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Survival survival claim ban


Legendary Pika
Nov 25, 2023
Minecraft username:

survival claim ban​

Detailed description:
I suggest to add a command to ban a specific player from your claim

/claim ban ieoub
/claim kick ieoub
/claim kickpet (to kick pets you don't own from your claim)

when you ban a player from a claim, when ever they enter the selected claim they will be teleported to spawn (more on examples)

this idea can be really useful with this suggestion

/claim ban command to remove crazy players (item sorter destryers, xp stealers... )
/claim kick command allows removing unwanted visitors without a full ban
/claim kickpet ensures pet management within claims.
this season if you right click on a trapdoor/doors/buttons/levers while holding an item players can interact with those redstone stuff. even when you see someone you have nothing to do about it​

while typing this suggestion, I made a research and found there's actually two plugins that have everything mentioned which are BanFromClaim and KickFromclaim

inputs and outputs examples :
Claim Owner usage
Claim Owner response
Applied on player response
/claimban useryou have banned {user} from X,Z claimyou are banned from that claim
/claimkick useryou have kicked {user} from X,Z claimyou have been kicked from that claim
/claimkickpetsyou have kicked unwanted pets

I didn't try the kickpets option before, but I have faced this issue multiple times on pika this season and last season.
some players bring their pets and set them in your claim​


Jan 23, 2025
-1 Unnecessary + Cause of Abuse in the future + Development resources and effort

This suggestion feels unnecessary and could create more problems than benefits. Claims already protect land, and if someone is being disruptive, reporting them to staff is a better solution than handing players the ability to ban others at will. This could easily be abused, with players banning people just out of spite or over minor disagreements. The /claim kick feature also seems redundant—if someone isn’t trusted in your claim, they shouldn’t be given access in the first place. As for /claim kickpet, it’s such a niche issue that it hardly justifies adding a whole new command. Instead of adding overly specific and potentially abusable mechanics, the server should focus on refining its current claim system and improving moderation tools as well as other suggestions being implemented and bugs fixed.