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Update Factions - Help us with the next update! | February the 18th 2021

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The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
I dont neccesarily mean completely p2w and op items, I just mean like renaming tnt to PatoGoBoom or smth like that. Just an integration of youtubers/content creators


Legendary Pika
Oct 17, 2016
Personal Opinion on how normal factions should be is MAKE IT NORMAL... don't add in any godly items that would shift normal factions from its original style. For example, only add in items/plugins that would increase the chance for players to get armor/spawners/money/xp or any normal items that would not intervene with the competition too much. The reason custom enchant was able to get so much hate and want to be discarded because it's easily obtainable since there are power factions that are very efficient and this is a crack server so there would be a lot of hackers, they can just use autoclickers to get custom armor they need. Another reason is custom enchant is too op, it has stun, slowness everything within it, if the opponent isn't wearing custom armor like the user, its an easy win, and the user can even take on multiple normal armor players easily without a scratch making it very unbalance within the game mode.

Personal Things I Think Should Change/Added:

-Increase kits cooldown (the higher the rank and longer the cooldown) :
The reason is donators have too much stuff, so the first thing staff should do is to restrict the advantages donators have making the gap between donators and non-donators decrease.
*The benefit is:
Prevent donators from getting killed and immediately get quick armor easily, this would motivate them to either grind for their gear or wait for their armor kit cooldown making the game mode more active.
Motivate non-donators to play against donators as donators would not be that much op as before with infinite armor.

-Increase spawners drop-rate (When Raiding) :
I have posted this before on the OP-Factions suggestions before, but the staff does not seem to fully understand what I mean.

As the title says itself make spawners drop more frequently because when raiding a base with spawners, the drop rate for spawners is like 1/10 drop rate.
*The benefit is :
By adding increase drop-rate it would motivate players to commit to raiding more often. Most players only afk in their base and grind away for money or just go pvp. If this is how Factions is supposed to be like, it would be better by combining it with KitPvp.
(How I wanted this suggestion to be implemented: Create a custom item (like a pickaxe or stick) that would enable players to pick up claimed area spawners, from mining them like a normal block or standing still waiting for it to be dropped (the staff can decide)).

P.S. ( Allowing players mining spawners in claimed bases other than their own factions have already been implemented in other servers, and it was very effective, this can enhance the number of ways to gain rich in the competition other than through ranks or relying on strong factions to reach the goal. )

-Decrease creeper blast damage or radius (or disable Creeper Damage on Spawners)
People know that creepers can blow spawners off, and that's how people are raiding spawners as of right now. However, the explosion caused by the creeper is too OP, they are able to bypass spawners covered by obsidian to break the spawners. This damage is causing players to not want to place spawners down because neither how they protect the spawners, it would not work, and it would get raided no matter what. This influence would shift Factions from its original looks. People would say, why don't people just pick up the spawners as they log off. Well, if u play saw OP-Factions the staff have implemented spawners tax, which means if u mine the spawner, u would need to pay some amount of money to pick it up. Then it would be a better choice to not use spawners and use farm instead.
*The Benefit is:

Enable players to build more proper bases in Factions to protect their spawners
Combing with the previous suggestion of adding in increased spawners rate through the use of custom items can motivate players to be more active throughout the server by having raids to be more profitable.
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Pika Lover
Jun 11, 2018
Since I am a good Factions player and I know English better than some people who can't spell roster correctly and claim to get staff, I have listed some of my suggestion for the next faction reset below -

1. Custom Enchants -
- Remove most of the custom enchants. Keep only the vanilla ones like others suggested (Strenght, Speed, Fire Res, etc. Like Jartex Eternal.)
- Don't make them hard to get. Like one enchant for 15k XP but you don't even know if it is going to work. This isn't Skyblock.
- Some grinding enchants like Inq (get more exp while grinding), Mob heads (get more heads while grinding), etc would be nice. Note - These CE are only for grinding.
- Remove Gold Set maybe? As we already have Inq now.

