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Koth changes and buffs.
Detailed description:
Make koth into an arena you can't escape from and you can only come in once and if you die you are unable to come back. Or have 2 chances to come back. And disable kb items inside the koth arenas...
Recruitment for next season is opened :)
Leaders: PermaBanned & DanielT_
Co-Leads: Verns & LexaFTW
Applicants without basic knowledge get denied.
Minecraft Username:
Next season lower the base height of the world by half.
Detailed description:
Lowering the base height of the world, Currently it is at y50 and its a little excessive.
Trenching a base out takes ages. Even...
Minecraft Username:
Add "sand wands"
Detailed description:
Sand wands to remove sand stacks or pillars on walls easier or misplaced sand gens. But make it so it wont work on sand that's been in entity form in the last 10 seconds or so.
Some cannons...
The settings are probably different. Raiding in jartex is smooth and I literally have no problems with cannons on jartex, i dont even have to worry about my cannon blowing up unlike in pika. You cant host a raid event with the current pika jar. Raiding takes hours due to cannons blowing up after...
Allow swearing. Factions is a competitive gamemode and things do and will get heated and words and expression of frustration eventually come out. It is not fair that we get stacking punishements/warnings with no refresh or 2ng chance. Half of the OP facs community is muted so chat is often dead...
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