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Accepted OP Prison List of OP Prison's Suggestions, Changes and Fixes

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Great Reporter
Mar 27, 2016

List of OP Prison's Suggestions, Changes and Fixes

Detailed description:
Hello everyone,
Since the season has been inflated with somewhat duped money/tokens, and the economy is ruined again due to an unexpected crash ending to a rollback, I feel like it's best to reset the gamemode. As such, I have compiled a suggestion for the next reset for OP Prison. Note that some of the suggestions I am about to submit are resuggested because it feels like it will give use and has potential for players. Now without further ado, here are some suggestions.
#1 ➠ Buffing Explosive Gkit

• According to the latest season, bombs have become useless on the server. Back then, it had a use on pvp mines collecting beacons but now that beacon finder is here and it has been disabled due to performance issue on the server, I propose a rework on the Gkit specially the "Bombs". Maybe a new item we can replace bombs like Explosive Gembox where you have a chance to get (Tier 1 to 3 Explosive Gems).
#2 ➠ Focusing/Prioritizing on Cosmetics instead of new items that can affect gameplay.

• One of the reason why OP Prison has its differences among the gamemodes and the reason why it will not receive a payput is their gameplay. I propose to stop focusing on the gameplay rewards as such this inflated the economy, why not have /tags.
- Tags are cosmetic where you can show off in the chat. Similarly to the other gamemode, they are purchasable on the store. Here are some of the tags I have in mind:
[420] [UwU] [P2W] [NOOBLE] [SYN] [BERK] [RIP] [OnTop] [ThePika] [HaXoR] [CuTiE] [TryHard] [NoLife] [OP]
More tags along the way may be suggested. Some are referenced to the events that happened on OP Prison, some are random.
#3 ➠ Nerfing Autominer to the ground (in some way).

• Autominer has been a part of the reason economy is inflating. If this can no longer nerfed, I propose to have new changes on the autominer. New Upgrades as such:

- Autominer's Collect Limit: This will limit the player's collection of autominer. Acts like a capacity for autominer.

- Autominer's Time Limit: This will limit the player's use of autominer timer as it's very common to get. You can simply just put 12 days worth of time and just AFK.

- Autominer's Enchant Limit: This will be similar to the limits of the normal pickaxe. Limiting enchants to avoid the inflation.
#4 ➠ Delivery Commands.

• This will allow users to give gifts, items to the player whenever they are offline. They can access this through /delivery. For me, this is very useful as a player who has a community discord, it allows me to delivery the items I giveaway quick to the player without waiting for us to both get online.
#5 ➠ Cells and Gangs connection.

As a gang, you must have some sort of meeting place or one place you can share with your gang. This is why I made this category. You may unlock it on the /g perks with a total amount of 25 gang bucks and 50 gems unlocking the command /c setgang.

In addition to this, you should have /c setpassword for the gang cell to avoid intruders or simply strangers.

Another thing that needs to be added is logs on who interacted on the cell such as opened chest, break blocks, opened door, etc. May be impossible but worth a shot to suggest
Lastly, we want to have more accessible permission to the /c settings like allow to open specific things with a certain cell rank/role.
#6 ➠ Making ore gems accessible in other ways.

In this past season, we are introduced with minesuits and their gems to craft them but have you ever wondered how to get them. Exactly, there's only one way to get it and it's just mining with Ore Booster enchant.

Easy solution to this is to have more ways of getting gems. Maybe try making them obtainable through Mining Crate Keys.
#7 ➠ More player activity cooperation - Introduction to "Candidates".

• What I mean by this is we as a whole player on the server will be given more things that we need to do. As such maybe picking a "candidate" with a different perks.
This is very helpful as different events and things on the server can lead to a great meta grinding game. Here are some examples on what I have in mind:
In this scenario, let's say we are given a specific day to pick a "candidate" (this candidate are NPCs that make everyone's game better). As you may have noticed, I added 3 main unique things to the candidates like Buffs, Neutral, Debuffs. This makes it balanced. Perks will be sometimes randomized.
Candidate #1: Barry the Brute

Locked In (Neutral Perk)
- It gives +25% Bounty Reward (this will be explained later in the thread) to players when killing.

King of the Hill (Buffed Perk)
- It gives extra outpost capping power to gangs.

Armor Pounded (Debuff Perk)
- Durabilities are shortened and can be easily broken.
Candidate #2: Martin the Miner

Quick Reset (Buffed Perk)
- Decreases the reset time of the mine.

