Hello there, I love to defend in bedwars but WHEN PROTECTING YOUR BED FROM TNT COSTS OVER 18 IRON JUST TO PROTECT A SMALL PART COMPARED TO TNT WHICH COSTS ONLY 6 GOLD then that's when you know defending is fun, how to defend? simple! put end stone and get rushed by a tryhard with over 20 TNT blocks while you are waiting to get clay, please reduce the damn cost of clay to 12 iron and make TNT 8 gold please, TNT is just too OP, you can get it quickly and rush a bed with almost NO EFFORT at all, bedwars in this server punishes defenders and rewards attackers, there is no motive to defend because of TNT, please make TNT 8 gold and clay 12 iron and you might be wondering if it's such a big issue that I'm posting a thread about it, well guess what it is! Most of you will disagree with me because most players in bedwars are rushers and they don't like it when defenders get a small buff so that's pretty expected, TLDR: TNT is too op, nerf the amount of layers it can break, make clay 12 iron for 4 clay and make tnt 8 gold so that you don't get farmed by attackers all day when you defend