2. Tokens and Token Shop -
- Add Tokens which we can get through crates and harvesting cane.
- Don't make tokens super hard to get like 500 cane for 1 token. That's just too much.
- Add /token shop where you can buy various things essential for building the base like Trench Picks, Sand Bots, Chunkbusters maybe, etc.
- Maybe add sell wands/TNT wants in Token Shop.

3. Harvester Hoes -
- Add various upgradable buffs to hoes, like magnet (puts all the cane you slapped in your inventory), Token Doubler (Get more tokens while hitting cane), etc.
- Make them upgradable which will increase their rewards.
- Make the hoes unbreakable as no one wants to go fix their hoe every now and then.

4. Change economy to cane/cactus -
- Spawners eco is too OP. You get like 10b every min easily one day into the release
- Spawner eco is suitable for Op Factions only.

5. Reduce world size if adding more worlds -
- If new words are going to be added, then reduce the world size. (Right now it is 7000x7000.)
- This is because there are many coward factions who like to hide and it is really boring to go search for their base in 4 worlds, every world being 5000x5000.

6. Reduce the faction member limit -
- Right now there is no member limit. Make it a maximum of 20.
- Other factions/people cry about us (Tyrants) being too good and big so making it 20 mans would be fun as many factions can't get 30 people online everyday. Fair for everyone.

7. Add /printer -
- You already know what it is and how it works.
- Don't make the cost of the items more than the items in /shop. It will just make no one use /printer. A little high would be nice but not too much.

8. Mob heads and /transfer -
- The heads drop on Jartex Eternal right now is pretty good and I think it should be same here.
- Add good and rare stuff in /transfer which will help in building a base and starting a faction. Don't add the stuff that we can easily get.
- Add Prot 4/5 Armors and Swords and Punch bows which we can get with mobcoins like in Jartex Eternal.

9. Chunkbusters -
- Add chunk busters to Factions. But don't add them only for the name like in Op Factions. No one got the chunk busters from the crates in Op Factions.
- Make them easy to get. Adding them in /transfer or /token shop would be nice.

10. Crates -
- Remove TNT from crates.
- Remove obsidian from crates.
- Keep voting/epic/unique/godly sets but make a voucher for those sets. So when you right-click the voucher, THEN you get the set. Reason - Inventory fills up quickly while opening keys because of these sets.
- Add various special suits which gave you various special effects when using. Examples - Elf Suit in Op Factions.
- There are some suits like that in Factions right now like this but I don't think anyone saw them or knows their buffs.
- Add sell wands in crates.

11. Mobsuits - (Not that necessary)
- Add mobsuits like in Jartex Eternal.
- It will be fun and people won't feel bored to grind.
- So that grinding will have more benefits than only xp.

12. Add /f alt -
- Add /f alt so that we can invite alts.
- It is a 15-20 mans faction so I don't think there will be any place for alts.

13. Chat - (IMPORTANT)
Allow swearing in chat. This should be implemented in Factions as come on, it is FACTIONS. It's like the most toxic game mode ever. Swearing is allowed in Jartex Eternal too so don't say that "It is a kids server".
- Allow saying stuff like "DEAD DEAD DEAD" or "BREACHED EZZ" when someone dies or someone gets split. Reasons - It is factions. Let us have fun. Note - But if someone is spamming/flooding the chat necessarily, he should be punished.
- Allow swearing/spamming/flooding/everything in FACTION CHAT. Reasons - It is a faction. Everyone trusts each other and loves each other. We just having fun. Even if someone gets irritated by it, /f mute or /f leave is always an option. But I don't think it would be needed in our faction as we don't accept randoms as Lunatic/Mytho did.

14. Add /invsee command -
- I think everyone knows that this command is so I won't explain.
- Make it for donators. (If ingame ranks are added, then the highest rank should have this command as well, like the Champion Rank in Op Factions.

15. Add Cane Top payouts -
- Add /cane top to see who has no life and slapped most cane.
- Give gift cards to the most nolifed cane slapped person. I'll let you decide how much $$ gift card.

