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OP Lifesteal Guide


Great Reporter
Jun 17, 2021
OP Lifesteal Guide

OP Lifesteal Guide is Lifesteal and Survival-like gamemode in which players can fight each other in a huge open world. Your adventure starts in the spawn. To start your adventure click on NPC in front of you. Gather resources, kill mobs but mots importantly don't die! Each kill will grant you with a heart and each death will make you lose one!


Utility and communication commands

Basic commands that everyone can use.

  • /kits - Opens kit menu
  • /spawn - Teleports you to spawn
  • /level - Opens a menu where you can check your level and rewards for upcoming ones
  • /tps - Check server's TPS
  • /trash - Opens a virtual inventory where you can make items you don't need vanish
  • /goldshop - Opens gold shop
  • /ignore (player) - Not being able to receive player's messages
  • /msg (player) - Send message to a player
  • /r (message) - Reply to your received message
  • /msgtoggle - Toggle receiving messages
  • /pv - Opens your personal vault
Economy and transactions
These are important in making money!

  • /shop - Opens a shop where you can buy and sell items
  • /ah - Opens auction house
  • /ah sell (price) - Sell the item you are holding on the auction house
  • /ah expired - Opens a virtual inventory of items that weren't sold on auction
  • /ah listed - Opens a virtual inventory of items that you currently sell on auction
  • /pay (player) (amount) - Send player money
  • /withdraw (amount) - Withdraw money into item (paper)
  • /withdrawexp (amount) - Withdraw experience into item (experience bottle)
  • /bal - Check how much balance you have
  • /exp - Check how much experience you have
  • /gift (player) - Gift player item(s)
  • /trade (player) - Trade items with player
  • /maildelivery - Claim items that were sent by player(s)
  • /boosters - Check active boosters
  • /baltop - List of players with most money
  • /paylogs - Check your paylogs

Gambling commands
Feel lucky? Use us!

  • /coinf - Opens a coinflip menu
  • /coinflip create (price) (headstails) - Create game
  • /coinflip remove - Delete game
  • /expf - Opens an expflip menu
  • /expflip create (price) (headstails) - Create a game
  • /expflip remove - Delete a game

Most important aspect of OP Lifesteal!

  • /bounty (player) (reward) - Set a bounty on a player
  • /bounty (player) remove - Removes bounties from a player
  • /bounty (player) - See player's current bounties
  • /killstop - List of players with most kills
  • /killstreaktop - List of players with highest killstreak
  • /killmessages - Browse kill messages

Use them to explore the world!
  • /rtp - Teleports you to a random location
  • /warps - Opens a list of warps
  • /warp (name) - Teleports you to a warp
  • /home - Teleports you to your home
  • /sethome (name) - Set a home on current location
  • /delhome (name) - Delete a home
  • /tpa (player) - Teleport to a player
  • /tpahere (player) - Teleports player to you
  • /tpaccept - Accept upcoming teleport request
  • /tpacancel - Cancel outgoing teleport request

Make your team with friends!

NOTE: You can't hurt members from your team.

  • /team create (name) - Create your team
  • /team desc (text) - Change/add team description
  • /team invite (player) - Invite player to your team
  • /team join (name) - Join a team
  • /team leave - Leave your team
  • /team chat - Toggle team chat
  • /team bank - Opens team bank
  • /team level - View team level
  • /team info - View your team's information
  • /team info (name) - View team's information
  • /team promote (player) - Promote player's role
  • /team demote (player) - Demote player's role
  • /team kick (player) - Kick a player from your team
  • /team reject (name) - Reject team invatation
  • /team list - View all teams
  • /teamtop - Opens team top
  • /team vault - Opens team vault
  • /team makeleader (player) - Make player leader of the team


Without them you can't play! Hearts are most important thing here. You gain hearts by killing people and lose them by dying. You get 1 heart for each elimination and you lose 1 heart each time you die. Every player starts with 20 hearts. If you lose all hearts you will get deathbanned.


Deathban is similar to normal ban but it's only for OP Lifesteal. If you are not ranked your deathban will last for 24 hours. If you own a rank your deathban will last shorter.

Deathbans by rank:

NEUTRON - 20 hours

PROTON - 18 hours

GAMMA - 14 hours

BETA - 12 hours

ALPHA - 8 hours

OMEGA - 5 hours


By compleating player levels you can earn rewards. If you want to get extra rewards you can buy Premium level pass voucher from /goldshop or PikaNetwork Store. Levels are great way to have fun and earn rewards in the same time!

Playtime rewards

You can claim awesome rewards by playing. You can claim or see them by typing /playtimerewards in chat. Best and last rewards you can get is Omega Loot Box which contains 3 seasonal ranks and 2 weekly ranks! For that rewards you would need to have playtime of 15 days.


From crates you can get items. For each vote you will get 1 vote key that opens Vote Crate. From Vote Crate you can get different items, Epic Crate Key or even permanent NEUTRON rank. From Epic Crate you can get different items, Unique Crate Key or even permanent PROTON rank. Unique Crate can give you different items, Godly Crate Key or even permanent GAMMA rank. Godly Crate can give you different items or even permanent BETA rank. Epic keys + can be bought on /goldshop with PikaNetwork Gold currency or Pika Iron. Gold currency can be bought on PikaNetwork Store. With gold can be bought 2 higher rarity crates. BattleAxe Crate that can give you different OP items or even permanent ALPHA and OMEGA rank and Calestial Crate that can give you different OP items or even permanent BETA, ALPHA or OMEGA rank.


For more information about everything you can explore spawn and find NPCs that will help you. Click on them and they will show you all the information you need about each one.


Ranks gives you better /kits. Higher rank means more perks and better kit. NEUTRON rank can be achived for free after reaching 100 votes with command /vote. After you get 100 votes you can do /vote and claim 1000 iron. When you have 1000 iron you can type /goldshop and obtain the rank. Upgrading your rank to PROTON you would need to vote 100 more times to buy rank upgrade from /goldshop. To see each rank's kit you can type /kits command and check any you want. Every kit has it's perks. You can check all perks and buy any rank you want on PikaNetwork Store.


You can check specific rules and punishments here. TP trapping and scamming are exceptions for OP Lifesteal, players won't get punished for doing it. If you see player breaking other rules and you got evidence please report them here. If you managed to find a bug please report it here.

More information

If you have more questions you can post a thread on this forum. If you are looking for team in OP Lifesteal you can find teammate on PikaNetwork's Discord server. If you have items you want to trade for other items you can post a thread here. Having motivation to make videos about OP Lifesteal? Post video on YouTube and link of it in thread here. I want you best luck in playing OP Lifesteal on our server!

Motivation: MrEpiko


Epic Pika
Nov 6, 2022
Any Staff or developer can please fix the glitch of the custom crops. Becouase they disappears when you move from your base to spawn or any warp and then come again in your base then you will see that there is no crops available.
Also some people are using dupe to dupe their sword or armour and are selling them in /ah for about 5 to 320 million.
I hope any staff or developer will fix these issues. :D


Event Coordinator
Jun 17, 2022
Please make sure that your text color is using the "no color".
Otherwise, light mode users won't be able to see anything.


  • 1709413760197.png
    555 bytes · Views: 2


Jun 21, 2024
hi my name is AliKaizen , i found a cruicial bug , on the level 37 when it sayd break 256 obssidian and give 1 netherite pick i comepleted all the reQiurment and it didnt completed my lvl i had like 9 pickaxes in my inventry and it didnt comepleted the give pickaxe reQuirement , pls help me
: AliKaizen