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  1. FuerzaI

    Denied KitPvP Remove playtimerewards on KitPvP

    I agree and I dont think thiemo will think of a different option other than removing it but I could see them adding a new thing for example some keys for killing someone with a high killstreak
  2. FuerzaI

    Denied KitPvP Remove playtimerewards on KitPvP

    This is the first time that you mentioned 1 playtime, what do you mean with 1 playtime you think the developers will do that? It'll either be removed or it'll stay and the server will keep lagging
  3. FuerzaI

    Denied KitPvP Remove playtimerewards on KitPvP

    Everything you said is kind of funny lol you said you're not botting and you're mad cause Im giving away my gkits to my friends cause I don't play then you go on saying im taking peoples accounts which is off-topic. How am I angry for not getting the rewards when I have more than enough gkits...
  4. FuerzaI

    Denied KitPvP Remove playtimerewards on KitPvP

    You know, I haven't spent a single $ onto kitpvp I farmed everything f2p you dont need playtime rewards for example lets have a look at factions there are so many people who succeeded without playtimerewards Playtimerewards are just another reason why kitpvp is falling out lol anyone can do it...
  5. FuerzaI

    Denied KitPvP Remove playtimerewards on KitPvP

    the prices are not reduced lol They can easily make a few mils from egaps
  6. FuerzaI

    Denied KitPvP Remove playtimerewards on KitPvP

    doesnt matter if pika accepts, theres 50 sites where you can get tempmails
  7. FuerzaI

    Denied KitPvP Remove playtimerewards on KitPvP

    easily, and making emails is not hard at all lol tempmails exist
  8. FuerzaI

    Denied KitPvP Remove playtimerewards on KitPvP

    Maybe I have it wrong but if you're stevealt you're afking 20 accounts you could easily create 20 discord accounts to claim 40-50mil worth items, it should be completely removed
  9. FuerzaI

    Denied KitPvP Remove playtimerewards on KitPvP

    And ANYONE could link 50 discord accounts
  10. FuerzaI

    Denied KitPvP Remove playtimerewards on KitPvP

    You don't need to be P2W to bot a server with 50 accounts, you should reconsider what you mentioned.
  11. FuerzaI

    Denied KitPvP Remove playtimerewards on KitPvP

    Minecraft username: FuerzaI Suggestion: Remove playtimerewards on KitPvP Detailed description: As you know, there are a lot of bots online, overnight you see 200+ people online while there's only 30-50 players playing. This is due to people botting the server for playtimerewards. This...
  12. FuerzaI

    Make mystery gkit better

    -1 I've pulled enough ranks and keys from it, its balanced enough and developers wont rework it and this isnt even in the suggestions channel
  13. FuerzaI


  14. FuerzaI

    Shut up.

    Shut up.
  15. FuerzaI

    Denied Lifesteal Adding /oncekit

    And we were talking about the rank's perk
  16. FuerzaI

    Denied Lifesteal Adding /oncekit

    Indeed but you added a suggestion to add more keys and some netherite stuff
  17. FuerzaI

    Denied Lifesteal Adding /oncekit

    I've played it for 2 years, got the top rank in my first 1 month
  18. FuerzaI

    Denied Lifesteal Adding /oncekit

    It does,this is why I'm top rank on KitPvP with 5 accounts without spending anything
  19. FuerzaI

    Denied Store Give donator a discount code after purchasing

    There is a point regarding counter arguing, I'm discussing about the suggestion being implemented, this is the whole point of suggestions
  20. FuerzaI


    It has been removed, developers discovered issues regarding /gift, please be patient