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OP Factions Remove Points


Legendary Pika
Jun 20, 2024
Minecraft username:

Remove Points​

Detailed description:
So basically in Op Factions there is Points who give u value and u get them by grinding Rpost,endermites,koths and etc..However they are worth 50 bilion each point and a faction usually has around 30k of them which gives them 3 Quadrillions of value which defenetly doesnt match the economy,the economy is 10-100 Trilions and u get 3 Quadrilions by just pvping.U can also lose the points if someone hits the base claim which is not a good idea because the base claim sometimes reaches the Factions walls in 10 shots because its impossible to set it perfectly alligned it with the base and Factions lose all of Their points without getting actually Raided.In this map we saw a bug which was done on my faction,another faction got 6 walls into my base and took all of our points while my base was 120 walls and they defenetly did not hit the base claim.This is a big issue and it just doesnt match Op Factions.Also Factions right now are "Hiding" their Faction Points by hiding their base claim or not even using one.They just delete the base claim and are basically unraidable and other competing factions cannot take the points away from them in order to win f top.​

The reason is because the faction points completely ruin the point of Op Factions.People just grind strongholds and can go p2w since u earn alot of points from Seasonal Crate Keys,and faction can basically remove their base claim and hide it and just dont place any spawners since the economy is in Trillions and the points reach 5 Quadrillions so spawners dont matter and dont play a role which makes Op Factions seem like Op Skyblock...Factions can just hide their base claim and win F Top.You guys should completely wipe Points off Op Factions and bring back the Spawners Economy since its the point of OP ( OVER POWERED ) Factions.​

You guys should completely remove points and all the economy relies on Spawners and not capping strongholds.Where you get points and hide them till the last payout and basically be invincible and immortal is clearly not fun as we've seen Apollo and Poseidon do it while Subway and ChooChoo are defending every week just to get their taken away in 5mins is just completely unfair.With my new Raiding Outpost suggestion the economy will be buffed where u will get alot of money,exp and special stuff which u can buy with Raiding Outpost points.The whole Factions point is Spawners and Raiding not Capping strongholds and koths.At this point we are basically playing Op Skyblock.With factions losing their points because of bugs and stupid stuff both of the top 2 factions quit and the p2w factions who have no clue in the point of Factions are gonna win and it just doesnt make it fu.Removing the points will bring Op Factions back and the map will be Fun and Active.​


Legendary Pika
Oct 14, 2023
We can do something like this, the cooldown would be 3 hours
In additional from my suggestion and from the players who are playing competitively the whole map with this new updated version of Faction points. The current Value wise of Spawners and Faction points have a big difference, 70% to 80% of a Faction's value for this map is Faction points and the other 20% to 30% is Spawner value. This means the actual new competitive gameplay for this Map will solely depend on the TNT hitting that base claim, Making the actual fun gameplay of OP Factions the 24/7 "Grinding" part with the spawners seemingly pointless to do If we we're to play competitively. If a Faction we're to spend a decent amount of money on Seasonal crates and Seasonal loot bags to get koth/stronghold starters and would lose big percentage the gained Faction points by a .4 second or .6 second cannon thats almost impossible to patch below y10, this would make players lose a ton of time and money in only a short amount of time. This type of gameplay would probably not change in the next season by reducing the value of a faction point to 30 Billion.

So my suggestion would be these below

Make it so that the deduction of Faction points happens when TNT hits spawners in the legal placement of value spawners above y190.

This rebalance will bring back the gameplay Op Factions and the balancing of the Faction value wise of a Faction's Spawners and Faction points.

Side Additions of Faction points that will add more competition to the Raiding outpost.

Faction points gained every 40 minutes instead of 30 minutes is raised from 50 Faction points to 70 - 80 Faction points

Note: Spawner spawn rate buff and rewards will stay the same and will still be rewarded every 30 minutes.
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Epic Pika
Mar 24, 2022
For next season we have already been discussing a points rebalancing, we dont believe we should remove it as we want to give both grinders and pvp'ers an equal chance at winning. The following is currently planned, please let me know what you guys think.
- Point value to 30B
- Stronghold to 150 points
- Make it so that a base claim is required in order to get points.
You have to make it so you only lose points if the the faction loses spawners when getting raided. Right now you lose all your points if a faction hits your base claim. People don't even care about raiding your base anymore they just care about hitting your base claim. You have to rework the rules too, make sure it so if a faction wants to compete for ftop they need to have spawners placed.


Legendary Pika
Jun 20, 2024
For next season we have already been discussing a points rebalancing, we dont believe we should remove it as we want to give both grinders and pvp'ers an equal chance at winning. The following is currently planned, please let me know what you guys think.
- Point value to 30B
- Stronghold to 150 points
- Make it so that a base claim is required in order to get points.
Since Points came into Op Factions the server has been falling down as we've seen factions win with just Points as example this season and last season.The economy from last season should be back,it was in Quadrillions which is good because its OpFactions and u guys switched it to Trillions and its just not the point of Op Factions,if u guys make the prices low like that u should fix Cane Prices and other things to use in grace to make money.As u mentioned above PvPers and grinders should be equal.Thats for kit pvp not for Op Factions.There is no faction server where u pvp to win a map.All of them include Grinding and PvP just in grace to DOUBLE or even TRIPLE the rewards from grinding.There is no such point of playing "Factions" (Its a gamemode designed for grinding for 7 days and raiding for the other 21 days) where u PvP in order to win F Top.This is just basically playing Kit PvP but with bases (Kit Map) where Spawners make nothing and the pvp is the main thing.Please remove them u can see the amount of replies and upvotes.No one wants Points on Op Factions and its just obvious as we've seen ALOT of Bugs being exploited with the points and the points havent been given back.And obviously there is already REWARDS for doing Strongholds as u mentioned,by capping a StrongHold you get a LOOTBAG which is clearly enough rewards but now with the points on top of it you get Points which u can win F top with.Capping strongholds should never be a thing to count on f top and also stuff like capping koths,killing bosses,killing endermites u clearly get rewards from them after killing/capping them and on top of it now if u do them alot of times u get a chance to win f top and just hide your base claim till the end and win while other factions defend for weeks and just dont get enough value.Decrease the points to 1 Billion or just completely REMOVE them!!


Epic Pika
Mar 26, 2021
I wish that opfaction gets concentrated on the point of the gamemode, cannons and raiding, rpost canes darkzone things like that. points are not needed guys
