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KitPvP Make Essence withdrawable and fisherman rework

  • Thread starter Deleted member 118315
  • Start date
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Deleted member 118315

Minecraft username:

Make Essence withdrawable and fisherman rework​

Detailed description:
1. Make essence withdrawable

As we all know Essence is one of the most important currency in KIT-PVP and making it withdrawable will be a great improvement as people could sell the essence rather than selling the stuff u get from essence shop.
Command can be like ---> /withdraw essence <amount>
And also make essence cheques stackable
Reason - • More convenient

2. Fisher man Rework

The new KIT-PVP update brought fisher man making people unable to sell fishes using /shop instead they have to go to the fisher man and sell the fishes. My suggestion is that keeping the fisher man there with adding to fish market in /shop so player could sell fishes using /shop command also. (like the fishes could be sold earlier)
Reason written down....​

1. It is dangerous getting your legendary fishes in PVP arena to sell where you are probably likely to be hunted if you don't have good gear or a good team (I have lost 45k worth fishes due to this)
2. Adding fish market seems more safe and faster method.
3. Also when you open the fisherman GUI and put your fishes there and someone attacks you , you really can't get out of the GUI quickly causing death + losing set

So yeah this is my point of view
Do leave your points in comments

Also adding Fisher man won't make it a copy of the other server (I don't wanna take name)​

i don't really have a SS but for fish market -- just like it was in previous update​


Legendary Pika
Mar 7, 2024
-1 theres no point to make fishing that op, on the other server of pika luck of the sea doesnt even work


New Member
Mar 9, 2024
Minecraft username:

Make Essence withdrawable and fisherman rework

Detailed description:
1. Make essence withdrawable

As we all know Essence is one of the most important currency in KIT-PVP and making it withdrawable will be a great improvement as people could sell the essence rather than selling the stuff u get from essence shop.

Command can be like ---> /withdraw essence <amount>

And also make essence cheques stackable

Reason - • More convenient

2. Fisher man Rework

The new KIT-PVP update brought fisher man making people unable to sell fishes using /shop instead they have to go to the fisher man and sell the fishes. My suggestion is that keeping the fisher man there with adding to fish market in /shop so player could sell fishes using /shop command also. (like the fishes could be sold earlier)

Reason written down....

1. It is dangerous getting your legendary fishes in PVP arena to sell where you are probably likely to be hunted if you don't have good gear or a good team (I have lost 45k worth fishes due to this)

2. Adding fish market seems more safe and faster method.

3. Also when you open the fisherman GUI and put your fishes there and someone attacks you , you really can't get out of the GUI quickly causing death + losing set

So yeah this is my point of view

Do leave your points in comments

Also adding Fisher man won't make it a copy of the other server (I don't wanna take name)

i don't really have a SS but for fish market -- just like it was in previous update
adding fisherman in /shop would be great +1


Game Producer
Jul 3, 2023
Hello Deleted member 118315,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Fishing has been removed, we will consider the essence suggestion
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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