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Denied Practice Suggestion: Practice - Donator ranks

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Forum Fantasiser
Feb 27, 2017
Practice - Donator ranks

Detailed description:
1. Add /fly in lobby, like, it's really harmless believe it or not.
2. Let donators make their own kits. This is just a fun little addition that could make /duel a little bit more fun. You should be able to use anything in the game, like villager eggs for example.
3. Fix /stats, lol.
4. Give donators /nick.
5. Let donators adjust the elo range they want to fight against, I would love to fight people around my elo range and not 1300-1400 that take like 25-35 elo everytime i lose.

Server/Place suggestion is intended:


So at the moment, practice ranks are useless. The only thing you get is a prefix. Like honestly, these things are the only stuff you get: ''You'll get the prefix and you'll get access to check others stats and elo.'' Let's not forget that the ''you'll get access to check others stats and elo'' doesn't even work as you have no access to /stats.


I Would love to give one, but I don't. I could give you the imagination I got in my head, but I think that won't work.


New Member
Nov 16, 2016
My personal overview of the suggestion:

1. Seems plausible, and is a great additional +1
2. This can become very OP, and would not result in a good feel for non-donators. If we were to restrict/tweak this idea however, it could become very ideal!
3. Hopefully it will be fixed soon!
4. Currently /nick does not work for anyone on practice (perms are messed up) however once that is fixed should be a great addition +1
5. Great idea, I think it would be good to set the level you want to fight against! However, this can be used to create a very high kill streak, unless all players are allowed to do this (so players with the same targeted elo can fight one another)

Thanks for making the suggestions, alot of them see really good and are possible candidates for additions to the server!

Sincerely, NickTill
Pika-Network Staff Team•


Forum Fantasiser
Feb 27, 2017
My personal overview of the suggestion:

1. Seems plausible, and is a great additional +1
2. This can become very OP, and would not result in a good feel for non-donators. If we were to restrict/tweak this idea however, it could become very ideal!
3. Hopefully it will be fixed soon!
4. Currently /nick does not work for anyone on practice (perms are messed up) however once that is fixed should be a great addition +1
5. Great idea, I think it would be good to set the level you want to fight against! However, this can be used to create a very high kill streak, unless all players are allowed to do this (so players with the same targeted elo can fight one another)

Thanks for making the suggestions, alot of them see really good and are possible candidates for additions to the server!

Sincerely, NickTill
Pika-Network Staff Team•
1. Thanks!
2. This is only for duels, so not elo battles.
3. Yesh
4. Thanks!
5. This could be given to everyone, but I don't want the elo ranges to be precise. It should be that you can choose 100 below or above your level, foe example:
If you have 1700 elo, you can choose to play against everyone or against people that have from 1600-1800 elo.


Legendary Pika
Sep 6, 2016
I actually considered buying a rank on practice but I backed out since it isn't much you can get.
I would like to suggest Donator Particles, When you flick your rod particles come out and when you shoot ur bow too.


Legendary Pika
Feb 18, 2017
My personal overview of the suggestion:

1. Seems plausible, and is a great additional +1
2. This can become very OP, and would not result in a good feel for non-donators. If we were to restrict/tweak this idea however, it could become very ideal!
3. Hopefully it will be fixed soon!
4. Currently /nick does not work for anyone on practice (perms are messed up) however once that is fixed should be a great addition +1
5. Great idea, I think it would be good to set the level you want to fight against! However, this can be used to create a very high kill streak, unless all players are allowed to do this (so players with the same targeted elo can fight one another)

Thanks for making the suggestions, alot of them see really good and are possible candidates for additions to the server!

Sincerely, NickTill
Pika-Network Staff Team•
2. I strongly disagree. All they will be able to do then is make custom kits, and I assume it works like this; You do /duel <name>, and you can pick items to duel with by clicking the "Custom Duel", or you can just make one custom kit, but you can change it all you want. It's not even that OP, it just adds a little bit of fun. If members then think "Why do we not have this??", the reason will be because donators paid for nothing. I mean people on Op-Factions can buy gamemode 1 for 50-. Then that should get removed as well for the same reason.

My opinion; +1 on all suggestions. I was thinking about buying a rank there, but the abilities just suck. Would be amazing if they added this :)

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