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Denied SkyWars Rank Sky war

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Great Reporter
Aug 22, 2019
Minecraft Username

Rank Sky war

Detailed description:
Suggestion of Rank skywar:

  • The loot for own island
  • There should be one dia armor pieces in each island, but each island is different, (for example, A got dia helmet, B got dia chestplate, C got dia legging, D got dia boot) (with no prot)
  • There should be some xp bottle, eggs or snowball and fishing rod, a water bottle, blocks (wood/ stone), dia sword (with no sharp), dia pick and axe (with no efficiency), a gapple., anvil or enchantment table

  • The loot for mid
  • There should have healing (potions, gap), blocks, sword (sharp 1), 4 dia pieces separate in 4 chest (prot 1), 2 pearl separate in 4 chest, xp bottle.
  • Please don’t have some special items, For Example, the bouncy boots in rumble or bombs in rumble
3 The first refill for mid and own island

  • For own island, the loot inside should be similar to the loot in mid before the first refill. [First refill]
  • For mid, there should be more healing, about 1-2 ender pearls each mid chest, 2 dia pieces in each chest (prot 1), axe/ dia sword (sharp 2), blocks. [First refill]
4 The second refill for mid and own island

  • For own island, the loot inside should be similar to the loot in mid (first refill)
  • For mid, there should be more and more healing, about 5 ender pearls each mid chest, blocks…
5 The game duration:

The game duration should not above 10 min

6 The reward for killing a player

I think the system should give the player a enderpearl and heal him

7 staff spec

I think each game should have a staff member spec the game to let the hacker got ban immediately or may found some player who are not noob and at least are on the leader board to help. (i know this point sounds confusing, but i want to point out that if there dont have any staff or people spec each game, hackers may win a lots of game till some good people report them, and get banned)

8 The requirement to get into a rank game

The player should have at least level 10 (this is suggested by momo250), 20 wins, 200 kills. This could improve the opponent quality and can avoid some lv 1 hacker get into game and destroy all the players.

9 the ban, and unban

I think if the system of staff spec really happens, the ban should be immediate to avoid the hacker already win a lot of game. And if the player got unban, the player should not allow to play within 14 days.

10 the kits (suggestded by chartoise)

i think the kits in normal skywar for donators are so power which need to nerf about the normal skywar. But for rank sky war, i hope that there should not have any donator kits as rank skywar should be more fair and balanced. And i hope there should be some default ktis for people which players dont need to buy or earn them. This may let the game more balanced

11 The abilities (suggested by patolunix)

About the abilities, it is too strong, too unbalanced and luck-based. for example the vampire abilities. So if the rank skywar really happends, there should not be any abilities in game.​

As for many skywars player, We think it should be more fun and there should be more skill-based game which are different with a normal solo or duol games. I think rank skywar can really improve the opponent qualities and people should have more fun about it!

sorry for the bad gramma:cry:

yes, just like the hypixel rank skywar. I have review the ranks skywar in hypixel, and i have looked in to some problem in pika network if the rank skywar really implemented. so there are 10 point of suggestion in the above. Hope pika network can think about the possibilities about the Rank Skywar.


Lead Developer
Mar 11, 2018
Hey 0208,

Thank you for creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.​
However we have decided to deny your suggestion due to:​
◆ We have no plans for ranked minigames.​
Thank you very much for helping us.​

Have a good time on PikaNetwork!

Good afternoon,
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