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  • Hi dutchminerhd i love pika soo much can you plz unbann my sexybou in kit pvp i did make abann appeal so plzz unbann me :'(
    Sexybou wait for your ban appeal. I will be repleyed so fast as possible.
    Hi dutchminerHD my name IS DEADWING101 I'd like for you to review the support ticket I have created please review and tell me what do you think oh the support ticket
    Thank you for your time.
    And sorry if was interrupting
    I was scammed the player named Stormex_ he sammed me for one premium crate key i gave him 74mil and he tp away plz can you say him to give me back 74 mil or give me premium crate key that i payed or ban him plz reponde (mine username:AmarTDB) il msg you for password
    Make a report with good proof @http://pika-network.net/forums/reports/create-thread. *(Idk if this has already been solved, but just to be sure :)
    Scamming on pvp servers is allowed
    Thats true Davidvia, but that's dumb that you say it. Staff wouldn't say 'Punished' or 'denied' if its in the wrong section. A well, he knows both of the things now :p
    hello i was just banned for using PAC hack clients frome dutch minerHD i have played 7000Mins on the prision surver and havent hacked 1ce but i like to have an explantions for the as i wasnt hacking
    Make a ban appeal @http://pika-network.net/applicationform/ban-appeal.2/form (Idk if this has already been solved, but just to be sure :)
    It's me YT_WarpingFire And I got banned for no reason it said I was hacking but I never even hacked dutch!!! Please un-ban I never hacked!!! I was just farming my blaze spawners trying to get money then I got banned for no reason. DutchminerHD please Un-Ban me!!! I swear down I didn't Hack!!!
    hello , im banned for using pac hacked clients but i never hacked and i dont understand why im banned if i dont hack i dont wanna lose my money ty
    Dutchminer i Finish Like The Twitter And Facebook And Where my 35 Coupon :D Plz Unban Tazzzz And buy Diamond Rank :D :D :D
    He didn't say 'Like my twitter and facebook page and you get 35 coupon' he said there is discount 35% so everything is 35% sale.
    Oh SOrry K
    Ummm Yoeri... got a question. can this be increased to like 110? Total size of the images contained in your signature shall not exceed 70 kilobytes. Because... i don't have any other ones that are lower than 70.
    I got banned by console while i wasnt hacking,please unban me im Altayr99..im free since months i plaied so much there...
    Make an ban appeal submission on the forums with proof
    sir can u unbaned me sir i will not do it again what i do
    Banned for hacking = banned for always! Bye sir
    My real account is Wtfplayer48. i use to be the highest rank in Classic Skyblock. I use to go by the name Daddy. Also one day you congratulated Vampy for Buying Skylord i think was the highest, I bought it for him, go ask him. but i didn't know where to turn, i have been really wanting to play on this server yet, i can't with a hacked account. Please msg me back I really want my account back...
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