Rp prison ideas for new update
Detailed description:
New update ideas
-More cells
-Maybe iron golem farm in cellblock d
-Pvp mine avaiable to anyone cost 5k
contains 0.5% iron 0.5% gold and 10% glow stone 1% coal
Guards would be able to protect people in the pvpmine
- 2x money booster from voting for server
-A guard tracker that tells a guard if someone near them has drugs (but the tracker does not give name of person)
-Make pumpkins worth $13 instead of $!5
-Add pets (zombies, dogs,etc) that can pvp for you.
Server/Place suggestion is intended:
I thought they were good ideas
Rp prison ideas for new update
Detailed description:
New update ideas
-More cells
-Maybe iron golem farm in cellblock d
-Pvp mine avaiable to anyone cost 5k
contains 0.5% iron 0.5% gold and 10% glow stone 1% coal
Guards would be able to protect people in the pvpmine
- 2x money booster from voting for server
-A guard tracker that tells a guard if someone near them has drugs (but the tracker does not give name of person)
-Make pumpkins worth $13 instead of $!5
-Add pets (zombies, dogs,etc) that can pvp for you.
Server/Place suggestion is intended:
I thought they were good ideas