Gem Grinder (Buffed Perk)
- Gives higher chance of collecting gems.

Unlucky Miner (Debuffed Perk)
- Decreases the chance of lucky block spawnrate.
Candidate #3: Andy the Godfather

Gambling Party (Neutral Perk)
- Increases the rate of Token Gamblers NPC on /spawn.

Cartel Strike (Buffed Perk)
- Increases the drug buy/sell price and decreases the amount needed to get booster.

Slicin Price (Debuff Perk)
- Add taxes when creating auction in the auction house.
This candidates may not be possible but it's a unique twist that I want to see in the game.
#8 ➠ Bounty Hunters.

• The community of OP Prison are primarily PvPers as such adding bounties to the server allows them to profit and benefit from their work. Of course to balance this out, there should only be a specific limit of bounty in order to prevent abuse/exploit. In terms of money, maybe 50T max and for tokens, 150,000 tokens. This is also applicable to my last suggestion entry, candidates.
#9 ➠ Raffles entry for everyone.

• Another community based event for the players where they can buy "tickets" in a specific time to win rewards. Like a lottery system, it gives more OP Prison theme style to it.

#10 ➠ More Minesuits and pets.

• Minesuits and pets have become part of the essential things you need in prison as such, I would like to suggest more things to the them. I may have noticed that I already suggested more pets but I rarely see them get used in the server, maybe they are not really good enough.
#11 ➠ Pet Market for food/skins.

• Now this one is very unique, allow us to have a market system on the server where we can buy pet food and make pet food more essential to the player's pet instead of 6 hours everytime. It must be a challenge for players to save and use wisely their pet energy and food supply for the pet.

• As for the Skins part, this is another cosmetic thing I would like to propose to the server. Of course this must be a permanent purchase, would've been a waste if we purchase it for cosmetic but it only last in one season.

#12 ➠ More information/statistics on gang.

• Gang statistics are currently very complicated today and not really giving anything useful. So I proposed the following information that should be given.

- Former Gang Member List (with their statistics).

- Gang member's statistics (Blocks, Token, Money earned).

- Gang member's contribution via /g shop purchases and gang missions.
#13 ➠ Buff Rankup Crates or Overhaul

• Rankup crates have been so obsolete for the past years, I feel like it does not serve a purpose so what I propose is to replace it with a new crate called "Pickaxe Gem Crate" where they have chances of winning different gem tier enchants.
#14 ➠ Reverting the Lucky Block Spawn Rate in donator mines.

• Mining was my main goal last season but as the economy gets inflated, seeing the numbers go up and up demotivates players from playing the game. It feels like they have already accomplished it and by just getting a top rank, you instantly get profit. This made a huge problem. We can no longer tell if the amount a player earned is duped or legit. With a huge amount of tokens/money on the economy, it's hard to believe it.

#15 ➠ Asking this once again, allow us to have Player API and Discord Integration.

• For a community server that focuses on PikaNetwork, we sometimes need information like booster announcement ingame to be announced on discord. Checking player's statistics like blocks broken, tokens, money, rank, donator rank, prestige etc.

#16 ➠ Do NOT add payouts back. (NEW)

• This gamemode is still not ready and very unstable when it comes to the economy as such it will just be a waste of time adding it. It will already be filled with players who will buy stuff from the store in order to win. Unfair for everybody.

#17 ➠ Receiving GKits as containers. (NEW)

• This will avoid cluttered inventory to become a problem. when claiming gkits or trading them. A quality of life changes.

#18 ➠ Increasing the Default Gang Capacity, Gang Capacity in general. (NEW)

• This season, we want to see more changes in the side of gangs and what more things we can do than to increase the capacity. The more players in a gang, the more fun will be experienced by the community. I propose a maximum of 20 Gang Members (10 default and +2 slot every upgrade).

