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(op) faction help (updated 2002-07-26)


The Pika
Dec 23, 2016
Pika Network OP Factions

e x p l a i n e d

The Game Goal:

The goal of the game is to become the faction (team) with the highest /f value and win the bi-weekly and / or season payout or end as high in the /f top as possible. Other factions can raid your value and add it to theirs. Usually this is done by cannoning your faction’s base, and steal your factions spawners.


How to create a faction?
/f create [factionname]

How to change faction name?
/f tag [newfactionname]

How to claim land?
  • /f claim : claims one chunk for your faction
  • /f claim 3: claims all chunks in a 3 block radius for your faction, given your faction has enough power to do so.
  • /f autoclaim: claims all chunks your walk / fly in until you write the command again.
How do I invite people in my faction?
/f invite [user IGN]

How do I accept an invitation to a faction?
/f join [factionname]

How do I remove people from my faction?
/f kick [user IGN]

how do I give people ranks in my faction?
  • /f promote [user IGN or /f demote [user IGN] will promote or demote a member
  • /f recruit [user IGN] , /f member [user IGN], /f mod [user IGN], /f coowner [user IGN] or /f admin [user IGN] will automatically assign those roles
how do I access faction permissions?
/f perms

how do I set faction home?
/f sethome

how do I delete faction home?
/f delhome

how do I set a faction warp?
/f setwarp

how do I delete a faction warp?
/f delwarp

how do I set a faction warp password?
/f setwarp [password]

How do I go to a random place?
/wild (60 minute cooldown)

How do I go back to where I stared?

How do I go to the nether?
There is no nether active in Op factions.

How do i go to Koth?
Click on the messages that say “[player] is capturing the koth” and it will TP you to the nearest safe location.
/Koth schedule gives you the schedule of KOTH. if you know where it is, you can go there.

How do I sell items to server?
/shop. left click category, right click item

How do I sell items to players?
/ah sell [prize] to put item in hand on auction house.

How do I access my settings?

What is … ?

A team you create with other players to try and win the /f top together.

/f top:
The current ranking of factions with the highest placed value. The command /f top lets you see the ranking.

Placed Value:
The total of value of spawners, chests and hoppers that a faction has places on their claimed land.

Claimed Land
chunks that a faction has claimed. Also called Faction land.

A 16 x 16 block area in which a minecraft world is divided. Chunks go from bedrock level (z=0) to infinity (z=n) upward.

Made property of a faction.

/f value
The current value of spawners, chests and hoppers that a faction has places on their claimed land.
The command /f value [factionname] shows you the current placed value of any faction (see Placed Value)

The prizes that can be won in a season. There are payouts usually after grace period, for the best roof art, and every 2 weeks after, for the factions that are in the /f top 3.
/payouts will give you the dates of the pay-outs and there for the dates that /f value is counted !

grace period
A - usually - 1 week period during which there are no explosions possible. This gives factions time to set up their base without the risk of already being raided.

A - usually - well fortified home for your faction, normally secured by a buffer zone and secure walls. Not necessarily though. Any building can serve as a base for your faction. It’s a strategic choice.

Buffer Zone
An area of claimed chunks around your base or cannon. In Pika OP Factions this can not be more than 25 chunks on all sides for bases and not more then 10 chunks in total for cannons, started counting from the outer wall of your base. In case of a cannon the 10 chunks include the cannonbox itself.

A server side protection for everything that is build on land that is claimed by your faction against explosions for 8 hours. Your faction leader can access the menu for shield by writing /f shield.
Shield times run on the server clock. The right time is mentioned in the /f shield menu. Watch this time carefully!


Attacking another faction’s base and trying to steal their value.

When a faction member betrays his faction and steals assets, and/or provides information to outsiders about the whereabouts of the assets and/or helps outsiders gain access to the assets.

Special Rules (/f warns)
Because playing factions is a team effort, there are some special rules applicable that will affect the faction, not a specific player. If a faction is caught trespassing these rules, the faction will be punished for it, even if a player is the cause for breaking the rule. These punishments will be found in /f warns.

Every 3 strikes your /f top value is reduced by 10%. Every strike expires after 7 days. If you receive a strike while having another strike active, your punishment timer resets, making it reset to 7 days and the strikes count up with the amount you currently have.