16. Get a good cannon jar -
- No explanation needed.

17. Teleporting while in water/air -
- Right now in Factions you can't teleport anywhere when you are in water/air. It says this.
- Allow us to teleport when in water/air. While we are getting raided/raiding by others, this is necessary.
- Note - There is a bug right now in Factions - Sometimes when you do /warp PVP or /tpaccept, you tpa and die. Please fix this. People can lose good stuff.

18. Add /f missions -
- Add some missions (both daily and long term) which will give good rewards when completed.

19. PVP -
- Make the pvp system pot pvp as Etho suggested. Gapple is suitable for Op Factions, but not Factions. Add a 3min minimum cooldown to eating god apples.
- Add the command /pots which will fill your remaining inventory with splash health pots. It is really boring buying the pots from the shop. Make it so that it will automatically buy the pots from /pots and take the money from your balance to buy pots.
- Make punch bows hard to get so that people don't run.

20. Mcmmo-
- Mcmmo should be nerfed and made 1k max for sword and axes. Reasons - It isn't gapple pvp so no one wants to focus on breaking sets mainly.
- Nerf the abilities. Skull Splitter right now is too OP and I think people should experience more real pvp than just critting out kids with skull split.

21. PVP Areas -
- Add /warp fps. No explanation needed.
- I don't think so /warp nomcmmo will be needed as the mcmmo will be nerfed.
- Fix the bug where splash health pots don't work in /warp pvp.
- Give a good theme to /warp pvp so it will be fun to play. Don't make it plain and simple like /warp soccer in op Factions. We already got /warp fps which is plain and simple.

22. Enderpearls -
- Keep the ender pearl cooldown to 15 seconds.

23. Add custom items for pvp - (Not Necessary)
- Certain items like web balls will spawn a temporary 2x2 web around the area it hits. The webs should disappear after 3-5 seconds. It will be fun.
- Make it so that we can only use them in /warp pvp or spawn pvp.

24. Buffer Limit -
- Make the buffer limit 20x20 chunks as 25x25 is too big and hard to raid.
- Don't f*ck up fortified walls like Op Factions SOTW thanks.

25. /f warns and /f strikes -
- Add the Faction rules and Faction strikes system to Factions.
- (IMPORTANT) If some or other faction gets striked, please include the proof as it really helps us improve our mistake. Many times it has happened that factions got striked but they didn't even know what/where they did wrong. (Proof for "Buffer Limit", etc isn't required).

26. Anticheat -
- Pika anti-cheat nowadays acts drunk. I think it's old now and we should peacefully let it rest and die. Kicking people for 10 cps is kinda weird.
- Get better anti-cheat.

27. (Can't think of a name for this) -
- Make @Pace the Admin for this reset please as he knows way more about factions than most of the pika staff and he understands us fellow faction players.

Suggestions that HAVE TO BE IMPLEMENTED - 1, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 26.

More suggestions will be added if I come to think of any later.
If anyone disagrees with any suggestion above, please highlight the particular suggestion and reply to this thread and state your opinion on it. Don't act like a monkey and -1 the whole suggestion only because you want tnt to be added in crates.

See you soon, we will be there to make lines in your base!

Thank You.

Yo legit no ones reading that


Legendary Pika
Oct 17, 2016

As a one of the most known faction players I am here to suggest some stuff which have been asked a lot since last Factions map.