Economy and Quality of life changes are very important things for OP Prison. Once an economy has been destroyed on the gamemode, it no longer becomes fun for some people.
The only solution I kept on asking is a change of balance in the server. Once it achieves this, I believe that the game will be fair, and fun for everyone. More players and more community will be built in the process of changing the gameplay of the server.
As a player with maxed rank, gkit, I can't believe how the game became bland and dull for me to play on. Without anything unique or anything special, seeing the economy just inflates make it boring. This is the main suggestion I'm trying to reach out to. I'm glad that my previous suggestion was heard by the developers and owners and decided to try balancing the economy but somehow it has only gotten worse, I'm not saying that I am not grateful for that, I am but it felt like it didn't change anything from the way it was taken. That is all for now, edits and revisions may be added in this thread.
Preview of /tags is in the thread reply below!
Last edited:


Aug 23, 2021

List of OP Prison's Suggestions, Changes and Fixes

Detailed description:
Hello everyone,

Since the season has been inflated with somewhat duped money/tokens, and the economy is ruined again due to an unexpected crash ending to a rollback, I feel like it's best to reset the gamemode. As such, I have compiled a suggestion for the next reset for OP Prison. Note that some of the suggestions I am about to submit are resuggested because it feels like it will give use and has potential for players. Now without further ado, here are some suggestions.

#1 ➠ Buffing Explosive Gkit

• According to the latest season, bombs have become useless on the server. Back then, it had a use on pvp mines collecting beacons but now that beacon finder is here and it has been disabled due to performance issue on the server, I propose a rework on the Gkit specially the "Bombs". Maybe a new item we can replace bombs like Explosive Gembox where you have a chance to get (Tier 1 to 3 Explosive Gems).

#2 ➠ Focusing/Prioritizing on Cosmetics instead of new items that can affect gameplay.

• One of the reason why OP Prison has its differences among the gamemodes and the reason why it will not receive a payput is their gameplay. I propose to stop focusing on the gameplay rewards as such this inflated the economy, why not have /tags.

- Tags are cosmetic where you can show off in the chat. Similarly to the other gamemode, they are purchasable on the store. Here are some of the tags I have in mind:

[420] [UwU] [P2W] [NOOBLE] [SYN] [BERK] [RIP] [OnTop] [ThePika] [HaXoR] [CuTiE] [TryHard] [NoLife] [OP]

More tags along the way may be suggested. Some are referenced to the events that happened on OP Prison, some are random.

#3 ➠ Nerfing Autominer to the ground (in some way).

• Autominer has been a part of the reason economy is inflating. If this can no longer nerfed, I propose to have new changes on the autominer. New Upgrades as such:

- Autominer's Collect Limit: This will limit the player's collection of autominer. Acts like a capacity for autominer.

- Autominer's Time Limit: This will limit the player's use of autominer timer as it's very common to get. You can simply just put 12 days worth of time and just AFK.

- Autominer's Enchant Limit: This will be similar to the limits of the normal pickaxe. Limiting enchants to avoid the inflation.

#4 ➠ Delivery Commands.

• This will allow users to give gifts, items to the player whenever they are offline. They can access this through /delivery. For me, this is very useful as a player who has a community discord, it allows me to delivery the items I giveaway quick to the player without waiting for us to both get online.

#5 ➠ Cells and Gangs connection.

As a gang, you must have some sort of meeting place or one place you can share with your gang. This is why I made this category. You may unlock it on the /g perks with a total amount of 25 gang bucks and 50 gems unlocking the command /c setgang.

In addition to this, you should have /c setpassword for the gang cell to avoid intruders or simply strangers.

Another thing that needs to be added is logs on who interacted on the cell such as opened chest, break blocks, opened door, etc. May be impossible but worth a shot to suggest

Lastly, we want to have more accessible permission to the /c settings like allow to open specific things with a certain cell rank/role.

#6 ➠ Making ore gems accessible in other ways.

In this past season, we are introduced with minesuits and their gems to craft them but have you ever wondered how to get them. Exactly, there's only one way to get it and it's just mining with Ore Booster enchant.

Easy solution to this is to have more ways of getting gems. Maybe try making them obtainable through Mining Crate Keys.

#7 ➠ More player activity cooperation - Introduction to "Candidates".

• What I mean by this is we as a whole player on the server will be given more things that we need to do. As such maybe picking a "candidate" with a different perks.

This is very helpful as different events and things on the server can lead to a great meta grinding game. Here are some examples on what I have in mind:

In this scenario, let's say we are given a specific day to pick a "candidate" (this candidate are NPCs that make everyone's game better). As you may have noticed, I added 3 main unique things to the candidates like Buffs, Neutral, Debuffs. This makes it balanced. Perks will be sometimes randomized.

Candidate #1: Barry the Brute

Locked In (Neutral Perk)

- It gives +25% Bounty Reward (this will be explained later in the thread) to players when killing.

King of the Hill (Buffed Perk)

- It gives extra outpost capping power to gangs.

Armor Pounded (Debuff Perk)

- Durabilities are shortened and can be easily broken.

