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  1. DqrkneZz

    Hello there

    There's no official format for a proper introduction. This, although good, is player made therefore you can't expect everyone to follow it or even know it. Anyway, welcome to pika my mate. Pce
  2. DqrkneZz

    yellowstone supervolcano

    And that's when @Gideon/Leo realised he fudged up
  3. DqrkneZz

    Denied Global Suggestion: Add EVENTS!

    There are just not enough staff to organise more events. It's pretty simple. Especially now, when pika's declining.
  4. DqrkneZz

    Denied Global Suggestion: Global update

    Like I've told you before, you're flooding the forums with those unecessary comments. If people want to write a suggestion, just like them right a frekin' suggestion. You surely aren't gonna stop them. It seems like Yoeri is focusing more on other servers rather than skywars or bedwars which is...
  5. DqrkneZz

    Denied Practice Suggestion: HACKER PROBLEM

    Yo what m8 Also, the hell is that suggestion lmao. Many of the kicks are bull so no need to punish the players for being the anticheat's victims.
  6. DqrkneZz

    Denied Global Suggestion: A step towards the hacker's extinction

    1) I agree and I definitely think that a better anticheat will help the server but i doubt it will be released shortly because of the problems that pika is facing and also because people have been asking it for months -if not years- and nothing has happened yet. 2)Every single hacker gets...
  7. DqrkneZz


    Bery nice
  8. DqrkneZz

    I lik eatin kiddos

    I lik eatin kiddos
  9. DqrkneZz

    Hello, Im Dr. Dank

    Your inability to express your thoughts using words makes this extremely unreadable. To be completely honest, I don't understand anything you say because of your bad grammar, punctuation etc. Furthermore, it seems like you're just going around the topic and not just dive into it. Excuse me but I...
  10. DqrkneZz

    Hello, Im Dr. Dank

    Eh, I really would recommend you try and use some better punctuation as it's a bit hard to undestand what you're trying to say. I still don't understand how Mugi pointing out a simple fact is something wrong and your answer does not in any way satisfy me.
  11. DqrkneZz

    Hello, Im Dr. Dank

    Eh, I really don't see the purpose of this comment other than pure hate so I'd suggest you deleting this comment
  12. DqrkneZz


  13. DqrkneZz

    Denied Forums Suggestion: Do not count applications replies as Forum Posts.

    I disagree, it should be just like pretty much every part of the forums. People should be able to state their opinion and give some positive or even negative feedback. Also, if some comments are meaningless and useless it will just be considered post farming just like the suggestions forum. So...
  14. DqrkneZz

    Denied OP Factions Suggestion: New Rank in OPFactions1 or RESET

    Come on, it's only been a few months since the legend rank got released. I understand that it may get boring after getting this new rank but it's too early for a new rank to be released in op factions. If you get suggested something like this a few months later then it could possibly be...
  15. DqrkneZz

    You are a lizard harry! :D

    Alright mate, welcome to the pika community. Hope you enjoy your stay here. If you ever wanted to be a helper though I'd advice you to be more well-known and familiarise yourself with the existing pika community so as not only to be accepted but additionally not to get any unecessary hate.
  16. DqrkneZz

    Introducing myself

    Chill guys, if you are gonna blame the guy for postfarming (which he did) you should do it on another section of the forums tbh. An introduction is an introduction no matter what.
  17. DqrkneZz

    Hello, Im Dr. Dank

    Nice to meet you Dr. Dank, welcome to the pika forums community.
  18. DqrkneZz

    you dun has gun lierd

    you dun has gun lierd
  19. DqrkneZz

    That's pretty neat, you should join them

    That's pretty neat, you should join them
  20. DqrkneZz

    Pumped up keks

    Pumped up keks