  1. Adding /printer, item price same as in /shop
  2. Making it purely cane or cane and darkzone economy
  3. Adding chunk busters or /f trench
  4. Adding some sort of daily/weekly/monthly missions for players
  5. Adding some sort of missions for factions(to get faction credits for upgrades such as faster cane growth, bigger xp drops, /f warps, tnt bank, etc)
  6. Make /gkit keys upgradeable - By that I mean when you open a /gkit you get for example 8 voting, 4 epic, 1 unique, and until you buy upgrades for it with ingame money you can't get more keys. This should be added to prevent certain factions having stacks of keys first day. It is okay to have them like they are on OP Factions but on Normal factions they should be nerfed now when not too many people even has that gkit purchased.
  7. Making it pot pvp with gapple cooldown
  8. Adding chunk collectors which we can buy in /shop
  9. If there isn't already making /pots command so we can buy potions in combat
  10. Smaller factions meaning it should be reduced to 15 or 20 man per faction
  11. Removing most of current custom enchants there are, no one liked the last season of Factions due to that reason, you grind whole map for a proper gset to die by suffocation or by hacker and losing it
  12. Adding /token shop, we would receive tokens from farming cane
  13. Adding upgradeable hoe
  14. Adding /transfer, add mob coins
  15. Buffer size should be 20 chunks from exterior base wall
  16. Adding actual useful items to one time kits donators have-remove spawners from them
  17. Smaller worlds, no one wants to spend half of their playtime flying arround worlds hoping to find someone
  18. Remove all useless stuff from crates such as bunch of TNT etc
  19. Adding /f alt so we can invite alts for afking and power to our faction without needing to rotate active members out to invite alts
  20. Removing all MCMMO there is on there
  21. Enderpearl cooldown should be 15seconds, not more not less
  22. Tools-tray pickaxes, sand wands
  23. Making it so /nick perks for Master rank(top rank) are same as for Immortal on OP Facs - By that I mean so nicknames can be bolded, italic, underlined etc
  24. Adding /chatcolor for Master rank(top rank)
This is all from me for now, if I think of anything else I will add it.
Just a few questions about some suggestions u posted.
17) Even if a player can find a base, are they able to raid it or how much profit can they get out of it from the overall value of the base.
6) Wasnt those kits being bought by players is due to the item that was included, neft the kit would only make it lose its value. Does not that consider somewhat a scam?
9) Would not allowing pot buying in pvp makes the pvp time dramatically to the extent that players wouldn't until they ran out of armor or gapple?
10 + 19) If u see 15+ players (active) it is still a lot of players, Adding a new section for alts would just make factions even bigger and bypass factions member limits. (they can use add in active players in to disguise as alts to bypass factions auto kick)
Thats all I have to say about the suggestions posted for now.


Legendary Pika
Oct 17, 2016
pot pvp is the most challenging thing on factions, and every single premium server uses pot pvp and didnt u know you can pot on water if you know about pillars on oceans... And if you play proper competitive factions (which you dont lmao) it is very easy to pot while pvping / patching
potting in water is do-able however it is hard because throwing a pot in water is like shooting an arrow in the water, very slow. So items like gapples is needed within the gamemode to increase survival rate or else players can just win purely through numbers.

If u say it is easy to win a 1v2+ through gapple pvp, that is actually really hard as pots are limited in the inv. The opponents can just go in taking turns wasting their pots and eventually that solo player would lose by running out of healing.


Mar 20, 2016
Just a few questions about some suggestions u posted.
17) Even if a player can find a base, are they able to raid it or how much profit can they get out of it from the overall value of the base.
6) Wasnt those kits being bought by players is due to the item that was included, neft the kit would only make it lose its value. Does not that consider somewhat a scam?
9) Would not allowing pot buying in pvp makes the pvp time dramatically to the extent that players wouldn't until they ran out of armor or gapple?
10 + 19) If u see 15+ players (active) it is still a lot of players, Adding a new section for alts would just make factions even bigger and bypass factions member limits. (they can use add in active players in to disguise as alts to bypass factions auto kick)
Thats all I have to say about the suggestions posted for now.
17. What you said here doesn't seem to be relevant does it? If you find a base and you think you can't raid it or you think it isn't worth the effort then sell coords to someone who will find it worth the effort. Issue on last OP Factions map was that people would place value only for payouts and in most cases it was 1x1 claim. So that means you and your faction can spend whole day flying all words hoping to find them.
6. Gkit keys wouldn't be nerfed, you just wouldn't get full potential of it first 2 or 3 weeks. That needs to be added as it makes too big difference between donators and non donators. For example for OP Factions it can be as it is, it can stay OP but for normal factions that would be too extreme as it is much harder to obtain items on there.
9. That is normal, if you ever pvped on for example OP Factions you would know. People bring 5+ sets in pvp and you pvp until you run out of sets. Buying potions in combat wouldn't make big difference. Either that or making potions last longer as it is on OP Factions where potions last 10min, so there isn't a need of buying more potions.
10 + 19. There isn't any factions which can pull that on Pika. Example of it was OP Factions, I owned the biggest faction and we barely had 10 active people trough the map. Point of /f alts is to gain power and have accounts for AFKing without needing to kick members from the faction. If you ever played Factions you would know sometimes you need lot of alts to AFK something and with member limit you can't have players work on base and have alts afk in the same time. Example is cane farms(proper cane farms can go from border to border cross map so think about it how many alts would be needed for that).


