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Teamspeak Suggestion - Punishing Members

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Feb 26, 2016
PLEASE CHECK THE #7 post in this thread for an UPDATE, this is my preferred suggestion and any voted voted yes will be counted towards this suggestion

Helpers on Teamspeak should be able to gain access to this permission. This is a place where members get assigned a server group temporarily if they are swearing in a public channel reliability or committing other minor offensives. In this channel, they can't message, or private message, poke, or join any other channels. The helper will assign the server group Punished and will move the client to the channel The Naughty Corner for a period of time depending on the severity of the offensive. Other staff can obliviously give this to users, I was thinking it would be a good idea that helpers were given it.

-Set up a server group called "Punished"
-Set up a channel called "The Naughty Corner"
- Go to the Advanced permission tab and apply all the permissions. @Teun I don't mind giving you some help and guidance if you need it.

What does everyone else think of this idea for minor offensives on teamspeak?
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Epic Pika
Feb 26, 2016
We shod asking team speak staff members that watch ower the team speak servers,and only watch team speak,mayb like 5 people in different time zones.And the idea for that is pretty hard core but why not just ban the pearson from the server entierly but not just waste a channel for noting.Even if somebody gets punished there theyl just leave and come back after it expeired.Even if it does get added its gona be atleast 90% of the time empty.It is a good idea but it is kinda waste of time since you can just ban the pearson for like 24 h and thats all.Or maybe add a subtitle to his name that says Naughty after he is unbaned for a week or so.
That is better and funnyer for me xD
And dont be mad infected not saying that the idea is ban its good.But its gona be empty all the time thats the problem :/
Well CONGRATHS if you read my badly spelled post.Sooorryy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Feb 26, 2016
Sainthegamer did you we my updated suggestion that I posted in this thread as a reply a few days back? Appericate your opinion either way.

Edited: I will still be offering this to Pika-Network Community. However, my ideas has slightly changed because thought it would be a better idea and more practical. How it would work it would be a server group and the server group would not allow the user to speak with there mic, or message users or poke users etc. I've practised this and my idea is to allow all server groups including helpers to assign this users for a period of time depending on the offensive caused.

They can join other channels, that's the only permission that would be allowed, but they will have a [Muted] Rank by there names and they can appeal on the forums for a appeal.

What does everyone think of the updated suggestion and is there any update on this?


Epic Pika
Feb 26, 2016
Sainthegamer did you we my updated suggestion that I posted in this thread as a reply a few days back? Appericate your opinion either way.

Edited: I will still be offering this to Pika-Network Community. However, my ideas has slightly changed because thought it would be a better idea and more practical. How it would work it would be a server group and the server group would not allow the user to speak with there mic, or message users or poke users etc. I've practised this and my idea is to allow all server groups including helpers to assign this users for a period of time depending on the offensive caused.

They can join other channels, that's the only permission that would be allowed, but they will have a [Muted] Rank by there names and they can appeal on the forums for a appeal.

What does everyone think of the updated suggestion and is there any update on this?

Well its a -1 for me.Why let the user be online on the team speak server if he is muted or someting like that.For example if i was muted for 7 days i whod just leave and come back after 7 days.Why shod i go online and hear other people talk while i cant talk or tipe in chat.Just a complite waste of time.Now somebody is gona do that because of bordom and not a lot of people go on TS3.Mosly donators and staff members ho are playing pika for a while now.Its a -1 for me just a good idea but its easy avoidable by the muted users.And problably the muted user whod get tesed or made fun of by the users ho are not muted.
Ive seen other team speak servers do that and it was just a waste of time.And maybe its gona be diffrently here.maybe


Feb 26, 2016
Good Idea
as long as only staff and all staff can move them into it


Feb 26, 2016
@RockyGaming - I made a updated suggestion (I posted in this thread about 8 times XD), this is my preferred suggestion now, it's more practical in my opinion. I'll take you +1'ed on this suggestion (updated one below), if you want to change your vote, reply and let us know.

Edited: I will still be offering this to Pika-Network Community. However, my ideas has slightly changed because thought it would be a better idea and more practical. How it would work it would be a server group and the server group would not allow the user to speak with there mic, or message users or poke users etc. I've practised this and my idea is to allow all server groups including helpers to assign this users for a period of time depending on the offensive caused.

They can join other channels, that's the only permission that would be allowed, but they will have a [Muted] Rank by there names and they can appeal on the forums for a appeal.


Feb 26, 2016
Any update on this? Will my updated suggestion be implemented? (My updated suggestion is below and I have mentioned this about 10 times already, just in case a few users can't find it)

Awaiting Admin's+ Response to whether it will be implemented or not.

Edited: I will still be offering this to Pika-Network Community. However, my ideas has slightly changed because thought it would be a better idea and more practical. How it would work it would be a server group and the server group would not allow the user to speak with there mic, or message users or poke users etc. I've practised this and my idea is to allow all server groups including helpers to assign this users for a period of time depending on the offensive caused.

They can join other channels, that's the only permission that would be allowed, but they will have a [Muted] Rank by there names and they can appeal on the forums for a appeal.
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