wont even work. Reason(s): Got nun but I just want to...
  9. H

    Lost my 70 Winstreak to a Hacker GG

    then how is some1 supposed to get banned without any proof... anyways.. u lost ur WS lmao bot :3
  10. H

    Update OpFactions - Reset | September the 18th 2020

    HA imagine getting banned
  11. H

    Update OpFactions - Reset | September the 18th 2020

    Nice! Possibly the best update i've seen
  12. H

    Update OpFactions - Help us with next the update! | September the 13th 2020

    Add more keys to the kit once or add better/more spawners 1 creeper spawner for god's kit once isn't really going to help much. Make it like 5 or so and add villager spawners to the kit once
  13. H

    died twice to smthn stupid

    Probably not “soon”
  14. H

    Accepted Remove the player limit per faction

    +1...before there wasn’t a player cap but why do it now...now it’s less fun and harder to do bases for everyone and so people will naturally stop playing
  15. H

    How to autosell?! FASTTTT

    But I wouldn’t consider it as “auto sell”
  16. H

    How to autosell?! FASTTTT

    It’s not possible unless you got like a sell wand
  17. H

    I cant make members of my Faction not able to brake blocks inside my base HELP

    Type /f owner on a part of your land and see if that works
  18. H


    My bad...😐