Candidate #2: Martin the Miner

Quick Reset (Buffed Perk)

- Decreases the reset time of the mine.

Gem Grinder (Buffed Perk)

- Gives higher chance of collecting gems.

Unlucky Miner (Debuffed Perk)

- Decreases the chance of lucky block spawnrate.

Candidate #3: Andy the Godfather

Gambling Party (Neutral Perk)

- Increases the rate of Token Gamblers NPC on /spawn.

Cartel Strike (Buffed Perk)

- Increases the drug buy/sell price and decreases the amount needed to get booster.

Slicin Price (Debuff Perk)

- Add taxes when creating auction in the auction house.

This candidates may not be possible but it's a unique twist that I want to see in the game.

#8 ➠ Bounty Hunters.

• The community of OP Prison are primarily PvPers as such adding bounties to the server allows them to profit and benefit from their work. Of course to balance this out, there should only be a specific limit of bounty in order to prevent abuse/exploit. In terms of money, maybe 50T max and for tokens, 150,000 tokens. This is also applicable to my last suggestion entry, candidates.

#9 ➠ Raffles entry for everyone.

• Another community based event for the players where they can buy "tickets" in a specific time to win rewards. Like a lottery system, it gives more OP Prison theme style to it.

#10 ➠ More Minesuits and pets.

• Minesuits and pets have become part of the essential things you need in prison as such, I would like to suggest more things to the them. I may have noticed that I already suggested more pets but I rarely see them get used in the server, maybe they are not really good enough.

#11 ➠ Pet Market for food/skins.

• Now this one is very unique, allow us to have a market system on the server where we can buy pet food and make pet food more essential to the player's pet instead of 6 hours everytime. It must be a challenge for players to save and use wisely their pet energy and food supply for the pet.

• As for the Skins part, this is another cosmetic thing I would like to propose to the server. Of course this must be a permanent purchase, would've been a waste if we purchase it for cosmetic but it only last in one season.

#12 ➠ More information/statistics on gang.

• Gang statistics are currently very complicated today and not really giving anything useful. So I proposed the following information that should be given.

- Former Gang Member List (with their statistics).

- Gang member's statistics (Blocks, Token, Money earned).

- Gang member's contribution via /g shop purchases.

#13 ➠ Buff Rankup Crates or Overhaul

• Rankup crates have been so obsolete for the past years, I feel like it does not serve a purpose so what I propose is to replace it with a new crate called "Pickaxe Gem Crate" where they have chances of winning different gem tier enchants.

#14 ➠ Reverting the Lucky Block Spawn Rate in donator mines.

• Mining was my main goal last season but as the economy gets inflated, seeing the numbers go up and up demotivates players from playing the game. It feels like they have already accomplished it and by just getting a top rank, you instantly get profit. This made a huge problem. We can no longer tell if the amount a player earned is duped or legit. With a huge amount of tokens/money on the economy, it's hard to believe it.

#15 ➠ Asking this once again, allow us to have Player API and Discord Integration.

• For a community server that focuses on PikaNetwork, we sometimes need information like booster announcement ingame to be announced on discord. Checking player's statistics like blocks broken, tokens, money, rank, donator rank, prestige etc.

#16 ➠ Do NOT add payouts back.

This gamemode is still not ready and very unstable when it comes to the economy as such it will just be a waste of time adding it. It will already be filled with players who will buy stuff from the store in order to win. Unfair for everybody.

Economy and Quality of life changes are very important things for OP Prison. Once an economy has been destroyed on the gamemode, it no longer becomes fun for some people.

The only solution I kept on asking is a change of balance in the server. Once it achieves this, I believe that the game will be fair, and fun for everyone. More players and more community will be built in the process of changing the gameplay of the server.

As a player with maxed rank, gkit, I can't believe how the game became bland and dull for me to play on. Without anything unique or anything special, seeing the economy just inflates make it boring. This is the main suggestion I'm trying to reach out to. I'm glad that my previous suggestion was heard by the developers and owners and decided to try balancing the economy but somehow it has only gotten worse, I'm not saying that I am not grateful for that, I am but it felt like it didn't change anything from the way it was taken. That is all for now, edits and revisions may be added in this thread.

