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The truth about Pika-Network

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Apr 4, 2016
but WAIT

What is Illuminati??!`1111


I think we need VSauce here...


Pika Lover
Sep 29, 2017
Sorry Davidva but I want to say something of great importance.

You forgot an important illuminati member.


You’re proved that Pika-Network is an illuminati server, right? Great, you were one of their staff members months ago! So, you were a part of them. That’s one proof. Now let’s go to your name. Davidva. 7 letters. You’re missing 1 letter in your name so that your name will have have 8 letters. So, we’ll have to add this 8th letter by ourselves. Let’s find it out. Davidva. Your name ends with “a” then we’ll have to make the 8th letter an “A”. Your name is now Davidvaa. Keep it mind. We’ll use it many times. The 8th letter in your name is A. The 8th letter in illuminati is A. Coincidence? I think not. That’s a 2nd proof. Now onto another. You write pyramid as “piramide”. That’s one way to show that you’re afraid of typing it correctly because you are a former member of the “pyramid” family and you know that you’ll suffer if you interfere with their pyramid. That’s 3. Now let’s focus on your activity here on the forums. You created an endless forum game called “Yes or No”. “Yes or No” has 2 uppercased letters and 5 lowercased letters. 5 minus 2. Got it? Exactly, three. What else has 3 sides? We’re done with the fourth proof now. Now onto your history in Pika-Network. You were once blacklisted. Blacklisted. 11 letters. You’re name is Davidvaa not Davidva. Remember? Davidvaa. 8 letters. 11 minus 8 equals 3. Illuminati’s famous pyramid has 3 sides! Done with the 5th proof. Want more? Take more. Notice how I started this comment. I said sorry. Sorry. Sorry has 5 letters. You’re from either Belgium or Netherlands. Belgium/Netherlands are located in Europe. Europe has 6 letters. Sorry has 5 letters as we said. 6 minus 5? Exactly the number of eyes on the illuminati’s logo. Done with the 6th. Next, your profile’s statistics. You have 113 trophy points. One, one, and 3. One plus one. That’s 2. Minus the 3 we had. 3 minus 2. Exactly! The same eye we had in the 6th proof! Those are 7 ways to tell that you’re a member/former member of the illuminati. Okay, next. You joined this forums on 10th of March 2016. Remember the date. March. March is the third month of a year. Three. Keep it in mind. 10th of March right? So ten. Ten plus the 3 we had before. That’s thirteen. Don’t forget it. Now the year, it was on 2016. 2016 plus the 13 we had. That’s 2029. You left Pika-Network’s staff team on 2017. 2029 minus 2017. That’s 12. Remember your name? Davidvaa. 8 letters. 12 minus 8. Got it? Not yet? Let me explain. But keep the result in your mind. How many eyes does the illuminati logo has? 1. Awesome! And how many sides does their pyramid have? 3. Isn’t it obvious yet? 3 plus 1. Equals 4. 4 is the number the sides of the pyramid and the eyes the illuminati’s logo has. Now remember the 4 we had from your date of joining this forums? Still think it’s a coincidence? Of course not. That was the 8th proof. Now back to your name again. How many letters does your name consist of? Yea, 8. 3 of them are “A”s. Let me clarify. Davidvaa. Got it? Nice! Don’t forget it. Which proof are you reading now? Yes, the ninth. Nine. Nine divide the three we had from your name. That’s another 3! What else has 3 sides? You probably know!

@Davidva. I mean Davidvaa. Davidvaa is illuminati confirmed!
TBH a lot of the information was changed like his name, or adding 3 (sides) plus 1 (eye) to get random numbers. I liked davidva(a)’s one better, sorry :p

Also, just noticed Mr.ChangeMyNameInDiscordMuch’s retarded signature #WannabeStaff

You’re literally advertising Pika... ON PIKA’S OWN FORUMS! Whyyy you wannabe


Rare Pika
Jun 6, 2016
This could is could of been like a 1 paragraph explanation... not a freaking essay lol.
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