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Denied Global Report System

  • Thread starter Deleted member 100142
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Deleted member 100142

Minecraft Username

Report System

Detailed description:
The report system includes several report types.
Chatreports (/chatreport [player]). The last 10 messages of the reported player get saved and attached to the report.
Live Reports (/livereport [player]). As soon as a player gets reported multiple times in one game, staff gets notified to jump to that exact game to review the cheater themselfes. This report type should be for cheating only at is is or should be the most severe offense.
Regular Reports (/report [player] [reason]). Regular Reports that can contain multiple reasons from Crossteaming to inappropriate Skin/Name/Cape, Trolling, Abuse of Bugs/Exploits etc.​

There are over 1000 users online per day. It's normal that there are many people that don't obey the servers rules. Reporting them one by one through the discord or the forums is just annoying for the legit players.
This system would give a small sense of justice, knowing that the staff will review the player's behaviour. All you need to do is run a command.

I find it very disappointing that if I have a rule-breaker in my game and don't have a replay or recording, the player will most likely play many other rounds without getting banned.
I see no real downsides to this system as it is common to be implemented on larger servers.​


The Pika
Sep 14, 2019
Minecraft Username

Report System

Detailed description:
The report system includes several report types.

Chatreports (/chatreport [player]). The last 10 messages of the reported player get saved and attached to the report.

Live Reports (/livereport [player]). As soon as a player gets reported multiple times in one game, staff gets notified to jump to that exact game to review the cheater themselfes. This report type should be for cheating only at is is or should be the most severe offense.

Regular Reports (/report [player] [reason]). Regular Reports that can contain multiple reasons from Crossteaming to inappropriate Skin/Name/Cape, Trolling, Abuse of Bugs/Exploits etc.

There are over 1000 users online per day. It's normal that there are many people that don't obey the servers rules. Reporting them one by one through the discord or the forums is just annoying for the legit players.

This system would give a small sense of justice, knowing that the staff will review the player's behaviour. All you need to do is run a command.

I find it very disappointing that if I have a rule-breaker in my game and don't have a replay or recording, the player will most likely play many other rounds without getting banned.

I see no real downsides to this system as it is common to be implemented on larger servers.
My perspective.
1. The last 10 messages of the reported player get saved and attached to the report.
How huh? You don't understand from a developer perspective.... we can't get GET the messages from the player, it means we have to save EVERY TIME the player talks. What I mean is, Spigot doesn't store the messages mate, you gotta store them, then fetch them when you make a report. 1000 players and you gotta save every message they talk. You really think computers are powerful don't you... enjoy lag, my man!

2. As soon as a player gets reported multiple times in one game
Why should it depend on how many times the player gets reported?

3. Crossteaming to inappropriate Skin/Name/Cape, Trolling, Abuse of Bugs/Exploits etc.
Ok. Can you guarantee that the staff will be online 24/7? Give me more info.

4. I see no real downsides to this system as it is common to be implemented on larger servers.
List em.

And this "oH tHe StAfF wiLl GeT sPaMmEd" thing that is abused as a reason to deny the suggestion:
You are a staff-member for a reason. If you can't organize your chat or manage your tasks properly, you most likely should not have a rank.

I don't mean this as an insult, but your reasoning for denial are more than lame.

Also "players will abuse it"
You can apply this to almost every suggestion. Not even mentioning staff-abuse, which is possible but you don't have to expect the worst.

Also if the report-system can be abused to hard why don't block abusive players from reporting? Or add a "correct-report-rate" which determines if a report gets priority or not?
5. You are a staff-member for a reason. If you can't organize your chat or manage your tasks properly, you most likely should not have a rank.
How do they organize the chat lol... its Minecraft, not discord, where you can delete messages and stuff. Your just spamming each one of them with a report that could be false. For example, how many people WOULD EVEN USE THE CATEGORIES? Noobies will just use regular reports for hackers! Your suggestion is flawed so much!

6. Also if the report-system can be abused to hard why don't block abusive players from reporting? Or add a "correct-report-rate" which determines if a report gets priority or not?
We wouldn't want that. Some people just don't know if they are cheating or not, for example, they use reach, the player reports it, he toggles off, and when the staff arrives he's not cheating. Guess what happens? The staff member makes the reporter not be able to report anymore. Not fair bro.

Deleted member 100142

1. The last 10 messages of the reported player get saved and attached to the report.
How huh? You don't understand from a developer perspective.... we can't get GET the messages from the player, it means we have to save EVERY TIME the player talks. What I mean is, Spigot doesn't store the messages mate, you gotta store them, then fetch them when you make a report. 1000 players and you gotta save every message they talk. You really think computers are powerful don't you... enjoy lag, my man!
Spigot servers automatically store everything that happens on the server. Called "log". Check it if you want.
The messages can't be saved on the spigot server. The servers are most likely dynamic meaning that they work based on templates.
Data that is applied during games will not get saved but deleted after the server stopps if this is the case.
Also, you would need to store them via the Proxy, which isn't as performance-influencing as you claim it to be.
Especially if they get deleted after a short amount of time.