Aug 1, 2020
potting in water is do-able however it is hard because throwing a pot in water is like shooting an arrow in the water, very slow. So items like gapples is needed within the gamemode to increase survival rate or else players can just win purely through numbers.

If u say it is easy to win a 1v2+ through gapple pvp, that is actually really hard as pots are limited in the inv. The opponents can just go in taking turns wasting their pots and eventually that solo player would lose by running out of healing.
You should visit a cliff and do smth


Legendary Pika
Oct 17, 2016
17. What you said here doesn't seem to be relevant does it? If you find a base and you think you can't raid it or you think it isn't worth the effort then sell coords to someone who will find it worth the effort. Issue on last OP Factions map was that people would place value only for payouts and in most cases it was 1x1 claim. So that means you and your faction can spend whole day flying all words hoping to find them.
6. Gkit keys wouldn't be nerfed, you just wouldn't get full potential of it first 2 or 3 weeks. That needs to be added as it makes too big difference between donators and non donators. For example for OP Factions it can be as it is, it can stay OP but for normal factions that would be too extreme as it is much harder to obtain items on there.
9. That is normal, if you ever pvped on for example OP Factions you would know. People bring 5+ sets in pvp and you pvp until you run out of sets. Buying potions in combat wouldn't make big difference. Either that or making potions last longer as it is on OP Factions where potions last 10min, so there isn't a need of buying more potions.
10 + 19. There isn't any factions which can pull that on Pika. Example of it was OP Factions, I owned the biggest faction and we barely had 10 active people trough the map. Point of /f alts is to gain power and have accounts for AFKing without needing to kick members from the faction. If you ever played Factions you would know sometimes you need lot of alts to AFK something and with member limit you can't have players work on base and have alts afk in the same time. Example is cane farms(proper cane farms can go from border to border cross map so think about it how many alts would be needed for that).
10 + 19) You don't seem to understand what I said about the /f alt system. I know that u want it to be implemented in order to increase the amount of power that factions can hold, but couldn't they take advantage of the system for unable to be kicked in /f alt and get too much power. In OP-Factions, due to those power factions having too much power and no overclaiming, they overusing the amount of power claim they had. In addition, having alts inside of faction and preventing them from being kicked is the responsibility of the factions to keep them in. If they aren't able to do that, then it would be better not to use alt.

17) Then I would like to ask a question to you, from the bases that you have raided, how much percentage of the overall value did u get from that one base raid. If it is less than half the overall value of the base that u got from it, then what is the purpose of finding the base and raiding them. People that buy base cords are mostly people with a lot of money already. They raid bases only for the fun and not for profit. This way it would only benefits the donators and not the non-donators as in both raiding and grinding donators got a more superior lead. Then what is the purpose of building a base or even playing the game for the non-donators when there's someone that has absolute power over them?

9) If PVP becomes that way it would be a battle that would be beneficial to the donators (or people with more money), they can just constantly buy pots and not die. They could keep one or two-rows of pots in their inv with the rest filled with armor and enter PVP. Whenever they ran out of pots they can just buy more pots in combat to refill the missing slots. Looking from a perspective non-donator, does non-donator have the resources to go against donators in pvp?

