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Brng "Currently playing with people"back
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Greetings, I see that nowadays the feature is removed from where we could see that how many players are playing (in tab menu) in our current game including spectators. That was a great...
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Ranks EXP Booster Perks
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Greetings. We all know that each rank in the minigame has a perk called coin booster as the VIP rank has 1.5x coin booster, the ELITE rank has 2x coin booster and the TITAN rank has 3x coin booster...
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Add Talents
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Hello, I am apprehensive about coins in BedWars because you removed other Minigame (SkyWars) so there are no more efficient ways to spend coins in BedWars. Most people want to spend coins but there are no better ways...
Make sure to edit it changed special items every game or every day!
because the items we suggested are too much which can take 1 year to put all 1 by 1
and also i want unlimited purchases 😜😜except second chance and bed defense like heavy things
+1 but the prize of 5000 pika gold is too much you can even upgrade your rank to champion 90 days easily from member so the price would be a maximum of 1000 gold and a minimum of 400 because it would be held every month
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Pop-up towers
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Pop-up towers would be great if added but please don't give me the reason that it was already suggested or something because you should move on to and think again about it. The Pop-up towers are great since it's...
Yeah I remember playing on BlockDrop BedWars also I saw videos of hypixel it's like little holes and little curved and if we aim up it goes up with little holes
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