Claim hindering: During grace period it is not allowed to hinder factions to extend their claims by claiming chunks near their base. So in any case, do not claim chunks within a 25 chunk radius of a base that is not yours during grace period. Punishment: 1/3/4 strikes

Buffer zone exceeding: Your buffer zone may only contain 25 claimed chunks starting from your outer base wall. Punishment: 2/3/4 strikes

Raid detectors: afk accounts and / or bots with plugins to detect raids are not allowed. Redstone contraptions however are allowed. Punishment: 1/3/5 strikes

Wilderness patching: [needs new name] It is not allowed to build defensive structures in front of your 25 chunk buffer zone in the unclaimed area (wilderness). Punishment: 2/3/4 strikes

Faction-wide cheating: If six (6) or more players in your faction get banned for cheating, this is considered faction wide cheating and your faction will get punished for it. Punishment: 3/4/5 strikes

Printer Patching: Printer is a popular plugin to build things in MineCraft. It is allowed in Pika-Network Factions, but it is not allowed to repair your walls or base with it while you are under attack. Punishment: 3/4/5 strikes.

Corner Claiming: World corners are a popular spot to build a faction base, because they have two less sides to defend. Your faction can have only one (1) world corner claimed. If at the start of the season your faction happens to have two or more cornes claimed, you need to unclaim all corners but one as soon as possible and leave them to other factions to use. Punishment: 1/3/4 strikes

Shield Extension: /f shield protects your land and buildings from explosions for 8 hours, so you can rest of sleep. It is not allowed to use the shield time from allies, truces or other factions to virtually extend your own shield time and add to the protection of your own lands and base. Punishment 2//3/4 strikes

Excessive Raidbox Claims: Claims to protect your raid cannons or as a base for your raids are not allowed to exceed 10 x 10 chunks, including buffer zone. Punishment: 2/3/4 Strikes

Punishment:number of strikes for 1st/2nd/3rd offence.


How do I break Bedrock ?
You can only break bedrock with TNT.

Do creepers / charged creepers break Obsidian?
No they don't. TNT breaks obsidian, or pickaxes do, if the obsidian is mineable.

Why can't I raid this base?
The faction you are trying to raid probably uses /F shield. Check /F show for the time of their shield.

When will the map reset?
Watch Forums, Twitter and Instagram for latest updates. The map resets on Pika Network are ALWAYS a secret until a few days before, and then they are announced on social media and forums !
Last edited:


The Pika
May 16, 2019
Pika Network OP Factions

e x p l a i n e d

The Game Goal:

The goal of the game is to become the faction (team) with the highest /f value and win the bi-weekly and / or season payout or end as high in the /f top as possible. Other factions can raid your value and add it to theirs. Usually this is done by cannoning your faction’s base, and steal your factions spawners.


How to create a faction?
/f create [factionname]

How to change faction name?
/f tag [newfactionname]

How to claim land?
  • /f claim : claims one chunk for your faction
  • /f claim 3: claims all chunks in a 3 block radius for your faction, given your faction has enough power to do so.
  • /f autoclaim: claims all chunks your walk / fly in until you write the command again.
How do I invite people in my faction?
/f invite [user IGN]

How do I accept an invitation to a faction?
/f join [factionname]

How do I remove people from my faction?
/f kick [user IGN]

how do I give people ranks in my faction?
  • /f promote [user IGN or /f demote [user IGN] will promote or demote a member
  • /f recruit [user IGN] , /f member [user IGN], /f mod [user IGN], /f coowner [user IGN] or /f admin [user IGN] will automatically assign those roles
how do I access faction permissions?
/f perms

how do I set faction home?
/f sethome

how do I delete faction home?
/f delhome

how do I set a faction warp?
/f setwarp

how do I delete a faction warp?
/f delwarp

how do I set a faction warp password?
/f setwarp [password]

How do I go to a random place?
/wild (60 minute cooldown)

How do I go back to where I stared?

How do I go to the nether?
There is no nether active in Op factions.

How do i go to Koth?
Click on the messages that say “[player] is capturing the koth” and it will TP you to the nearest safe location.

How do I sell items to server?
/shop. left click category, right click item

How do I sell items to players?
/ah sell [prize] to put item in hand on auction house.

How do I access my settings?

What is … ?

A team you create with other players to try and win the /f top together.

/f top:
The current ranking of factions with the highest placed value. The command /f top lets you see the ranking.

