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Accepted Suggestions/Bugs/Improvement

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Apr 7, 2020
Minecraft Username


Detailed description:
Enemy Fly Radius - You cannot fly with the fly perm when an enemy is in range. Since this applies to the Faction fly command and also gunning buckets, its unreasonable to not add people with the fly perm on the list as well since its a huge disadvantage.

Patch Creeper Egg Glitch - The glitch works by breaking a block within another claim and instantly place a creeper egg within it right after. Since the user wouldn't have the build or destroy perm in another faction claim, the creeper would spawn within the block Some people break doors and place the creeper on the other side of the door or place a creeper within any block. There are multiple ways of using a creeper: punching. bowing, rodding, dropping, knocking. etc. so there shouldn't be a reason to have this glitch.

Patch Invisible Block Hopping Glitch - This glitch works by placing a block either underneath you or at a wall and continuously spamming it to get on a higher Y level like going back to spawn from the warzone or going up drywalls.

Fix Sand Gen Bucket - Every single gen bucket works except for the sand bucket which makes no sense since it is within the shop. I think it's either better to remove it so people wouldn't buy stock to figure out there's no point or somehow fix it.

Regen Walls - most faction on this server are capable of cannoning other faction and if they aren't they would use a schematic of one. It wouldn't make sense to have a capable offense with barely any defense like straight walls. There are Nukers, Left Shooters, Fusions and so much more cannon to ravage into another person base so I believe it would make it at least more challenging to add Regen walls. Since I also raid multiple factions this would work against me but its part of the game.

Prohibit Printing During Raid - I would agree for the people who defend their base to not patch their walls using a printer but why is it okay for those on the offense to patch their cannon or their printer to add sand? The rules should apply to both parties since one side can't use the mod to protect or support their base, the other should not use it to protect or support their cannon.

Fix Anvil Merging - For some reason, if you were to merge two items or enchants within an anvil, it only gets worse and worse. I believe you should only merge books and not items since that would be too freely exploited. When you place the books on the item the thought is that this enchantment will stay until I get a better one or it breaks. Merging books should also use Exp since it is OP Faction

Faction TNTbank Upgrade - The TNTbank can only hold 500k TNT and even though this may seem a lot to some, those who do not build cannons that can raid will not know how much a TNT could easily be consumed. I suggest either a cap of 2million TNT or a way to upgrade the bank up to 2 million capacity

No Ice within warzone - For any type of PvPer, the ice within the warzone is extremely frustrating to strafe or combo in. It's fine within a biome or wilderness since it would be considered the environment.

Faction Koth - If you guys didn't know the Koth even originated from the game "King of The Hill" where a person tries to keep their ground until the end. However, The use of Punch 5 Bows or Knockback 3 bows easily knock anyone off the area since most of the higher rank donors have it. To give a better advantage to new players, or small or growing faction, the Koth should be simulated when a faction has entered the region and unless you knock everyone, the timer would still go on. This idea was displayed on another server and was very gruesome how a war always break out which is pretty natural for the game mode anyway.

Koth Events - Since Koth got really popular through the use of this one game concept, it gets boring now since you experience playing 'King of The Hill' on any server. I suggest that when a Koth Event opens, a warp would be unlocked for people to join and it shouldn't only be 'King of The Hill' although I do enjoy it myself. Things like Faction Elimination, Capture the flag, Capture The Leader, or any other gameplay style to spice up the event. People just Koth for the loot now but I want to do it for the fun and excitement. The game mode is called a Faction so why not use games that involve a group of people so things could be very fun.

Autofill Dispenser - Since we have a TNTbank, I suggest having a command like [/f tntbank autofill] where once you placed a dispenser, it consumed the TNT within the bank so you wouldn't have to manually place it in or try to find which area that doesn't have it.

Class Rank - There are 3 types of weapons within Minecraft: Axe, Sword, and Bow. An Axe is used to break through Armor with high criticals, A sword that that is quicker with high offense like normal PVP, A bow that could shoot at a distance with high damage. I suggest 3 types of class for a battle where you could choose one to specialize in. (This idea I know would mostly be denied but I have a more detailed and organized format of this proposal if interested)​

The awesome reason for improving the gamemode and the enjoyment at pika ofc :)​

Discord | Mutt#2633


Staff Member
May 30, 2016
Suggestion - ACCEPTED

Hello Mutt,​
Thank you for your interest in Pika-Network by creating a suggestion for the network.​
I am glad to tell you that some of your suggestion are accepted and it has been implemented within the latest reset.​
Have fun playing!​

Good afternoon,
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