17) Base on what u said, then it would be better to disable Gkits for the few starting weeks because what's Op GKit keys isn't the keys themselves but the items that can be gotten from them. If the staff can disable the obtain of these keys in the starting weeks, it would have a better effect of allowing non-donators and donators to have an equal race at the start of the game. Only locking part of its GKit does not have an overall matter to the situation as Donators can still get more items from the crates than non-donators.

(Also pls don't say it like I have not play factions before, if I don't play factions I doubt I would be commenting. (Im just pointing out what I see as Im playing throughout the game))
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The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
-Increase kits cooldown (the higher the rank and longer the cooldown) :
Hi sir. The current cooldown - 1 day - is perfect. I don't think it should be changed. IT ISN'T 30 minutes like Op Factions.


The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
P.S. ( Allowing players mining spawners in claimed bases other than their own factions have already been implemented in other servers, and it was very effective, this can enhance the number of ways to gain rich in the competition other than through ranks or relying on strong factions to reach the goal. )
No. There are various ways someone can enter a base illegally (with using hacks) and there would be no proof for a rollback if someone mines spawners illegally. So, NO.
Do NOT add this. Please. Creeper eggs exist you know.


The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
10 + 19) If u see 15+ players (active) it is still a lot of players, Adding a new section for alts would just make factions even bigger and bypass factions member limits. (they can use add in active players in to disguise as alts to bypass factions auto kick)
Thats all I have to say about the suggestions posted for now.
If you have ever played/seen premium servers, you can see a lot of examples of /f alts and why it is needed. making it 15/20 man faction doesn't mean all of them would be online. Plus, the roster size will be big so we have to rotate people. No place for alts. If you want to say that players should afk, then no. Players got more stuff to do too. And /f alts don't have the same perms as members. Their perms are limited and they are allowed only to afk.


May 7, 2016
just bring back 2016 factions and remove all these fancy stuff like custom enchants, no mcmmo, no weird stuff please.


Legendary Pika
Oct 17, 2016
If you have ever played/seen premium servers, you can see a lot of examples of /f alts and why it is needed. making it 15/20 man faction doesn't mean all of them would be online. Plus, the roster size will be big so we have to rotate people. No place for alts. If you want to say that players should afk, then no. Players got more stuff to do too. And /f alts don't have the same perms as members. Their perms are limited and they are allowed only to afk.
But in other servers, they have a different setup like allowing overclaiming bases, having overclaiming can prevent factions from abusing their power and use their land power wisely. However, since the staff denied insiding, overclaiming, and added shield it made the gamemode easier. It turned the game mode into whoever the most populated the biggest. I did say if players want to use alts, it is their responsibility to keep them in there. And what can a player do in Factions other than pvp and afk. From what I have seen in factions, not a lot of people commit to raiding as it is hard to find one ( if people do not commit to doing it ) and it is not profitable from the amount that can be gained from it compared to raiding pvping and afking at spawners comes in with more profit efficiency. ( In other words, /f alts is not needed.)
Hi sir. The current cooldown - 1 day - is perfect. I don't think it should be changed. IT ISN'T 30 minutes like Op Factions.
Well, just for the reason that this is not OP-Factions, that is why cooldown may be more necessary because unlike OP-Factions, the gear in OP-Factions does not have too much difference, it only goes into whoever has the most gear to pvp in combat. However, in Normal Factions that is different because using a P3 diamond armor and P4 diamond armor have a big difference in the amount of damage taken throughout the combat. By increasing the cooldown, it would allow non-donators to have more chances in PvP and enable Donator to have more things to do like grinding for their gear rather than afking for their gear (Making the server more active).