Placed Value:
The total of value of spawners, chests and hoppers that a faction has places on their claimed land.

Claimed Land
chunks that a faction has claimed. Also called Faction land.

A 16 x 16 block area in which a minecraft world is divided. Chunks go from bedrock level (z=0) to infinity (z=n) upward.

Made property of a faction.

/f value
The current value of spawners, chests and hoppers that a faction has places on their claimed land.
The command /f value [factionname] shows you the current placed value of any faction (see Placed Value)

The prizes that can be won in a season. There are payouts usually after grace period, for the best roof art, and every 2 weeks after, for the factions that are in the /f top 3.
/payouts will give you the dates of the pay-outs and there for the dates that /f value is counted !

grace period
A - usually - 1 week period during which there are no explosions possible. This gives factions time to set up their base without the risk of already being raided.

A - usually - well fortified home for your faction, normally secured by a buffer zone and secure walls. Not necessarily though. Any building can serve as a base for your faction. It’s a strategic choice.

Buffer Zone
An area of claimed chunks around your base or cannon. In Pika OP Factions this can not be more than 25 chunks on all sides for bases and not more then 10 chunks in total for cannons, started counting from the outer wall of your base. In case of a cannon the 10 chunks include the cannonbox itself.

A server side protection for everything that is build on land that is claimed by your faction against explosions for 8 hours. Your faction leader can access the menu for shield by writing /f shield.
Shield times run on the server clock. The right time is mentioned in the /f shield menu. Watch this time carefully!

View attachment 12808

Attacking another faction’s base and trying to steal their value.

When a faction member betrays his faction and steals assets, and/or provides information to outsiders about the whereabouts of the assets and/or helps outsiders gain access to the assets.

Special Rules (/f warns)
Because playing factions is a team effort, there are some special rules applicable that will affect the faction, not a specific player. If a faction is caught trespassing these rules, the faction will be punished for it, even if a player is the cause for breaking the rule. These punishments will be found in /f warns.

Every 3 strikes your /f top value is reduced by 10%. Every strike expires after 7 days. If you receive a strike while having another strike active, your punishment timer resets, making it reset to 7 days and the strikes count up with the amount you currently have.

Claim hindering: During grace period it is not allowed to hinder factions to extend their claims by claiming chunks near their base. So in any case, do not claim chunks within a 25 chunk radius of a base that is not yours during grace period. Punishment: 1/3/4 strikes

Buffer zone exceeding: Your buffer zone may only contain 25 claimed chunks starting from your outer base wall. Punishment: 2/3/4 strikes

Raid detectors: afk accounts and / or bots with plugins to detect raids are not allowed. Redstone contraptions however are allowed. Punishment: 1/3/5 strikes

Wilderness patching: [needs new name] It is not allowed to build defensive structures in front of your 25 chunk buffer zone in the unclaimed area (wilderness). Punishment: 2/3/4 strikes

Faction-wide cheating: If six (6) or more players in your faction get banned for cheating, this is considered faction wide cheating and your faction will get punished for it. Punishment: 3/4/5 strikes

Printer Patching: Printer is a popular plugin to build things in MineCraft. It is allowed in Pika-Network Factions, but it is not allowed to repair your walls or base with it while you are under attack. Punishment: 3/4/5 strikes.

Corner Claiming: World corners are a popular spot to build a faction base, because they have two less sides to defend. Your faction can have only one (1) world corner claimed. If at the start of the season your faction happens to have two or more cornes claimed, you need to unclaim all corners but one as soon as possible and leave them to other factions to use. Punishment: 1/3/4 strikes

Shield Extension: /f shield protects your land and buildings from explosions for 8 hours, so you can rest of sleep. It is not allowed to use the shield time from allies, truces or other factions to virtually extend your own shield time and add to the protection of your own lands and base. Punishment 2//3/4 strikes

Excessive Raidbox Claims: Claims to protect your raid cannons or as a base for your raids are not allowed to exceed 10 x 10 chunks, including buffer zone. Punishment: 2/3/4 Strikes

Punishment:number of strikes for 1st/2nd/3rd offence.


The Pika
Dec 23, 2016
Why i cant broke bedrock at y1 hmmm

y1 is bottom of the world. if you go beyond that, you will be teleported back to spawn. No use breaking it. Out of world raiding is not possible :-)