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  1. Salema13414

    Phone donations

    @Thav01 @PizzaMC @DutchminerHD
  2. Salema13414

    Do creepers?

    They should
  3. Salema13414

    Phone donations

    Wew i wanted to donate like 22$
  4. Salema13414

    Phone donations

    Title says it all can someone tell me how it works
  5. Salema13414


    No not really a player will be helped by his allies and faction while capping, but also enemies and their allies will do the same so it would be rather more competitive.
  6. Salema13414

    Questions about OP Factions 2

    Why do u think unarmed doesnt work (sry haven't been on since i have exams)
  7. Salema13414

    Questions about OP Factions 2

    @Younger should play more there as he said before but i don't think he will
  8. Salema13414


    @PizzaMC @Thav01
  9. Salema13414


    So Factions and op factions need to spice up a bit... Koth would help a load, basically what koth means is King of the hill. In mc how it wotks is a player gets in a certain radius between 4 pillars and wait So it will be a 5 min timer a player has to stand inside and wait and once timer is...
  10. Salema13414


    Not everyone can always get on ts
  11. Salema13414


    The steff I mentioned are just an example nu hate to any steff
  12. Salema13414


    basically do /staff on any of the servers and it will tell u which staff is on and what server theyre on example Owner: Developer: Head-Admin: @PizzaMC (OpFactions2) Admin: dutchsmash (eggwars) Mod: Helper: DJRedNight (Kit-PvP) {Press Staff Name To join their server} Then u report or ask ur...
  13. Salema13414

    Whats the point?

    So recently a anti afk has been added... Just asking, whats the point of buying igs now?
  14. Salema13414


    But...but.. I dont lag on 1.8 and i do get 60fps :P
  15. Salema13414


    As some of u may or may not know EULA will take place by august 1 and some servers have already been black listed... This will affect many servers and especially factions servers a ton here is something u can refer to : https://mojang.com/2014/06/lets-talk-server-monetisation-the-follow-up-qa/...
  16. Salema13414

    Is this gona effect us?!?!

    I didnt see the vid but im guessing its eula?
  17. Salema13414

    OP FAC 2

    Use 1.8.9 not 1.9
  18. Salema13414

    Op fac 2 mess up

    It reset. U have ur rank and ur Rename command (if already owned. But everything else reset.
  19. Salema13414


    Not a warning. U actually cant hit anyone... Pls dun hert me i will remember