No just no... Prison does NOT need more ranks... thats one reason why its boring right now... you do the same repetitive things to get money to get to these high ranks.... (Heres the repetition: Mine at P-R Or P-V get a full inv, find someones OP shop, sell, and repeat... No variation anymore) Instead of new ranks add new events, a quest system like it has on other servers, add the black market again, little things like that get people involved and motivated to do these events, to find the black market (Make it a random spawn every week) to do these quests, and maybe even add custom items, custom enchants (Mainly for donor picks)...
Like i said in previous threads these are the things that make prison what it is... Not just go to a mine, mine a full inv, sell, repeat until you get free rank... There is no variation in what there is to do in prison... even after free the Free world seems limited itself... like theres no really good things there for people to get... I mean i think its all 4 of them now but people including myself have been to 3 world borders and theres nothing to get there... Villagers are all dead, Strongholds and dungeons are all looted the free world is pretty much a wasteland waiting to be greifed later on...
Now as for other things like PvP... only a few admins and staff members still go to prison and deal with hackers, spammers, and advertisers... PvP is balanced thats the good thing... but theres only 1 area to pvp in and thats at spawn... (Also restrict the areas around the PVP area... people just jump somewhere high and then come down into the area from behind you and kill you without you knowing they are there...) Now there is free world but that place is REALLY BUGGY for pvp i mean no one take KB, they disappear and reappear out of nowhere its just insane... But yes add events and things like that then prison won't be as boring...