Planning to show examples for the /tags. A preview that you can see very soon!
i really like everything here, i understand why u want to nerf autominer but i don't think it should be as drastic nice suggestion +1 from me aswell


Pika Member
Apr 5, 2021

List of OP Prison's Suggestions, Changes and Fixes

Detailed description:
Hello everyone,

Since the season has been inflated with somewhat duped money/tokens, and the economy is ruined again due to an unexpected crash ending to a rollback, I feel like it's best to reset the gamemode. As such, I have compiled a suggestion for the next reset for OP Prison. Note that some of the suggestions I am about to submit are resuggested because it feels like it will give use and has potential for players. Now without further ado, here are some suggestions.

#1 ➠ Buffing Explosive Gkit

• According to the latest season, bombs have become useless on the server. Back then, it had a use on pvp mines collecting beacons but now that beacon finder is here and it has been disabled due to performance issue on the server, I propose a rework on the Gkit specially the "Bombs". Maybe a new item we can replace bombs like Explosive Gembox where you have a chance to get (Tier 1 to 3 Explosive Gems).

#2 ➠ Focusing/Prioritizing on Cosmetics instead of new items that can affect gameplay.

• One of the reason why OP Prison has its differences among the gamemodes and the reason why it will not receive a payput is their gameplay. I propose to stop focusing on the gameplay rewards as such this inflated the economy, why not have /tags.

- Tags are cosmetic where you can show off in the chat. Similarly to the other gamemode, they are purchasable on the store. Here are some of the tags I have in mind:

[420] [UwU] [P2W] [NOOBLE] [SYN] [BERK] [RIP] [OnTop] [ThePika] [HaXoR] [CuTiE] [TryHard] [NoLife] [OP]

More tags along the way may be suggested. Some are referenced to the events that happened on OP Prison, some are random.

#3 ➠ Nerfing Autominer to the ground (in some way).

• Autominer has been a part of the reason economy is inflating. If this can no longer nerfed, I propose to have new changes on the autominer. New Upgrades as such:

- Autominer's Collect Limit: This will limit the player's collection of autominer. Acts like a capacity for autominer.

- Autominer's Time Limit: This will limit the player's use of autominer timer as it's very common to get. You can simply just put 12 days worth of time and just AFK.

- Autominer's Enchant Limit: This will be similar to the limits of the normal pickaxe. Limiting enchants to avoid the inflation.

#4 ➠ Delivery Commands.

• This will allow users to give gifts, items to the player whenever they are offline. They can access this through /delivery. For me, this is very useful as a player who has a community discord, it allows me to delivery the items I giveaway quick to the player without waiting for us to both get online.

#5 ➠ Cells and Gangs connection.

As a gang, you must have some sort of meeting place or one place you can share with your gang. This is why I made this category. You may unlock it on the /g perks with a total amount of 25 gang bucks and 50 gems unlocking the command /c setgang.

In addition to this, you should have /c setpassword for the gang cell to avoid intruders or simply strangers.

Another thing that needs to be added is logs on who interacted on the cell such as opened chest, break blocks, opened door, etc. May be impossible but worth a shot to suggest

Lastly, we want to have more accessible permission to the /c settings like allow to open specific things with a certain cell rank/role.

#6 ➠ Making ore gems accessible in other ways.

In this past season, we are introduced with minesuits and their gems to craft them but have you ever wondered how to get them. Exactly, there's only one way to get it and it's just mining with Ore Booster enchant.

Easy solution to this is to have more ways of getting gems. Maybe try making them obtainable through Mining Crate Keys.

#7 ➠ More player activity cooperation - Introduction to "Candidates".

• What I mean by this is we as a whole player on the server will be given more things that we need to do. As such maybe picking a "candidate" with a different perks.

This is very helpful as different events and things on the server can lead to a great meta grinding game. Here are some examples on what I have in mind:

In this scenario, let's say we are given a specific day to pick a "candidate" (this candidate are NPCs that make everyone's game better). As you may have noticed, I added 3 main unique things to the candidates like Buffs, Neutral, Debuffs. This makes it balanced. Perks will be sometimes randomized.

Candidate #1: Barry the Brute

Locked In (Neutral Perk)

- It gives +25% Bounty Reward (this will be explained later in the thread) to players when killing.

King of the Hill (Buffed Perk)

- It gives extra outpost capping power to gangs.

Armor Pounded (Debuff Perk)

- Durabilities are shortened and can be easily broken.

Candidate #2: Martin the Miner

Quick Reset (Buffed Perk)

- Decreases the reset time of the mine.

Gem Grinder (Buffed Perk)

- Gives higher chance of collecting gems.