2. As soon as a player gets reported multiple times in one game
Why should it depend on how many times the player gets reported?
Everybody is crying about the abuse aspect of the system. If multiple players report somebody, it is more likely not to be abuse but a reasonable report.

3. Crossteaming to inappropriate Skin/Name/Cape, Trolling, Abuse of Bugs/Exploits etc.
Ok. Can you guarantee that the staff will be online 24/7? Give me more info.
What? Nobody talked about staff being on 24/7. Stop making up things!
Yes there will be a time that no staff members are online. And that's the great thing about this system.
You can either store reports until a staff member joins and works on them, or not allow creating reports if no staff is online and forcing players to use the forums.
In that case, you can just use the forums to report. Not a problem at all.

4. I see no real downsides to this system as it is common to be implemented on larger servers.
List em.
Yeah and get banned for advertising? Just join a random server. 99.9% of the bigger servers will have a system like this.

How do they organize the chat lol... its Minecraft, not discord, where you can delete messages and stuff. Your just spamming each one of them with a report that could be false. For example, how many people WOULD EVEN USE THE CATEGORIES? Noobies will just use regular reports for hackers! Your suggestion is flawed so much!
You don't have to see the notification to check through reports.
Just open the list of pending reports and check one of them. If every mod checks the list once in a while for a new report, the system works just flawless.
If your network spamms the staff members chat so constantly that they would not see a important notification, then you did something wrong.

We wouldn't want that. Some people just don't know if they are cheating or not, for example, they use reach, the player reports it, he toggles off, and when the staff arrives he's not cheating. Guess what happens? The staff member makes the reporter not be able to report anymore. Not fair bro.
My goodness you really made up a lot of crap arguments for your perspective.
Wow that happens every once in a while. Also I never said "block them from reporting" if the report isn't correct. That's not really abuse. That's just wrong interpretation and that's what staff is there for.
I said to block them if they abuse it. If they for example report staff members for no reason or spam reports on one player. That's abuse.

Think about your arguments before you post s***t like this.


The Pika
Sep 14, 2019
Spigot servers automatically store everything that happens on the server. Called "log". Check it if you want.
The messages can't be saved on the spigot server. The servers are most likely dynamic meaning that they work based on templates.
Data that is applied during games will not get saved but deleted after the server stopps if this is the case.
Also, you would need to store them via the Proxy, which isn't as performance-influencing as you claim it to be.
Especially if they get deleted after a short amount of time.

Everybody is crying about the abuse aspect of the system. If multiple players report somebody, it is more likely not to be abuse but a reasonable report.

What? Nobody talked about staff being on 24/7. Stop making up things!
Yes there will be a time that no staff members are online. And that's the great thing about this system.
You can either store reports until a staff member joins and works on them, or not allow creating reports if no staff is online and forcing players to use the forums.
In that case, you can just use the forums to report. Not a problem at all.

Yeah and get banned for advertising? Just join a random server. 99.9% of the bigger servers will have a system like this.

You don't have to see the notification to check through reports.
Just open the list of pending reports and check one of them. If every mod checks the list once in a while for a new report, the system works just flawless.
If your network spamms the staff members chat so constantly that they would not see a important notification, then you did something wrong.

My goodness you really made up a lot of crap arguments for your perspective.
Wow that happens every once in a while. Also I never said "block them from reporting" if the report isn't correct. That's not really abuse. That's just wrong interpretation and that's what staff is there for.
I said to block them if they abuse it. If they for example report staff members for no reason or spam reports on one player. That's abuse.

Think about your arguments before you post s***t like this.
"99.9% of the bigger servers will have a system like this."
Which? Hypixel has Watchdog, but it isnt checked by staff because its run thru the anticheat, Mineplex has like 300 staff but doesnt even have the same player count as Pika, if your saying some dumb server you made with your 5 yr old friends, dont list it here.

"Also, you would need to store them via the Proxy, which isn't as performance-influencing as you claim it to be."

"Data that is applied during games will not get saved but deleted after the server stopps if this is the case."
If we are using hashmaps I am going to cry, we are using databases mate.

"What? Nobody talked about staff being on 24/7. Stop making up things! "
Sorry I didnt explain it well enough, I was supposed to quote the entire regular report thing.
Ngl I think that the current report system is fine, and its quick as well. For example, in game you have to do /reports, look at the info, COPY the info (Dont even know if you can do that ngl), then do it in-game.

"99.9% of the bigger servers will have a system like this. "

"Just open the list of pending reports and check one of them. If every mod checks the list once in a while for a new report, the system works just flawless. "
Then why did you mention about the staff organizing the chat... How does that relate..

"Think about your arguments before you post s***t like this. "
Just do some research about past suggestions about this, also check the status: should be red and should have "denied" on it.


Feb 25, 2016
Maybe pika could concentrate more on getting more staffs before even thinking about this type of method.

I mean, they have report section on Forums and just by that, they are flooded with reports already.


Event Coordinator
Great Reporter
May 6, 2017
Hey ThatsTom,

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