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  • just a quick question, i like to share my account with my close friends as i have titan rank and through my acc they can host pgs... is that allowed?
    I wont do it anymore if its not.
    Hi! Since you’re struggling with account issues, you can submit a support ticket to get the help that you really need!

    If you would like to create a ticket, you can do it here.
    Be sure to have all relevant information and proof before submitting a ticket.
    If this helped you, please drop me a like and a follow :)
    Account sharing is strongly discouraged as it can lead to bans due to various reasons.
    Yoo i got a complain. Soo no one is checking the email i sended to pikanetwork support. Yup i said e-mail.
    I recommend requesting support via tickets on the forums - not emails.
    how do i unlock chirstmas brackets
    They were in /goldshop during last winter. They cannot be purchased right now.
    hi bro i have a serious problem i hope u can help me for it i am a premium player of pika and i got messged from a guy saying he wana buy me some gold on my accoiunt so he asked all my details and i gave him all the details and now i cannot access my account and it was premium still i cannot join server and when i try to reset my microsoft pass i cannot but i am a huge donator of pika i just made a purchase of 250k gold few hrs ago and i have made a pass reset request of it so i can get my account back i hope i can get it but its premium but i got my transction id as a proof its mine can u guys make it cracked and make a passward thats cannot be hacked and no one can ever hack it again until i contact microsoft for my email and stuff i hopee u can help me out
    I Wanna Ask Just Can Pika Server Gift Me A Free Rank In OpSkyblock? Can They ?
    Leme handle this arrly, leagend77777 soo even if they could give you a rank they wouldent, as this would make it unfair for others. And its not cool to ask for stuff right? Especially ranks. Though u can grind and get high up ranks easily if your willing to put your time and acually work "youself".
    Oky Thanks For Advice
    staff can't see conversations right? and especially no one else who is not added to the conversation can see it... right?
    They can't. Why do you ask?
    nope, they can't
    I'm currently away and I need to claim smth in pika, so I told a friend of mine to do it but he's scared others will know my acc pass. no one knows my acc pass.
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