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  • Hi, so i posted a ban appeal a few weeks ago, and i saw today that it was denied. I was not hacking and was annoyed by this, so i posted another one, and was immediately told that it was not allowed to post another, so i asked what i am supposed to do, as i was not cheating and my original appeal was denied. A moderator told me to contact a manager, which i am doing,
    So, could you please unban me as i wasn't cheatin
    You can only write one appeal
    You can't ask staff for unban
    Buy unban if u want
    Maybe they denied your appeal because you didn't provide a good evidence Or the staff member that banned you was sure you were hacking
    Hello, a player with the username xNexio was getting 1 diamond at a time many times for at-least 5 minutes and got a total of about two stacks even though it said he "found" them. I am currently on the survival server. I don't know how to report someone which is why I am writing this here.
    Ok, I read the rules of the player report, but I don't understand what "/realname <player>" means, do I have to put my real name? and does <player> mean the username of the player I am reporting?
    If the player was example nicked "~TestPlayer" then type /realname TestPlayer to show the player's realname.
    hi i just wanted to join your server but it say my ip was detected as a bot and i cant join what can i do ?
    you mean anti bot filter??
    It happened to me sometimes..
    Make sure you don't have any VPN enabled
    Hey frenco,Visit the Ban/Mute Appelas (:
    You have to wait for a staff to check your ban appeal, don't bother them just to ask for it.
    Hello Frenco, ive made the payment related but im banned since 5/6 days...can u pls give me 2 mins and read it to unbann me? Thanks for your time!
    Hi everibody i have a question.
    When I join the PikaNetwork Server,it is asking me /login,but when i type my password il kicks me out,This is normal whe the pssword is incorrect,but my password is correct!I can login in this site with that password,but why i can't login with that password?Sorry for bad english and thank you!
    I got false banned by a mod and I think that he didn't read my appeal that well... I got banned for teaming with hackers. I checked the ban list and i saw that the "hacker" is not banned but I am banned. and please I want you to read my appeal..
    When you find out that your teammate is hacker the best thing to do is to jump into the void.then spectate and record him so he gets banned and you don't get banned... thats what I do in this situation
    Also you can't appeal twice so try contacting him on discord and explain what happened
    Hope you get unbanned :)
    a helper of yours has permanently banted me for one thing I didn't do. I was the victim of a scam by a server player. I demand that my account be returned since I have paid 8 euros of my savings on this page and have been the victim of a scam.
    I cant vote for link 4 and 5 please help me
    Vote link 4 is for premium registered accounts, so if your account is cracked it won't work. Vote link 5 is broken, the owners of the website have to fix the issue. Owners of pika don't own these websites so if something is wrong with them they have to contact the website owners in order to fix these issues.
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