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Update OpSkyBlock - Reset | June The 10th 2022

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Lead Developer
Mar 11, 2018

OpSkyblock - PikaNetwork 2022
June 10th 2022, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 11:00 PST

Hello, players of PikaNetwork.

It is time again for a new season of OpSkyBlock filled with new features & improvements that will make OpSkyBlock even more fun to play on. For this season we are mainly focussing on revamping a lot of the big existing features, such as custom enchantments, spawners & pets.

On top of that, we are adding some things to make people enjoy the PvP more, like new runes, a flatter warzone, and rewards for killing players.

Below you can find most of the changes we have made and what has been added, I’m sure I forgot to mention it all but I’m sure giving it a good read over you will be familiar with most you're going to see. If there is however still something you want to change, feel free to mention it on this thread before its release, we can still consider making the change.

Are you ready to hop into a new season?! Say no more. The update will be released this Friday, June 10th, 2022.

June 10th 2022

18:00 GMT / 13:00 EST / 12:00 CST / 10:00 PST

Please note: The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET.

If you would like to start the season on the right track, we've got you covered! We are running a giveaway that includes ranks and store coupons! If you would like to enter the giveaways, go ahead and visit our official post!

🕰️ End of the world
To celebrate the end of the season, we will be hosting an end-of-season event. At around 3 days before the release, we will be placing reset signs at spawn which you can click and claim a number of rewards; Free items, Free gkits, Millions of in-game money, Tons of free experience to level up your overpowered armor. Everyone will be able to finish their rank-ups because you can get everything for free. You can fight with everyone without the fear of losing your gear you have weeks to gather. So clearly this is the event everyone should participate in! Hop on OpSkyBlock and have fun!


The most important features/modifications implemented towards this season's map and functions are the following.

🏆 Payouts! Island Top Rewards
This new season of OpSkyBlock we will have bi-weekly rewards for the top factions! This will go on until the end of the season which will last exactly 6 weeks or 42 days and end with the final payout. View all the dates in the /payouts menu.
End of the season rewards
🥇 First place: €500 worth of Iron currency.
🥈 Second place: €350 worth of Iron currency.
🥉 Third place: €200 worth of Iron currency.
Bi-weekly rewards
🥇First place: €75 worth of Iron currency.
🥈 Second place: €50 worth of Iron currency.
🥉 Third place: €25 worth of Iron currency.

🏛️ New! Spawn
A new season means a brand new spawn. This season we will be going back in time straight into an ancient desert. Explore the spawn to find out all the features we are offering this season.
💀 A new spawn with an ancient desert theme.
⛰️ The spawn contains an outpost again.
❓ Looking for some help? There are plenty of NPCs explaining all the features.
🔑 A new seasonal crate has been added again.
⚱️ New! Runes

This season we are taking a step back to take a closer look at one of the biggest features that made OpSkyBlock, the Custom Enchantments. We feel like the Custom Enchantments could have a complete visual and content overhaul, so for this season, we will be reworking the enchanter as a whole.
Introducing Runes
Runes are the replacement for a Custom Enchantment book. These runes will work the same, they have a chance to succeed and a chance to destroy your item. This system will stay the same as it has been for Custom Enchantment books.
Some of these runes will be an improved version of the enchantments you are familiar with, but mostly runes for your armor and weapons will have a major change. There will be significantly fewer different runes that you can collect, but each rune has a bigger and better impact. You will also be notified when a rune does an effect, this in the form of a message or a particle effect.
We hope with this that there is more fun in grinding experience to obtain these runes, rather than in the enchantment books which also had the chance to give you the regular vanilla enchantments.
What about the vanilla books?
Don't worry, they are staying! You can now buy a random vanilla enchantment book as well. They will no longer be mixed up with the new rune system.
Different tiers
Runes will come in 5 different tiers, the higher the tier, the better the rune, and the higher the costs of purchasing one.
Those 5 tiers are:
🧭 New! Player Warps

What is a better way of showing off your island than with a public warp? Sure, we have had 1 public island warp per island, but how great would it be to be able to place warps all across your island, that can be visited by every player on the server!
Do you own the best public grinder? Make it public with a player warp! Or do you have a fun parkour event, place a player warp and allow players to easily access your warp.
Warps will be displayed within the /playerwarps menu.
These player warps can be either given a Like or a Dislike. This way you can easily filter through the best and worst warps across our OpSkyBlock server.
Placing a warp is simple, once you obtain a Player Warp Token you will be able to set a warp using /setplayerwarp <name>. After placing the warp the token will be consumed and the warp will be set.
You can remove the warp at any time, by using /delplayerwarp <warp>. However, you will not be refunded a token upon removing a warp, so you have to choose wisely where to place your public player warps.
🦓 New! Pets

The pets have been around for quite some time. So it is time for a rework of these pets as well! We will be reducing the number of pet tiers to 3 different tiers, these tiers are Common, Rare, and Legendary.
The reduction of tiers is due to one major change for pets. Each pet tier will now come with extra ability, so your pet can either have 1, 2, or 3 abilities at one time!
This gives more value to pets with a higher tier and makes it worth trying to get a Legendary pet once you already own a pet.
With this change we also removed all the existing pets and added 5 new ones in total, those 5 new pets are:
Monkey Pet - Monkeys like shining things, these monkeys will help you out with regular grinding.
Zebra Pet - A zebra will find itself at home within the mining world, helping you out there a lot.
Turtle Pet - The shell of this turtle will help you a lot in PvP.
Giraffe Pet - The giraffe pet will allow you to gain more from harvesting crops.
Rabbit Pet - A rabbit is all about good luck, this pet will help you gain more treasure from crates & drops.
🚧 New! Spawner Upgrades

