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Recent content by TERTO

  1. TERTO

    Denied Survival Disabling restrection on trims

    Obtaining nether trims and also end trims are not really that easy. and as tozztozzo said nether dosnt reset nor the end does so certian trims are really really rare
  2. TERTO

    Denied Survival Disabling restrection on trims

    Minecraft username: TERTO Suggestion: Disabling restrection on trims Detailed description: Trims are one of the items which is already pretty hard to find. We cannot double the trims we get using the crafting table because it is disabled and says the message "trims can be only gotten by...
  3. TERTO

    EVENT: Winners Choice Giveaway

    I wil be happy to participate IGN:TERTO
  4. TERTO

    SELLING- Survival

    and also selling zvillies, redstone diamonds, coal, clay etc in survival wood,enderpearl,endstone etc more than a double chest each
  5. TERTO

    Lag clear plugin deletes items on 5 min. warning message count ( i lost my trident)

    yes me too i died and then when i got to the coords when the 5 min lag thing came it vanished. I lost my trident eff 8 pic loot 5 sword and safis
  6. TERTO

    MOB spawn rate

    I just wanted to know if i can do anyting to like get more spawn rates. I need to get 500 enderman kills which is a lot
  7. TERTO

    Denied Survival Wizard/Zookeeper cooldown timer

    Minecraft username: TERTO Suggestion: Wizard/Zookeeper cooldown timer Detailed description: COOLDOWN TIMER Wizard and Zookeeper are commands (or npc) which gives players rare items which are not obtainable normally in the game. These both effects the economy a lot. Many players do not know...
  8. TERTO

    Event EVENT: Love Notes!

    Did you come out of the OVEN? Cause U HoT. I LOVE that PfP. And i Love that u are an Attitude Killer.<3
  9. TERTO

    Survival Suggestions for Survival (pt-2)

    There should be requirements for clan wars, Morever clan war can be abused too
  10. TERTO

    why pika staff is so slow

    because coders are lazy asf
  11. TERTO

    Denied Lobby adding more features to /report

    Username: TERTO Suggestion: adding more features to /report Detailed description: >The focus on /report would be better than fourms report if the Staff can see- players messaging history, able to spectate any player at any gamemode >adding timer to use /report would be great >Making...
  12. TERTO

    Most popular Survival thread!

  13. TERTO


  14. TERTO

    Practice Add a chat game.

    Ok if any admin reads this, add this to survival :)
  15. TERTO

    </> PikaNetwork API </>

    can u tell me how to see stats using specific servers like survival, lifesteal , OPP etc