No. There are various ways someone can enter a base illegally (with using hacks) and there would be no proof for a rollback if someone mines spawners illegally. So, NO.
Do NOT add this. Please. Creeper eggs exist you know.
I did say in the other comment as to why I dislike creeper eggs to raid bases/spawners (continue reading that comment). I never said it has to be gained through mining it, but add in a more effective way to raid spawners other than using creeper eggs. If the players worry about glitch mining, they could just block off the spawners with Obsidian making it a bit harder for both glitches and raiders. The balance between raiding and grinding is very slanted towards grinding, making players coming midway into the game having no chances. Promoting raiding can enable players to gain value quicker and break the iron rule of whoever with more walls stays on Top;


Legendary Pika
Oct 17, 2016
Another suggestion:
-Disable Spawner Stacking.
Everyone has been very mad as to people hiding their spawners in Pv until the payout time and placing it down at the last minute. Disabling it from being stacked up like a regular block of 64 and turning it like a flint and steel which could only be stacked up as one. This way it can decrease the amount of spawners players can keep in their Pv and decrease the Value they can hide away.


Aug 1, 2020
Another suggestion:
-Disable Spawner Stacking.
Everyone has been very mad as to people hiding their spawners in Pv until the payout time and placing it down at the last minute. Disabling it from being stacked up like a regular block of 64 and turning it like a flint and steel which could only be stacked up as one. This way it can decrease the amount of spawners players can keep in their Pv and decrease the Value they can hide away.
stop commenting faction topics
Thanks in advance!


Mar 20, 2016
@WeAreFamily Based on all comments you posted here it can be seen you have never played Factions on Pika.
having alts inside of faction and preventing them from being kicked is the responsibility of the factions to keep them in. If they aren't able to do that, then it would be better not to use alt.
When I said alts are getting kicked out of faction I meant they get rotated out. By that I want to say that when a faction has limit(lets say 10 people) which are active there is no room for alts in the faction. When someone goes offline you rotate another active person in(person which went offline gets kicked and new person gets invited), basically that is how rotation works. So in first week(s) you need alts to AFK but in same time you need active people IN THE FACTION to do useful faction related stuff which are needed to be done. No one mentioned alts getting kicked due to them not being logged on so get your facts clear. I won't even comment on the rest of stuff you posted as you are clearly lacking knowledge in that area.


Legendary Pika
Oct 17, 2016
@WeAreFamily Based on all comments you posted here it can be seen you have never played Factions on Pika.

When I said alts are getting kicked out of faction I meant they get rotated out. By that I want to say that when a faction has limit(lets say 10 people) which are active there is no room for alts in the faction. When someone goes offline you rotate another active person in(person which went offline gets kicked and new person gets invited), basically that is how rotation works. So in first week(s) you need alts to AFK but in same time you need active people IN THE FACTION to do useful faction related stuff which are needed to be done. No one mentioned alts getting kicked due to them not being logged on so get your facts clear. I won't even comment on the rest of stuff you posted as you are clearly lacking knowledge in that area.
The description of that system is unclear to me, are u saying if an alt goes offline it will get kicked immediately? If that is the case then what is the purpose of having that System?
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Legendary Pika
Oct 17, 2016
Anyway, let's (all) stop arguing about the suggestions. I just want to ask an overall idea of how do u guys think is the way to balance out the difference between Donators and non-Donator in (normal) Factions? My overall idea is the problem that caused the gap between Donators and non-Donators is due to the amount of stuff the perspective group controls as Donator holding more than the opposing party. Even though Donators worked more in putting their Factions together throughout the whole map, but they also gain items in more efficiency in Armor, Tnt, Spawners, and etc... On top of that, they have a more stable growth compared to non-Donators by having more spawners to grind and armor to defend themselves or their bases. In other words, from the number of stuff Donators gains to the Factions they are in, they have a complete advantage over the non-Donator. So to decrease the gap, I feel promoting Faction raiding would be very effective as the F top leaderboard would then always change without having that few factions being on top every season. It can attract more people in as non-Donators can start to work their way to F Top without relying on the Power-Factions. It can increase the amount of playing Factions within the game making competition much more 'Havoc'.
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