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  1. Lasticy

    i feel you skyarmyfan...

  2. Lasticy

    i feel you skyarmyfan...

    I'm actually active in discord now!
  3. Lasticy

    anyone played galactix before?

    k thanks :D
  4. Lasticy

    anyone played galactix before?

    Okay ;)
  5. Lasticy

    i feel you skyarmyfan...

    Thanks for the information man! your phrase did really motivate me :D
  6. Lasticy

    i feel you skyarmyfan...

    Hello pika community! I've been trying to be nice at the forums and games but i never been promoted as a staff. I know getting denied hurts but i've really been trying to be nice at staffs and be friendly but never have i ever been a staff in a single game. I've been denied so many times in...
  7. Lasticy

    anyone played galactix before?

    Here is the following hackers that i know: TheWoman reason: Speednuking zxax (banned) reason: Killaura killmedude (banned)reason: Duping These are hackers that use SpeedNuker and Killaura and also Duping! For those who hacks stop cause @CAgaming02 @NickTill and @Kayleesea...
  8. Lasticy

    Motivational is the key!

    Motivational is the key!
  9. Lasticy

    Cant see a free plot!

    Yes you actually helped me. Thank you very much :)
  10. Lasticy

    Cant see a free plot!

    Hi i would like to have a plot please... i always search for a plot buy cant see free plots... please help me guys finding a plot...
  11. Lasticy


    I can find you know thanks
  12. Lasticy


    Ok thanks ;)
  13. Lasticy


  14. Lasticy


    Ok ;)
  15. Lasticy


    Hi, I'm a type of guy that doesn't want to lose XD. You know me i am a begginer that loves bedwars,sky wars and Galactix Factions. My Hobbies: 1 I play judo 2 Really addicted to video games 3 Plays basketball Enjoy you're stay ;3
  16. Lasticy

    Doesn't like hackers.

    Doesn't like hackers.
  17. Lasticy

    This needs to stop...

    Galactix Factions is fun but something that is really making me angry is not 'FAIR' traders, Sometimes when they just wan't to trade your like godly sets and swords. They don't make a fair trade -_-. But the real problem is hacker, You see TheWoman (Real player) hacking your supposed to report...