Unlucky Miner (Debuffed Perk)

- Decreases the chance of lucky block spawnrate.

Candidate #3: Andy the Godfather

Gambling Party (Neutral Perk)

- Increases the rate of Token Gamblers NPC on /spawn.

Cartel Strike (Buffed Perk)

- Increases the drug buy/sell price and decreases the amount needed to get booster.

Slicin Price (Debuff Perk)

- Add taxes when creating auction in the auction house.

This candidates may not be possible but it's a unique twist that I want to see in the game.

#8 ➠ Bounty Hunters.

• The community of OP Prison are primarily PvPers as such adding bounties to the server allows them to profit and benefit from their work. Of course to balance this out, there should only be a specific limit of bounty in order to prevent abuse/exploit. In terms of money, maybe 50T max and for tokens, 150,000 tokens. This is also applicable to my last suggestion entry, candidates.

#9 ➠ Raffles entry for everyone.

• Another community based event for the players where they can buy "tickets" in a specific time to win rewards. Like a lottery system, it gives more OP Prison theme style to it.

#10 ➠ More Minesuits and pets.

• Minesuits and pets have become part of the essential things you need in prison as such, I would like to suggest more things to the them. I may have noticed that I already suggested more pets but I rarely see them get used in the server, maybe they are not really good enough.

#11 ➠ Pet Market for food/skins.

• Now this one is very unique, allow us to have a market system on the server where we can buy pet food and make pet food more essential to the player's pet instead of 6 hours everytime. It must be a challenge for players to save and use wisely their pet energy and food supply for the pet.

• As for the Skins part, this is another cosmetic thing I would like to propose to the server. Of course this must be a permanent purchase, would've been a waste if we purchase it for cosmetic but it only last in one season.

#12 ➠ More information/statistics on gang.

• Gang statistics are currently very complicated today and not really giving anything useful. So I proposed the following information that should be given.

- Former Gang Member List (with their statistics).

- Gang member's statistics (Blocks, Token, Money earned).

- Gang member's contribution via /g shop purchases.

#13 ➠ Buff Rankup Crates or Overhaul

• Rankup crates have been so obsolete for the past years, I feel like it does not serve a purpose so what I propose is to replace it with a new crate called "Pickaxe Gem Crate" where they have chances of winning different gem tier enchants.

#14 ➠ Reverting the Lucky Block Spawn Rate in donator mines.

• Mining was my main goal last season but as the economy gets inflated, seeing the numbers go up and up demotivates players from playing the game. It feels like they have already accomplished it and by just getting a top rank, you instantly get profit. This made a huge problem. We can no longer tell if the amount a player earned is duped or legit. With a huge amount of tokens/money on the economy, it's hard to believe it.

#15 ➠ Asking this once again, allow us to have Player API and Discord Integration.

• For a community server that focuses on PikaNetwork, we sometimes need information like booster announcement ingame to be announced on discord. Checking player's statistics like blocks broken, tokens, money, rank, donator rank, prestige etc.

#16 ➠ Do NOT add payouts back.

This gamemode is still not ready and very unstable when it comes to the economy as such it will just be a waste of time adding it. It will already be filled with players who will buy stuff from the store in order to win. Unfair for everybody.

Economy and Quality of life changes are very important things for OP Prison. Once an economy has been destroyed on the gamemode, it no longer becomes fun for some people.

The only solution I kept on asking is a change of balance in the server. Once it achieves this, I believe that the game will be fair, and fun for everyone. More players and more community will be built in the process of changing the gameplay of the server.

As a player with maxed rank, gkit, I can't believe how the game became bland and dull for me to play on. Without anything unique or anything special, seeing the economy just inflates make it boring. This is the main suggestion I'm trying to reach out to. I'm glad that my previous suggestion was heard by the developers and owners and decided to try balancing the economy but somehow it has only gotten worse, I'm not saying that I am not grateful for that, I am but it felt like it didn't change anything from the way it was taken. That is all for now, edits and revisions may be added in this thread.

Planning to show examples for the /tags. A preview that you can see very soon!
I like everything here, huge +1 from me !


Pika Member
May 12, 2020
i like everything but how much time it took you to write this much lol :LOL::ROFLMAO:


Great Reporter
Mar 27, 2016
Update to the tags on what they might look like for me. Hope this gets noticed again and I hope you enjoy!


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Staff Member
Jul 22, 2020

Some things you suggested have been implemented and some haven't. Thanks for your suggestion.
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