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  1. DqrkneZz

    Rate me +1

    Since when is Leo a beast? Weird
  2. DqrkneZz

    Let s Build !!!!

    I wouldn't want to get all your nerves fam. But seriously, this can be considered post farming as it literally has no purpose other than being useless. Why even writing something like that here? No one is going to see it. It's better if you drop a random statement like this one on discord...
  3. DqrkneZz

    Testing if my signature is working

    Nyaaaa (No, this is real postfarming you imbeciles, git gud
  4. DqrkneZz


    Good job mah boi. In all my practise career i can say i have managed to get about 7000 kills if i count all the kills of my accounts in all the versions. Would like to 1v1 you at some point
  5. DqrkneZz


  6. DqrkneZz

    Back off fake h3

    Back off fake h3
  7. DqrkneZz

    How to introduce yourself

    Or you could just ironically sh1tpost. That works too
  8. DqrkneZz

    Denied Global Suggestion: FIX THE KB

    No probs man
  9. DqrkneZz

    Denied Global Suggestion: FIX THE KB

    No, a server's owner can increase or decrease the knockback in his/her server and make it less or more. For example on badlion, every season the kb is either increased,decreased or changed in some sort of way so it is indeed possible.
  10. DqrkneZz


    I agree, many people have been asking for a leaderboard in practise for a long while but for some peculiar reason it hasn't been implemented yet. +1 (Also, no deaths isn't needed)
  11. DqrkneZz


  12. DqrkneZz

    Indeed my child, indeed.

    Indeed my child, indeed.
  13. DqrkneZz

    Exposing DutchMinerHD

    Are you?
  14. DqrkneZz

    Exposing DutchMinerHD

    Of course, be a rebel
  15. DqrkneZz

    Pika's Best PvP Player?

    Thy have be forgiven. This time
  16. DqrkneZz

    Pika's Best PvP Player?

    Why u bullying bruv .----.
  17. DqrkneZz

    PvP Tips Please

    Clicking faster doesn't decrease your knockback, instead it makes it easier for you to get a combo and have some momentum in your hits which makes it harder for your opponent to hit you. Also for some tips: DPI for your mouse: Well, I think the DPI in my mouse is 1800 but then againt it...
  18. DqrkneZz

    cringiest joke ??

    The cringiest joke is your life. ;)
  19. DqrkneZz

    Pika's Best PvP Player?

    True, it lost its fun without ranked. Now there's absolutely no competition.