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Accepted OP Factions Some suggestions for new season

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Mar 20, 2016
Minecraft Username:

Some suggestions for new season

Detailed description:
After speaking with multiple people from the community and also from my faction I have gathered a list of most common suggested things for new season of OP Factions.

  1. Removing TNT from shop and crates - Currently any person can just come online, vote, open vote keys and they get enough money to actually fill a cannon with TNT(price for TNT is too cheap), if someone wants TNT so they can raid they need to buy spawners and AFK for it.
  2. Buffing creeper spawner price - Current price for creeper spawner is just too low(7.5M), my faction had 8000 creeper spawners in the first few days, currently it is just too easy to get TNT.
  3. Buff /gkit keys - At this point it just isn't worth it, buff seasonal rank chance, they are seasonal with a reason.
  4. Making sand and sand bot prices bigger - Making it atleast 10x the current price, price for sandbot currently is just too cheap for the gamemode
  5. Smaller overworld - Currently it is 9k x 9k (so 18k x 18k basicaly), most of people just hide their value in small 1x1 or 3x3 claims in overworld, it is impossible to find them in that big of a world, it would just take too much time, so world should also be 5k x 5k.
  6. Sets from vote and epic crate - Make it so instead of a full set we get a voucher(same like it is with donator kits in crates), it just annoying when you open crates and get 10x voting set in a row so you have to empty your inventory.
  7. Sets from unique and godly crate - Reason same as suggestion above
  8. Mystery rank box from godly crate - It should give permanent ranks. If you open Godly crate you can get perm ranks, but if you get a mystery rank box from godly crate you get seasonal rank from it.
  9. Fixing holograms - Making them show correct info.
  10. Making so raid claims dissapear after 12hours and don't turn into normal claims.
  11. Making so barrel claims dissapear aswell - Currently they don't disappear at all.
  12. Adding chunk collectors - As you can see in video(Video 1. under Example(s) section) we had over 5000 double chests in our storage, there should be an alternative such as chunk collectors(with a limit at lets say 100k or 200k items stored). Biggest issues with chests are that if you creeper egg them or shoot with a cannon at them whole server dies for few minutes due to all items from chests dropping on ground, and other issue is overall fps drop for players which even come near the base. Chunk collectors should be ceggable, and only way to sell from them would be with a sell wand or manual withdrawal from them for people without sellwands(sell wands are easily obtainable trough crates aswell so it shouldn't be an issue).
  13. Adding koth top - This should be added to increase amount of competition on koth, with that being said, koth loot should also be better. Koth top should be paid out at end of the season and faction which won it should get 75$ buycraft.
  14. Outpost - Lowering boost it gives for selling, currently it is too much, making it x1.2 would be enough, x1.5 is too much.
  15. No base claims in range of other bases - As you can see in this screenshot other faction makes base claim outside our base with shield aswell, and in the time of them being there no one else can shoot at us due to the having shield nor we can counter them. This should be directly punishable, as soon as they claim it.
  16. Enable overclaiming
  17. Removing money boosters from /buy - This is so economy wouldn't be broken again.
  18. Add buttons, pressure plates, levers to /shop
  19. Adding /printer
  20. Adding faction alts - /f alt invite /f alt join - Bigger factions have more members and issue we encountered this season was that we had to rotate our members(that means we had to kick offline to invite online ones), and we had to do it for few weeks until some stopped playing.
  21. Add /jelly leggs - Perk or an enchant, it just ridicuolous that when you /fly and knock someone you both die, doesn't matter if you were 2 blocks away from the ground or 256 blocks away from the ground, you still die.
  22. Add water breathing and aqua affinity enchants to God, Immortal, Unique and Godly kits
  23. Remove Sharp shooter bow from godly crate, it is too bad for that crate, or buff the bow, add bigger punch to it etc
  24. Muted people should be able to use sandbots - Current issue is if you are muted you can't deposit money in the sandbot
  25. Making trench pickaxes work on obsidian - Either that or adding some kind of an enchant specifically for obsidian
  26. Making Obsidian break enchant faster - Even level 4 is slow
  27. Add saturation enchant - It is just annoying when you are running away from someone and you have to eat here and there due to losing hunger.
  28. Adding value blocks - As you can see from(Video 2. under Example(s) section) we had 100k spawners placed in small area under base which caused lot of fps dropping, this is nothing based on what last season faction top 1 faction had placed. Blocks should be lets say 100b in value so we can place them and get 100B value on /f top, they should also have value which increases each 12h until it reaches max value.
  29. Chunk busters - Making it possible to actually get chunk busters from crates, no one ever saw anyone get them this map, although big amount of crates was opened, also buff the amount of chunk busters we can get, 2 are basically nothing for the crate they can be found in
  30. Map duration should be 6 weeks instead of 7
  31. Put enchantment books in crates instead of money
  32. Adding seasonal /pv vouchers to unique and godly crate
  33. Fix freecam cegging and phasing - We lost almost whole grinders due to this issue, you can see it in video(Video 3. under Example(s) section)
  34. Adding depth strider 3 to unique, godly and axeman/swordsman gkits
  35. Remove money from Unique and Godly crate or buff it
  36. Adding sellwands with more uses in crates, normal factions have sellwands of 15k uses while OP Factions have max 7.5 obtainable from crates
This suggestion thread will be updated when I gather more suggestions from community.

Explained above^​

Video 1. - Storage
Video 2. -Value blocks
Video 3. -Freecam cegging/phase
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU_lcyHn7lI&ab_channel=iq420

Last edited:


The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
Best Op Factions thread ever. Agreeing with all the above suggestions!!




Oct 8, 2020
+1 ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ


Great Reporter
Aug 18, 2018
Due to the reason/s mentioned above
I'm giving this suggestion a +1

Good Morning;


Mar 22, 2017
Adding command /trash or some kind of an alternative - When opening crates lot of ranked people tend to get bad items from them, currently there are 2 double chests at spawn which are always full so adding a command /trash which would open a chest GUI in which we could throw stuff in would be amazing, if not that then adding like a trash bin at spawn next to crates(e.g. cauldron with sign Trash).
BTW this is already a thing


The Pika
Nov 19, 2020
+1 i think you are reading this well if you are I give this a +1 cuz I saw a lot of Upvotes


Staff Member
May 30, 2016
Suggestion - ACCEPTED

Hello iq420,​
Thank you for your interest in Pika-Network by creating a suggestion for the network.​
I am glad to tell you that parts of your suggestion are accepted and it has been implemented!​
Have fun playing!​

Good evening,
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