We want to be more rewarding to players who are here to grind their way to the top. So for this season, we will be adding spawner upgrades.
A spawner can be upgraded by simply right-clicking on the spawner, and opening up the spawner menu. However, now you will find 14 upgrades for your spawner, and 1 last Star Upgrade.
These 14 upgrades will allow you to boost the different types of things when grinding mobs from these spawners, those things are the following:
Amount of loot
Amount of experience dropped
Amount of mobs spawned
Each spawner can be upgraded using the heads of the mobs from that spawner. You will need to have the required heads inside your /headstorage in order to purchase each upgrade.
Upon upgrading all 14 upgrades you will gain access to upgrade the Star Upgrade of the spawner. This star upgrade will DOUBLE all the current boosts and makes the spawner spawn mobs faster, so going for that Star Upgrade for each spawner is more than worth it!
💆 New! Skull Rewards

Ever wanted to make some money on slaughtering players? Now you can!
Upon obtaining the Headless enchantment you will now be able to trade in these heads for some cash.
This will make PvPing riskier and adds a whole new strategy to our OpSkyBlock server.
Upon selling this head you will receive 10% of the player's balance that you killed. So this will add a whole new level to PvP, making it a risk to just drop in and fight without making sure you have spent your money wisely. One mistake can make a whole difference.
To prevent people from sniping money from players you will only be able to sell the head within 1 hour after obtaining it.
Sell your heads with /sellhead. This command can be used within combat. You are able to sell the head instantly after obtaining it!

🏠 Updated! Auction House
It is important to know what happened to your auctions. This is why we added a small change to the auction house. We will be introducing the /ah sold command.
Within this menu, you can view all your sold auctions. This will make things much easier when your auctions got sold while being offline.
All of the sold auctions will be visible within this /ah sold menu.
We also fixed the display issues with some slots and items inside the auction house.

🔑 Updated! Crates

Crates have been around for quite some time, so it's time for a well-deserved quality of life update to our crates system.
One Time Reward
The seasonal crate will have a reward that you can unlock once each season. This reward will be a good & special reward that can be unlocked once per player from the crate. After obtaining the reward you will no longer be able to obtain it.
The suit that allows you to obtain a re-roll has been fixed, and the rates have been increased. On top of that, we will be adding a re-roll token that you can obtain from loot boxes. Voting will now also increase your chance of obtaining a re-roll for every crate!
Full Inventory
Hate it when players will up your inventory with cakes while opening a key? Say no more. As we implemented a delivery system last season we will now be sending the rewards right into your delivery inbox once your inventory was full.

🔫 Updated! Skills

We will be doing a slight change to skills in favor of the people requesting the return of McMMO. However we will not return McMMO, we are willing to make the desired changes to the swords and axes skills to make them feel more the same as McMMO, so for this season, we will be implementing some changes for the swords and axes skill.
This means the following has changed for the skills:
Active Ability - Serrated Strikes turn your next hit into an AOE hit. The AOE damage is single target damage / 4. It also has an added special effect, where it has a chance to apply Rupture, a special effect that's basically bleeding.
Passive Ability - Counter-Attack when blocking your sword, you have a chance to reflect 50% of the damage taken
Passive Ability - Rupture is like a bleeding effect, that increases in duration the higher the level of your sword is.
Active Ability - Skull Splitter turns your next hit into an AOE hit. The AOE damage is single target damage /2.
Passive Ability - Critical Strikes allow players to crit damage without having to jump. A crit does twice the amount of damage.
Passive Ability - Axe Mastery adds bonus damage to any axe. Depending on your axes level
Passive Ability - Armor Impact adds a passive increase in damage to other players' armor

⚙️ Fixed! Bugs
We did our best to polish and fix as many existing bugs inside the OpSkyBlock server. We have looked through all the bug reports and managed to fix them. If you come across any bug with the new release, make sure to report them at our forums under the bug reports section.
Here are a few of the bugs we squished out:
  • Fixed all mob drops from mine world
  • Fixed player level rewards
  • Fixed all player level requirements
  • Fixed some pets not working
  • Fixed crop hoes not leveling up
  • Fixed auction house sometimes not saving items
  • and many more.
📑 Misc. Updates and changes.
After receiving some suggestions about modifying a couple of things, we have decided to make the following modifications in order to make everyone's Factions experience much better. We have modified a few features which were present on the previous map, and here is the list including those modifications, along with a justification for the majority:
  • Updated all plugins
  • Updated /payouts menu
  • Added /coinflipstats to view all your coinflip stats
  • Updated guide menu to be more up2date
  • Updated island top layout
  • Added more broadcasts for new features
  • Updated some player level rewards
  • Added a new GKIT
  • Added player level skip tokens
  • Added crate re-roll tokens

Please note: Any suggestions for changes feel free to leave them in the comments.

❓Question and Answers

Why does OpSkyBlock reset?

OpSkyBlock is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows you players to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.
This means all items, money, and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kinds of gameplay, and style is provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
Below you can find what you will lose and one for what you will keep
What will I lose?
  • Your island
  • Player level & premium reward pass
  • All items in your inventory and ender chest
  • Any currencies such as money and exp
  • Chatcolor permissions.
  • Seasonal ranks and perks
What will I keep?
  • Purchased Ranks & Rank Upgrades
  • Purchased Perks
  • Won out of crates commands/ranks

We hope to see you on our new OpSkyBlock server soon!

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.

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Legendary Pika
Nov 5, 2018
Was thinking if I should play this season or retire…

opskyblock is lightwork for me 🥱
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